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Vitamin D supplement dosage amounts

The multi-vitamin I take has 2000 IU's, so that is how much I am currently taking daily. 

My 35 year old nephew was sick with Covid several weeks ago and his doctor (in Florida) upped his daily dosage to 4000 IU's. 


At my doctor's appointment Friday I asked  my doc about it (lol which by the way, caused him to add that to my list of labs I have to have done). He said, in his opinion, it's not a bad idea for me to take 4000 IU's a day but he wouldn't go over that. I do have some family history of vitamin D deficiency, and I'm sure he based some of this opinion on that. 

For the record he is a believer in the theory that research is going to prove that vitamin D plays a significant role in helping deal with Covid. He doesn't believe there's been enough research yet for that to be a hard and fast rule, he was just sharing his thoughts while we were talking.


Do any of you here take more than 2000 IU's a day? I'm curious now to see what my labs are going to show. If this was a typical summer I would not be as concerned because I'd be outside, A LOT. This has not been a typical summer. 

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Re: Vitamin D supplement dosage amounts

Take 2000 IUs of vitamin D daily for years. No problems. It seems to stay at the same level each year my blood work is done. Taking too much is a problem. As with everything, moderation and follow your MD's advice.

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Re: Vitamin D supplement dosage amounts

Hi Sun Sprite (cute name!),


While I was being treated for cancer, my doctor had me taking 4,000 IU per day.  I did that for 4 years.  Now that I am in the Survivorship Program, I am taking 2,000 IU per day.





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Re: Vitamin D supplement dosage amounts

@SunSprite I have been taking 2500 mgs Vitamin D plus what's in my multivitamin. My doctor (who checks my labs annually) says that you cannot take too much Vitamin D.  I am very fair skinned and except for walking our dog daily I am never in the sun.  Plus in the Pacific NW we don't have sunshine year round like other states.

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Re: Vitamin D supplement dosage amounts

I take a 50,000 IU/week prescription Vit D + 4,000/day OTC except on the day that I take the prescription, but that is only under doctor supervision and yearly testing.  


Normally, when a doctor puts someone on the high dose Vit. D they will only do it for only 3 months.  However, we found out that stopping it after 3 months even with supplementing with the 4k every day I was losing it and getting extreme fatigue.  Maybe it's my thyroid condition, IDK.


Do remember that if you are taking calcium supplements, they almost all have add D too.  If I take calcium, which I'm taking a break from right now, I take a powdered form that doesn't have the added D and I mix it with Magnesium Glycinate and K2 to get the best absorption for my bones.  But, I really swear by Bamboo Extract for my bones. 

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Re: Vitamin D supplement dosage amounts

@LuvmyLab wrote:

@SunSprite I have been taking 2500 mgs Vitamin D plus what's in my multivitamin. My doctor (who checks my labs annually) says that you cannot take too much Vitamin D.  I am very fair skinned and except for walking our dog daily I am never in the sun.  Plus in the Pacific NW we don't have sunshine year round like other states.

@LuvmyLab Your doctor is wrong.

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Re: Vitamin D supplement dosage amounts

i take one 50,000 units once a month per my NP.

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Re: Vitamin D supplement dosage amounts

I take 5000 units daily. My PCP  monitors my levels every time I have blood  taken. Every 3-4 months. They are always within the normal ranges with the supplement.

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Re: Vitamin D supplement dosage amounts

When I lived in the Chicago area, my levels were very low, and my doctor recommend I take 5000 IU of vitamin D daily. I did this for several years. I had new blood work every 3 to 6 months because I am diabetic. I moved to south Florida in 2018 and have been told to stop taking the supplements. With the Florida sunshine, I am no longer vitamin D deficient.

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Re: Vitamin D supplement dosage amounts

There really isn't a OSFA dosage for VD. Having your level checked periodically will help you determine how much to take. Your health status, your diet and your environment all play a part on your individual requirement of VD. The vitamin levels in your blood should not exceed a certain amount b/c that can lead to other medical issues. You can take too much.


I had to increase my dose from 2000 to 5000 daily b/c I had covid which has damaged my kidneys plus I have other medical conditions which effect all of my vitamin levels.