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Re: Ugh! My doctor wants me to get a Covid test

@teganslaw  Not that.  They did take out bone and sent it off because she's worried I might have bone cancer.


She did put cement into the disk to close it up from where it broke.  She didn't fuse any of it though.


What they do a lot depends on where the fracture is located.


Mine is located near the S in the spine.  It's in a place where they're limited on what they can do.


I went back to my other back Dr and he shot my back full of steroids trying to 'calm' the nerves.


Nothing helped.  I can barely stay on my feet for very long at a time.


Remember I had back trouble BEFORE I broke my back.  It was bad but not anywhere as bad as it is now.


I go back in about a week and half to tell him how I feel...(what a joke).


These are a huge group of Drs.  They each do different things.  The Dr who started the group used to be my Dr and he now does stem cell work.


I think I'm about ready to have him try it on my back as my quality of life isn't good at this time.


I know insurance doesn't pay for it and it easily runs into $10,000 or more but at this point it's worth any amount of money.


I'm glad your husband was helped, I wish it had helped my pain.  Back pain is terrible.

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Re: Ugh! My doctor wants me to get a Covid test

Back pain is the worst! When this all started, my husband was in so much pain that he couldn't walk, had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance. Things have improved since then. 


Annabelle, I hope that you can find some treatment that works. Keep looking at different alternatives, one shouldn't have to live like this.

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Re: Ugh! My doctor wants me to get a Covid test

At least in NY state,  ALL medical procedures require a Covid test first and I think that is very smart!!!

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Re: Ugh! My doctor wants me to get a Covid test

I had the nasal swab. I'm not going to lie, it wasn't pleasant but it was over very quickly. I couldn't help but back up when she was putting that thing up my nose, and I apologized afterward. 


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Re: Ugh! My doctor wants me to get a Covid test

[ Edited ]

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

@BalletBabe wrote:

Sorry no way are they giving me that test or are they going to force a vaccine on me.  

@BalletBabe, that is your choice but then you won't be able to have procedures done if need be.  I don't know of any facility that is allowing any medical procedures to be done without a Covid test.  Even women giving birth have to have one done prior.  


@wildcat fan, I'm guessing how uncomfortable or painful this test is depends on your pain tolerance and who does the test.  I know people who have gotten the nasal swab at a drive up facility and they barely swabbed into the nose.  I know others who got it done and said it was painful, some said mildly uncomfortable.  

Sorry,  I am not on here a lot.  I have actually had eyelid surgery and am going in for a second laser surgery.   I told them up front that I will not wear a mask when laying down, and I will not do the test if it was required.  They had no problem with that because I have been around very few people and had a temp check and it went fine.  I was allowed to also remove the mask once I got into the surgery unit.  I did not go to a hospital,  but a day surgery center.  That might be why.   


I had a friend that had the test in Pa. and said it was horrible.  Her sinuses burned horribly and then she had a migraine for days after.  Unless I have symptoms, or know I have been exposed.  I will never agree to it.   

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Re: Ugh! My doctor wants me to get a Covid test

I had a test yesterday. I kept expecting it to be painful. It was not. I know people have different levels of pain tolerance but I didn't think it was painful. Flu swabs have hurt worse. I told friends my experience and it calmed them down as they were extremely nervous.
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Re: Ugh! My doctor wants me to get a Covid test

A quick word of advice, don't overreact to whatever the test shows. There seem to be a larger than ideal number of false positive tests. The Phillies recently had two clubhouse guys test positive, but follow-up tests showed they were false positives. 

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Re: Ugh! My doctor wants me to get a Covid test

[ Edited ]

According to this doctor, false positives are very rare.


But false positive test results — meaning a result that incorrectly reports the subject is infected with COVID-19 — are so rare that they approach a 0% rate, said state epidemiologist Dr. Benjamin Chan.

“We have not seen any significant reports of false positives,” Chan told the New Hampshire Union Leader. “We don’t think that is likely to happen; it’s not common at all.”


And unless there have been confirmed results regarding the Phillies, I found this on ESPN:


The Philadelphia Phillies are optimistic that their last two positive COVID-19 tests -- from a coach and clubhouse attendant -- were false positives, Major League Baseball announced Saturday.


Being optimistic that the tests are a false positive and the tests actually being false positives are very different.



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Re: Ugh! My doctor wants me to get a Covid test

@wildcat fan   Have you had your Covid test done yet?  How did it go?

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Re: Ugh! My doctor wants me to get a Covid test

@tends2dogs wrote:

@wildcat fan   Have you had your Covid test done yet?  How did it go?

@tends2dogs Thanks for checking in with me.  😊 I'm scheduled to go next week.  I asked what type of test it will be (blood or nasal swab?) and I was told it would be a nasal swab. Still not looking forward to it.  🤣