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Have you had TKR surgery? Can you tell me about your experience, good and bad? How well you're doing now as far as pain, ability to exercise, any tips for recovery, PT, pre surgery exercises, equipment needed. Really anything that you think would be helpful. I'm facing TKR in both knees, been putting it off for a long time but I'm really getting tired of being in pain and limited in activity. I'd really appreciate any advise!

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Hi @Summer Shine 


I moved and older thread here so you could read a whole lot about other's experiences with TKR.





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I had TKR in my left knee 3.5 years ago.  Post surgery pain was quite bad, but I had adequate pain medication.  I went to PT many times after it - painful but it ultimately helped.  Strangest thing... after about 2.5 years the knee all of a sudden began to lock.  And it locked many times a day for several weeks and then all of a sudden it stopped locking.  I have NO clue what that was about.


I've heard some people say, years after surgery, that they don't even remember which knee it was.  LOL  I don't think that day will ever come for me.  It still feels "different" but not painful.  Even the post surgery pain was not the same kind of pain as before surgery - more tolerable.  That's just my experience and I know there are many people who have had better experiences than mine.  If I had it to do over?  I'd do it again because, as I said, the post surgery pain was not as bad as the pre surgery pain.  (PS:  I'm now 71.)

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Thanks for the reply hckynut but I don't understand what you mean.

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Spent2much ( love your nic! ) So glad to hear hear your pain is better. I need both knees replaced, recovery would be terrible but wish I could have both done at same time, the thought of going through that surgery twice, ugh!

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I had my first knee done at age 57 in 2012 when I was still working at the hospital.   I had a good surgery experience and did my PT there as well.  I healed well, and recovered my bend and flex measurements quickly, but the surgeon insisted I do all of the PT sessions approved by my insurance.  I returned to my office job days shy of 3 full months.   I have no pain or discomfort in that knee.   


My second knee surgery was done in late 2017.   I had a good hospital experience the 2nd time around as well; quite a few changes including group PT 2x a day the morning after surgery.   Surgery was Wed. and I came home on Fri.   Again, my insurance covered the home use of a CPM for 2 weeks, which is essential in helping achieve bend and flex measurements.   


My first incision was closed with staples, and I expected that with the second surgery.  However, my surgeon closed the upper layers with glue.   When I saw my surgeon on day 15, the tape was pulled off to reveal a 4” gaping wound above my knee where the glue did not hold! 


I was given 2 choices; have surgery to clean and close the wound, or come home and heal it on my own.  I was on target with my bend and flex measurements after 9 PT sessions, so I stopped therapy and focused on healing my open wound.  I did not leave my house from Nov. 21st until Feb. 15th, when my wound was totally closed.   Both times I was using a cane after 2 weeks.


My knees feel, and work great; no pain or discomfort whatsoever.   Wrap your head around the fact there will be 2-3 weeks of serious pain and discomfort, but the more you move, the more you realize those are healing pains, and each day gets a little better.   


If you don't have raised or higher height toilets, get a seat adapter to make toileting easier.   Make sure you can access your shower easily, as you will not be able to bend your knee easily until the second week.  You will be taught how to lift your leg in the hospital with a length of gauze or rope, which is how you will get yourself in a car to go home.   Someone will need to help you at home.  If they help you get into bed, at night, or to exercise on the CPM, please be sure they understand that if they are helping lift your leg, they must hold it the entire time, until you are in position, and ready for it to be placed on the bed.  


Do whatever you can to make life easier at home.   No throw rugs on your floors.  Easy to prepare foods.  Have sturdy shoes and comfortable pull on capris or shorts for PT.   I also suggest you have your iron, and Vit B12 and D checked before surgery; mine was not, my levels bottomed out after the first surgery which added a slight complication to my recovery.   I was better prepared the 2nd time around.   


I hope to never need either knee re-done, as I’m not sure I could or would repeat the experience!

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Had TKR in January.  Unlike many people who I know that had the surgery I did not have   terrible pain following the surgery discomfort yes, pain no.  Just went for my 6 month checkup and Doctor tells me I have 100% range of motion.  I waited too long.  Just turned 81 and although I have arthritis I will say my knee is great.  Good luck!  You won't be sorry.

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Re: Total Knee Replacement

[ Edited ]

@Summer Shine 


There is a thread right above, or right below this one. It is titled: "Well, I'm thinking about knee replacement", or pretty close to that title. It's author is @qualitygal. Lots of stories there.





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Registered: ‎08-30-2010

My mother has had both knees replaced. The first was 15 yrs ago and then the second was 8-9 months later. I know that it hurt but there was rehab and it was like night and day for her. She used to be in so much pain and even now as a woman in her later 80's she is glad that she did it --only wish she had done it earlier. 

She has had other very serious heart health issues since but as a result of the tkr she lost weight and was able to enjoy walking and doing things with her husband, children and grandchildren. (my father has since passed--2/ 1/2 yrs ago and she was able to stand at the service).

I wish you all the best.

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Total Knee Replacement

[ Edited ]

Best decision I ever made.  I had my first TKR done in 2012 and stayed in the hospital 3 days and that included the day of surgery.  Surgery was 8AM and the nurses had me up walking in my room that afternoon.  By the next day, I was walking the hospital hallway and the nurses had me climb up and then down a wooden stair thing they use in PT.  If you have stairs in your house, they want you to be able use them.  


I had a CPM machine when I came home from the hospital and it would help to bend the knee comfortably.  Your surgeon will give you something for pain and I can honestly say I did not have a bad or painful time recuperating.  I had PT come to the house for the first few weeks, then the doctor ordered outside PT which helped even more.  I had full range of motion within 4 weeks and since it was my left knee was allowed to drive.  


The second TKR I had was the following year in 2013.  That experience was the same as my first and the only regret I have is that I should have had both surgeries sooner.  I suffered in pain too many years before deciding I had to have the surgery.  Both surgeries were a complete success with my gaining 100% motion.  To be honest, I can't tell the difference between these knees now and when I had good knees when I was younger.


My advice to you...find the best knee surgeon.  Don't be afraid to ask how many TKR he/she's successfully done.  When you have the surgery, ice is your friend the first few weeks.  Do all the PT and don't get lazy about it.  Your knee will respond and you will never regret it.  


It's been seven years since my last TKR and I can do everything now...with no pain, no regrets...


Good luck...please come back and update us.

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