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Been dealing with this lately. Saw the doctor yesterday and I'll be doing some therapy to help get the inner ear crystals back in order. This wipes me out and wears me out. So I'm hoping I can get this corrected and things back in order. I get so sick, for days.


Anyone else here, been dealing or have dealt with this? 

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A good friend of mine was diagnosed with Meniers Disease.

She's supposed to get shots in her ear but she hates the shots.

So she suffers needlessly.


Hope you feel better soon



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I had vertigo many years ago.My doctor gave me a medication called Antivert.It worked & never came back. I remember how rough it was for the week that I had it. Good luck to you.

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Yes, and it's horrible.  I get clammy with it and throw up and don't wish this on anyone.  


Mine started after a serious fall in 2010.  I had a concussion and three brain bleeds and required hospitalization.  I ended up with slightly impaired balance and an injured nerve in my neck and found if I turned my head hard to the right and held it and then to the left it would feel good but that seemed to trigger these vertigo events.  I can stand a lot of things but having the room spin is not one of them!


It seems to be (for me) a reaction to something I'm doing to my neck.  I've tried all kinds of pillows, have conciously stopped torking my neck to each side and it seems to have stopped for quite a while.   


My very best to you and hope you're able to resolve it... 

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Over the years (beginning in late 70s) I've had occasional bouts of what doctor has called "brnign positional vertigo."    Doctor gave me some meclizine and it cleared up.aftere a few days.    


The first time was scary ... I had no idea what was wrong.  My husband took me to the emergency room thinking I had a stroke or something!  


I've seen several different doctors over the years - none of them seem that concerned about it..  Now - it only happens every few years, lasts a couple of days and then is over.


ETA:  Almost forgot - I was advised not to have my hair washed at the salon if they use those chairs where you sit with the back of your neck over the sink ledge.   I wash my hair at home before going to the salon.



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Has anyone told you about the Epley Maneuver?  My doctor says this is very effective.  I've never had a vertigo spell since I learned about it, so I haven't tried it but it's simple enough to try. 



New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I also have occasional episodes with vertigo. When I first noticed it I went to an ear specialist and they did a lengthy test to make sure it wasn't anything serious.  Mine seems to be mostly positional.  The doctor gave me the instructions for the Epley maneuver and it really does work. 

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@Kachina624, Yes, thanks, I have looked at that on line. After I see a therapist, that may be part of the healing, thanks.

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@Kachina624 I was hoping someone would mention the Epley Maneuver! I've done this several times and always suggest at least trying it. Cindy

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