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Re: Vitamin D supplement dosage amounts

Hi @SunSprite ,


Since you're asking others what they do, I'm under a doctor's care. too.


He'll check for certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and then he'll have you take an additional supplement if he thinks that it's necessary.


My Vitamin D levels when first checked were found to be very low.


I live in Wisconsin. We don't get the strong sun here like those farther south of us do.


I have been able to increase my Vitamin D levels by taking an over-the-counter Vitamin D3 supplement, recommended by my doctor.


I take 5,000 IUs of Vit. D3 daily, once a day. every day, and I have been doing that for several years now.


It took some time, but my levels are now in the normal range. 


I also see my PCP a couple of times a year--at least twice a year, but I'm going back to seeing him every 3 months due to changes in my chronic health issues.


He has me go for blood work before each visit with him. 


Sometimes he varies the type of blood work that he wants tested before each visit, since I'll be seeing him more often.


For example, he might check one level of one thing at one 3 month visit, and then check another level of something at the next one, so not everything is being tested again at every 3 month visit, unless it's something that he is carefully monitoring.

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Re: Vitamin D supplement dosage amounts

@SeaMaiden wrote:

I have been taking 5000 IU a day for probably 20 years.  My blood work shows my D levels to be good. 

I do the same.  I've read studies that mention having good Vit. D levels to help prevent or lessen illnesses such as viruses.

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Re: Vitamin D supplement dosage amounts

I dont want to blow everybody's minds, but I take 250,000 IU's per DAY!


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Re: Vitamin D supplement dosage amounts

@Mothertrucker wrote:

I dont want to blow everybody's minds, but I take 250,000 IU's per DAY!





Doesn't blow my mind. Just Y ?





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Re: Vitamin D supplement dosage amounts

@SilleeMee wrote:

There really isn't a OSFA dosage for VD. Having your level checked periodically will help you determine how much to take. Your health status, your diet and your environment all play a part on your individual requirement of VD. The vitamin levels in your blood should not exceed a certain amount b/c that can lead to other medical issues. You can take too much.


I had to increase my dose from 2000 to 5000 daily b/c I had covid which has damaged my kidneys plus I have other medical conditions which effect all of my vitamin levels.


I have wanted to ask how you are doing, what do they say about your kidneys?

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Vitamin D supplement dosage amounts


I'm doing better. My kidneys had micro-clots and I was put on dialysis several times while I was in the hospital. On top of that the scleroderma made high bp in my kidneys and now I have permanent blood vessel damage there. I've been going to get my blood tests done weekly and so far I do not need dialysis right now. But things can change quickly, my doctors tell me. I also have to go and have a breathing test (PFT -  pulmonary function test) to check my lungs which also got micro-clots on top of scleroderma issues with my lungs. I was on oxygen forever. They gave me a steroid inhaler, a blood thinner and I'm on two different bp meds including that inhaler now. My doctors were very concerned about my heart, too. I already have a valve problem from scleroderma so the covid micro-blood clots was a big threat but the blood thinner helped with that part.


thanks for asking.Woman Happy

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Re: Vitamin D supplement dosage amounts

I wasn't sure if  it was okay to ask, i will pray for you, i really do care,it is like i know you ,but that may sound silly ,any how ,you are in my thoughts.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Vitamin D supplement dosage amounts

Thank you. Heart @goldensrbest  You're very kind. I think about your Spirit often and I hope things are getting easier for you...I know deeply how difficult it is.

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Re: Vitamin D supplement dosage amounts

I think about you too, @SilleeMee .


I especially wonder how you're doing when I read your posts on the forum.


I am so sorry that you've been so very ill. 


I'm so glad to see that you're doing better, and that you're under great medical care, too. Heart


There's thinking that I might have had Covid-19 either in Feb. and again in March, before we had any testing available to us, and before we had mask-wearing happening.


I have been using a combo. inhaler since March, too. My lungs are still rather sensitive to chemicals, fumes, etc. 


I have mild asthma, and it was rough while I was sick.


Continuing to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Heart


I appreciate the knowledge that you share here on the forum, and I appreciate your input, too. Smiley Happy




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Registered: ‎05-22-2016

Re: Vitamin D supplement dosage amounts

Thank you! @Toppers3  So sweet.Heart I'm sorry you were sick. Good thing you are better now and I hope your health keeps improving. Prayers for you also. Woman Happy