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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

@Mmsfoxxie wrote:

Congratulations, @Laura14.  Not surprised at all.  Free time?  Are you saying you quit our other job!  If so, great.  One less stressor.

Nope.  Still figuring that part out.  I just don't have any studying to do or any big test hanging over my head since March of 2017.  I just don't know what to do with myself!    

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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

@Laura14, yay!!! You did it. Way to go! That's awesome news.


@JudyL, yay that you are up and about again!!! That's awesome news, too. I wonder what the dizziness is all about. I hope it stops soon. 


Hi to a all.

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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

Good morning, all.  What a stormy night we had!  And it's supposed to be rainy all day.  As long as there is no flooding or electricity stoppage, I'm fine with the rain.  The grass needs it.


Hey, @nomless. Glad to hear from you.


Zumba and this class called BeMoved is on tap for today.  The BeMoved class is the class that I've mentioned before that is rather slow moving with a lot of broadway type music.  Seems more like a long warm up or cool down class to me but I've decided that it has its place.  All movement is good for the body.  After my high paced Zumba class, it works.


Stay dry everyone.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

Well, the car is back in the shop.  Needs a new regulator so my window for the door that got replaced will work.  First nice day and no window function.  Smiley Sad  Will the accident ever end?


Anyway, not dealing with it!  Still trying to be on my high from yesterday.  


So the gym was kind of bare today.  Stalker Adonis heeded my restraining order and didn't show. He wasn't missed.


I thought Nudie was going to make it an absent twofer but she came running in at the last minute pretty much fully dressed in her new outfit with the two shirts and minimal cutout. 


The pregnant people are multiplying though.  Haven't seen the girl who's been at it since last year but she's been replaced with a new one who looks to be about half way through.  Everyone must have had a really great time at the end of last year. 


So this instructor who is supposed to do the new release for the last time today took away my disco track!  She announced it right before the second to last track that we were not doing that one again.  I almost stomped out of the room.  How dare you take my Studio 54 away for a stupid really old one that is a hip hop guy that Bruno Mars and Chic can eat for breakfast.


My disco ball was out for nothing and I was so excited about finishing the abs track with my Travolta pose.  Some gym teachers take away all the fun.  Who knows when I'll get Bruno and my disco track back again.  She did leave in Fleetwood Mac and Pitbull but it's just not the same.  Smiley Sad  I needed some tissues and grief therapy after that.


Anyway, I am waiting for this long, long week to end so I can get some sleep and relaxation and go buy myself something really expensive and nice and just be me.  Still not sure what to do with myself without a study guide on each hip. 


@nomless  So good to see you again!


@JudyL  Glad you are well on your way to full recovery.


@DrKelli@Mmsfoxxie@bopper  I am going to get back to regular daily exercise if it kills me to catch up to you guys.  I really wish I had some of the classes you teach/attend.  My instructor announced a new bootcamp on Monday mornings. I don't enjoy ripping myself apart so I'll be skipping that one.     


Have a good Thursday all!

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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

Morning all!  It's a very rainy morning here.


@Laura14--Congratulations!  I hope now that this test is behind you, you can move forward.  I understand taking a little downtime though!


@Mmsfoxxie--it's okay to take a slower paced class during the week.  it's actually better for you to do that.


@bopper@nomless and @JudyL  hope you are all doing well.


I feel like I could have slept another 2 hours this morning.  I have Zumba today (not teaching, just a student).  This weekend, both of my neighbors and I are having the trees in our front yards removed.  They are way too big for the size of the yard--my front yard is literally 6x8 and this tree is huge.  Plus, I have no way of trimming the stupid thing because the front part of my lot is ridiculously steep.


I have another busy day today.  I had 3 things that have been sitting on my to do list forever and I finally got them done yesterday and ended up with about 40 other things that I needed to do.  Talk about banging your head on your desk.


Hope you all have a great day!

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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

Good morning everyone!  Cool, foggy day by the Bay.  Sun will come out later tho.


Got two walks in yesterday and will try and do the same today going a little bit further than yesterday.  


@Laura14 let us know what you treat yourself to this weekend!  You certainly deserve it.


@Mmsfoxxie I wish there was a gym nearby me that had good classes like yours.  


@DrKelli oh my do I understand wanting to hit your head against your desk.  LOL  I feel that way often at work.


Well I'd better go back to work on Monday cuz I need to quit shopping!  Been buying some new clothes and need to stop!  LOL  


Waving hi to @bopper and @nomless and everyone else!  Have a good day!


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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

Hey everyone, it's sunny today and not nearly as cold as it was yesterday, mid 50's.  I walked to the golf course from my house, beautiful pond with geese and ducks and just peaceful.  No golfers yet as it isn't ready to open, still cleaning the grounds.


Would like to do the trail but yesterday it was so terrible, snow, ice, mud, water....can't go there today.  


Laura please let us know what you treat yourself too, you deserve it totally!


Judy so happy to see you are about and moving, on the other side now!!


Nomless I hope your day is going okay for you, I know how much you miss Shadow and how it takes a long time to get over this, just know you are in my thoughts and prayers.


Dr.Kelli my DIL said it was raining there, but tomorrow should be nice.


Foxxie enjoy your class, I love broadway tunes!


Would like to rake but my neck wants to be sore today, I kinked it somehow.  So will find something else to do outside.


Enjoy your day!

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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

Happy Thursday!


@Laura14  We new you could do it!  Congrats!!!!!


@bopper Swamps are no bueno!  Your weather is crazy!


I almost got kayed by a female cyclist on a blind curve that happens to narrow due to water and cattails.  Good gawd she must've been doing about 20  mph....good thing I saw her and stopped.


32 min trail run done!

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.... ~ S & G
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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

@MickD  Thanks! 


And don't get me started on cyclists.  Rudest, nastiest people on the planet.   I actually saw one take out an older women in downtown Atlanta by blowing through a red light while us pedestrians were trying to cross the street.  He broke her arm and really hurt her and did not say any of the right things.  We told him to shut up and just let us take care of her.  It was kind of her moment of need.


I don't understand why they don't get that their bikes are silent and we can't hear them coming.  They just fly through pedestrian areas like that.   They scream incessantly about sharing space and being courteous.  I say them first!  Use your common sense for crying out loud.   


Makes me so mad!  Glad you were not hurt.  I had one buzz me in Central Park once.  He thought he was funny.  If he was close enough I would have ripped him off his bike and kicked him where it hurt.  Biggest turkeys on the planet.  So glad you survived! Heart   



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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

@Laura14 wrote:

@MickD  Thanks! 


And don't get me started on cyclists.  Rudest, nastiest people on the planet.     


T.h.i.s. is the reason why I don’t cycle outdoors.

For every ‘Rudist, nastiest people on the planet’ cyclist,

there twice/3x or more as many car drivers who go out

of their way to try & intimidate/hit law-abiding bicyclists.


Am I saying this poster does out of his/her way to not allow

cyclists to share the same roads?  No, but I read the anger

and strongly opinionated feeling into these ‘innocent’ words.

Painting this picture gives justification to cause harm

to those law-abiding cyclists.


Harmful is harmful.  Law breaking is law breaking.

But it seems there are more fists shaken in the air w/ a curled lip

when a cyclists does something wrong than if a car driver 

kills a family in I-30.