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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

Bopper, what great news that your dad can be alone sometimes.  And congratulations to DGD!   Have fun!


 Thanks for the info about Backjoy, Laura.


 Cardio done.  


I learned of a new show I think I'll like.  American Grit  It started in April, I think tonight is Episode 4.  It's a physical challenge / obstacle course? type show, done imn teams, with ex-Marines (or some kind of military) as trainers.  Sounds interesting.  On tonight at 8 PM Central on Fox Entertainment (not the news channel, the other one).

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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

@bopper  So glad to hear your father is doing well.  Smiley Happy


I don't care what my sleep tracker says.  I did not sleep well last night.  I kept having a dream that I quit my job and didn't know why I had all this free time.  Then I get on google and it's Sigmund Freud's birthday.  Wow, is my subconcious trying to tell me to leave for greener pastures or what?  Smiley LOL


I am thinking depending on how Boss Satan treats me today that I may go on my hike tonight after work or try and make the Pound class which I doubt I'll be able to do.  With my first weekend all to myself I might try and get everything done today and then be a bum outside of my BodyGym and pushups for two whole days.  We'll see...


Hope everyone has a great Friday!   

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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

Good Morning!  Yea, It's Friday! 


Laura - your dream cracked me up as well as your reference to Boss Satan.  Hope you get to your hike and remember to treat yourself well this weekend.


Bopper - glad to hear your Dad is doing so much better.


So proud of myself - this morning I did probably 95% of the PiYo Buns workout without resting.  Wahoo!  Still haven't lost an ounce and have been working out pretty regularly for about 6 weeks now.  I wasn't expecting a huge weight loss but a pound or two would be nice!  It's a little discouraging but I'm trying not to let it bother me too much.  I do feel improvements in other areas such as strength and my clothes feel marginally better going on.  So some improvement but I'd still like to see the scale go down a bit too! 


I'd better get going - I also have a very challenging boss - one of 5 people I work for - and she has reared her ugly head this morning.  Have a good Friday everyone!



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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

[ Edited ]

@JudyL  Don't get discouraged!  Muscle weighs more than fat which you are building.  Stay away from the scale.  You'll see the weight loss on your own in your clothes and body shape in due time.  Congratulations!  It's always a great feeling to realize you've gotten stronger.  Smiley Happy


And if I decide to call in the family and end my employment by offing Boss Satan I'll give you an opportunity to add your Boss Minionette to the list.  Smiley Tongue

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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

Happy Friday everyone, it's in the 80's here, for 1 day!  Hahah   so variable, tomorrow 60's and 30's at it is a bit hard to adjust too!   But I"ll take it!   I did get in a 3 mile walk and a little with the BodyGym while taking care of my sister is there now so I am back home.


Judy I so understand your frustration, I"m right there with ya, just do your best,,,that's what I tell myself!


Laura you are so right, muscle does weigh more than fat and takes up less room.   Muscle knows NO age!  


Our Spring Craft show is this weekend so i do want to go to that, not that I"m looking for anything but just to walk around.


Today would actually be a good bike day...maybe later I'll do a little ride.


Have a wonderful rest of your day!



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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

Bopper, enjoy your warm day and the craft show.  It will be fun to wander around and see all the cool stuff.


Judy, don't be discouraged.  Often, good changes aren't strength.  You're doing great, keep it up.


Laura, TGIF, right?  Enjoy your weekend away from work. It sounds like your job is especially frustrating.  Hang in there, try not to let it get to you.  You know you have other priorities that mean a lot more.  Good for you for putting them first and keeping your head in a happy place. 


Cardio and weights done.....and lots of errands.  I went all over town today getting things done, so now my weekend is free and clear. Hooray!


Hi to Pilates and Lucy and Tony (hey, where ya been, Tony) and Cater (we haven't heard from you either, I hope you're enjoying spring) and all our friends.  

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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

Anybody do Jazzercize?  I hadn't for years, but am taking advantage of the free classes for the month of May.  Have done 5 so far and each one has been different.


I think I may sign up. 

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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

Hi, Isobel, welcome.  I don't Jazzercise, but a friend has done it for years.  She loves it. What a great deal to get free classes in May. Lots to sample and decide if it's for you.


I did a long cardio session today...sort of.  I did some this morning and more this afternoon.  I can't believe how hazy it's become outside this afternoon.  Apparently it's smoke from a fire in MN and possibly the Canada fire, too.

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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

Thanks nomless.  Yes I was surprised at the deal they are offering.  All of the classes I've gone to so far have been well attended too so I'm not sure why they are doing this, but I'm happy to take advantage of it.


Stay safe in the smoke.

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Registered: ‎07-11-2010

Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

Hi Everyone!  Hope you all enjoyed your Saturday.


I was with a friend this morning and she said "Judy the backside of your jeans is getting big!"  This woman is a very good friend so I didn't mind.  I was so excited tho!   She meant the jeans are getting baggy not that my backside is getting bigger.  LOL  So maybe the working out is having benefits even tho the scale is not showing anything!  Wahooo!


This afternoon I did a 25 minute Strength Interval PiYo workout.  I almost made it all the way through without a break!  YEA!  There was one part of a routine that I still can't do, just too difficult but I can do the modified version somewhat.   Legs are feeling a bit sore so thats good.  


Isobel - I haven't done Jazzercize in years but used to and really enjoyed it - even tho I'm not all that coordinated and I'm sure looked silly learning the routines.  But that was part of the fun of it for me.  I didn't care how I looked while learning the routines, it was fun no matter what I did.  How nice that they are offering all those free classes.  Check back in any time and let us know how you're doing.


Tomorrow is my rest day.  Going to DD and SIL's for brunch and then we're walking to a street fair and will spend a couple hours there.  So will at least get some walking in even if its not an exercise walk.


Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms, Aunts, Grandmoms, and those of you who are a "mom" to someone.