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Hi everyone!  I completely forgot to check in.


Had a good dance lesson last night and haven't done anything yet today. I'm in between meetings and I wanted to go sit on my deck, but the lawn mower hasn't been here yet and I don't want to get out there and get situated and then have to come back in.  They're normally here by now and I go into my next meeting at 12:30.  After that meeting, I have to run to the store to get my prescription and pick up some OJ and muffins for after class on Saturday.  That's right--after exercising, we are having mimosas and muffins.  Because that's how I roll on pre-birthday weekend.


I need to go through my playlist for class, so that will probably be my workout for today and tomorrow.


It's a really nice day here.  I've got the windows open to get some fresh air in here.  That's what I love most about spring and fall--it's still relatively cool and I don't have to close up everything so the air conditioner works.


Have a good rest of the day--the weekend is almost here!!

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Good morning, all!


I'm following my own post today!  We have another lovely day here.  I can't wait until I get done with my next meeting at 10:30 and then I'm going outside to Conference Room B for an hour.  This week has worn me out.


I'm teaching LaBlast this weekend so I definitely need to listen to the playlist. Yes, I'm that lazy.


I have a dance lesson today, so that will be my technical workout.  I  need to get back with the program.


Hope you all have a good weekend!!

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I also wanted to acknowledge our 'missing' posters.  I hope @Laura14 is okay!


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Hi, all.  It was muggy yesterday and it's muggy today.  I'm resisting turning on the AC.  So far, the ceiling fans are enough.


Yeah I think of @Laura14 a lot.  She did hint that she would be off boards for a while so I'm not overly worried.  Sometimes these boards can get to you.


Yesterday, I did an online walk video for 45 minutes.  Wednesday, I went to my fitness center and the cardio instructor for that class wasn't there.  So this slender but buff guy walks in and said our instructor had and emergency and he was asked at the spur of the moment to take over.  Oh, and by the way it was now going to be a kickboxing class.  A couple of people left and I thought about it but stayed.  Other than modifying the kicks, I thought it was a good class.  Definitely good  upper body work.  I left about ten minutes early only because he said to get on the floor for ab work.  When he saw about three people leaving he said use a chair to modify.  Well, since I was already approaching the door, I kept going, lol.


Have a great day everyone!





“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Hey, @JudyL, was that you thinking about getting a refrigerator last year?  Specifically, LG brand.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Hey all!   Super muggy here, not a fan at all and the temp is about 70.   We put the window AC unit in but hubby is always freezing and shuts if off.   We are battling constantly about it.   


I did Pilates chair this morning and my rebounder.   Got groceries and then took Logan to his grooming appt.    He does not like to be groomed and they muzzle him.   I don't blame them though he tries to ****** at me if I brush him too.


Laura was getting ready to move or remodel or something like that so she said a while ago.   I know she's busy.


@Mmsfoxxie  I laughed when you said approaching the door haha..  and See ya!!!!!!!!   Kickboxing is hard cardio.   


It's such a bla day here, overcast and not a breath of a breeze, wet, misty and humid and BUGGY!


Guess I'll start dinner....  Enjoy your night!

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Hi Everyone!  Haven't checked in because, well, I've been feeling anxious, stressed, & depressed.  It something I have to deal with at times and most of the time I do fine but occasionally it gets the better of me.  Have lots going on right now so think thats why I'm feeling overwhelmed.  Feeling a bit better today.  Still having ankle issues so can't really work out much.  MRI is on Tuesday.


I also think about Laura quite a bit and hope she is ok.  I don't remember her ever being gone this long.  @Laura14 hope you check in soon!


@Mmsfoxxie it was actually 2 years ago that I needed a new frig and I got a Samsung.  Its been fine and would probably buy this brand again if needed.


Haven't  been doing any workouts - not even sitting in a chair.  Motivation has left the building and I can't seem to get it back.  Can't even go for a simple walk either cuz of my ankle.  Once the MRI is done and they can see what the issue is, I sure hope this all changes.  


Weather is supposed to be nice this weekend!  Hope you all enjoy yours.

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Was just watching QVC this morning and guess who was on Saturday Morning Q?!  The Body Blade guy!  Haven't seen him in years.  He still looked the same and said he is now 71.  What a flashback to old QVC times to see him on the air again. 


I used to have one of those.  Don't now so must have donated it at some point.  Does anyone else have it or had it at some point?



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Afternoon, everyone.  Looks like a beautiful day while I'm sitting here at the kitchen table looking out the back door.


Didn't go to my Zumba class this morning because I couldn't get the enthusiam to go.  @JudyL, I'm like you....didn't even try chair exercises.


@JudyLhard to believe it was two years ago we were discussing refrigerators.  I thought you mentioned LG Insta Door.  There is no refrigerator that I've been researching that has really good reviews.  My sister bought a side by side Insta Door  last summer and hasn't had any issues so we went last Sunday after looking at several, bought the french door Insta Door.  We're not going to hook up the ice maker though which is usually what people have a problem with.


Depression is difficult to shake.  Hubby has it and I have to be very careful with how I say things to him.  He has PTSD....Vietnam, shot two different times.  I hope you get better soon, Judy.  I think talking about it helps.


Hoping your ankle gets better, too.  Some people think that losing your looks is the worst part of growing older.  Actually it's experiencing the body breaking down that's the worst, IMO.  Take care.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010


Saturday Sweat Fest Day!    Today I did 55 minutes on the Cellerciser with David Hall the creater of it.   Then 25 minutes on the Pilates Chair which I purchased another one last night so I have 2.   One upstairs and one downstairs....The chair is a great workout.  I was like " whoa" I was breathing hard and sweating.   It was on MP on FB and was 50$ with 7 dvd's, the tall handles and in perfect condition.   I was stoked!


@JudyL  so sorry you are feeling blue!   We all get this way, I have anxiety issues also and sometimes it does get the best of you .   Deep breathing maybe and meditation and prayer.  


It's very warm here today and very humid.  Just said to hubby we can't do much outside today.   Such a waste of a day...  We did go to the nursery and I used my GC and bought 2 hanging plants for the front of the house.  I needed shade plants and they were quite pick over.   I was disappointed. 


Tomorrow they are saying a 40 degree drop.   Seriously that's a big drop but like I said today is to hot and to humid!


Take care everyone!