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Happy Sunday and where is everyone may I ask!  


I did 55 minutes of rebounding on my Cellerciser and 40 minutes on the Pilates chair.  Finished off with a stretch on the TG.


It did drop here last night.   45 degrees today....Craaaazy!


Lets end the Month of May on a Positive note this week and post!!!   Work what does work....  I know you can find something to do....  Get in the saddle and get busy!!

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Registered: ‎06-19-2010


Good Monday morning, everybody!  Mid eighties expected today....and muggy again.  Why can't it be warm without the mugginess!


I'm going to my senior cardio class today.  More for the socializing aspect than the workout, to be honest.  Just that little bit of interaction with people makes so much difference in my day.  @JudyL, I hope you have some of that in your life.


Twelve and a half pounds down.  Yayyyyy!  Slowly but surely, I'm losing some of those pandemic pounds.


Enjoy your day, everybody!

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010


Good morning all!


@Mmsfoxxie good job on the pandemic pound loss. I'm glad you are getting back to classes.  I agree that little bit of socialization does a lot of good.


Today is LaBlast class and I have 3 dance lessons this week because the competition is about a month away.


We had a really fun class on Saturday with mimosas afterwards.  Only one person was taking the yoga class after my class.  In the summer, classes definitely lose attendance because people don't want to be inside.


This weekend was pretty rainy and we were under tornado watches until 10 last night.  We're supposed to be almost 'perfect' this week!!


Hope you all have a good day!

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Hi ladies!  I did 30 minutes of a Leslie Sansone walking workout - sitting down.  According to my FitBit though my heart rate was up the whole time.  Kept those arms moving and feet moving as much as I could.  Was able to use the bands too.


Hope you all are having a good day!


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010


Move it Monday!!


@Mmsfoxxie  so proud of you!   The pounds are coming off!!  Woo hoo!!!  Keep going!!


@JudyL great workout with Leslie!!!   And keeping up the HR will keep those calories burning!


@DrKelli nice dancing work!!!   We're in the 60's now.  80 tomorrow and then in the 50's.. Rollercoaster weather.



I did about 50 minutes of I Jump Instead and I was tired...  That flexing stuff isn't a joke!  Then about 75 minutes on my Pilates chair and getting another good pump and cardio workout on that.   Took Logan for his walk.  Making bread and my Trophy muffins.


Almost out of May, what the heck!!  Haha!

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010


Good morning, all!


Now that it is lighter in the mornings, I'm getting up earlier and getting into the office early.  I really have no desire to return to a traditional office set up.


My workout was only 1/2 hour because they had internet issues on their end yesterday.  Today I have a trainer workout and a dance lesson this afternoon.  I'm going to get some deck time in instead of my LaBlast workout.


Not much else to say-  @JudyL  I'm glad you figured out a workout that would work with your boot!!


Hope you all have a good rest of your day!

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Registered: ‎07-11-2010


Hi Everyone!  Didn't exercise this morning nor at lunch so chances are not good for today. LOL  Its only 4.30 here but I can feel my energy starting to fade.


Had my MRI today.  When I first got to the hospital and was in the admitting process, I  was told that the authorization for the MRI was pending and they couldn't do it today.  I, calmly, told them that my Dr's office was told by my insurance company that I did not need an authorization for this MRI.  Well there were phone calls and delays and one thing and another.  So while I was waiting in the lobby for all this to be figured out, I called my insurance company and was told I didn't need an authorization.  Go back to the admissions office and finally get the paperwork to go to the Radiology Dept where lo and behold there in big bold black letters on their paperwork - No Auth Needed.  LOL  The Radiology Dept knew all along I didn't need it, guess it didn't make it to the Admissions Dept.  Lord be, goodness gracious.  The Receptionist was so nice about me being late and all the mix up that she made me a copy of the paperwork that said "No Auth Needed' and gave it to me just in case there is a mix-up somewhere and I get a bill from the insurance company or the hospital.


The MRI tech said the report should be at my Dr's office in 24 to 48 hours.  Keep your fingers crossed for good news.


Have a good night!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010


Triceps Tuesday here and a little more LOL


Started today with Cellercising for 30 minutes, then the Pilates Chair with Accelerated Results workout and it was good and a heavy breather.


@JudyL glad you got that mess straightened out and why is everything have to be so complicated... Good on you for being patient and calm.  Hoping and praying for good results.


@DrKelli Happy Happy Birthday to you!!!   Don't blame you for not wanting to back into an office.  I mean why would you right!

My son's BD also today, 38!


Next Monday and Tuesday I probably won't be posting just so you know.  We're heading out of town for 2 days to see "this son" work a baseball game.  It's been almost 2 years since I have seen him with the pandemic.


So I"ll make the June thread early.


Night all!

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Posts: 11,194
Registered: ‎06-19-2010


Good morning to all on this rainy wet Wednesday!


Happy birthdsy @DrKelli.  And to your son @bopper.  Glad to see you venturing out to visit him.  


Yesterday my husband told me that our neighbor invited us over to his Memorial Day get together.  Well, I'm so used to not visiting, I automatically said no thanks.  We barely know the neighbor and for me, that would be too many strangers for a first social event since March, 2020.  Besides, I don't want to be around a lot of food of unknown origins.  My first social event will probably be to Vegas in August for my granddaughter's birthday.  I've still got airfare credit from canceling my 2020 flight. 

Unless the rain is torrential, I'm going to workout at my fitness center.  Flex & Burn or some such title.  

I hope the MRI shows shows something helpful after all of that confusion @JudyL.  I had a similar situation with my bone scan last summer.....they said there was no referral.  Had to reschedule but found out that the referral was there.  I always get my mammogram and bone scan on the same date in the same facility.  Yearly for mammogram, every other year for bone scan.  Your frustration must have been a ten.


Have a great day, all.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Posts: 4,745
Registered: ‎03-10-2010


Good morning all!


@Mmsfoxxie  and @bopper thank you for the birthday wishes!  I'm glad to know I have another birthday twin @bopper .  My favorite weatherman in Denver is also May 25 and one of my former zumba classmates is also on the 25th.


I need to get back to a daily workout.  I'm feeling rather fat.  But it's starting to get hot in the afternoons, so that isn't fun to have a workout.  I feel like I've kind of slacked off of work for a long time, but have been better lately.


I put on my new dress and danced in it last night--it is a BIG dress, but I guess I did okay.  It's been a long time since I've danced the regular ballroom round, so I'm glad I did it.  Competition  is about 3 weeks away, so I've increased my dance lessons to 3 a week.


I'm taking Friday off so  this is my Friday eve!    I hear it's supposed to rain all weekend boo.


Hope you all have a great day!!