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Re: Tooth Extraction…O-VAH!🏆

@Puggywuggy @cheriere @MalibuFox @ECBG @Shelbelle 


Beginnng last Nov, I have had the feeling of extreme fullness above m eyes...

did not know what to say if I went to my doctor

each morning I was coughing excessively without making the situation better 

I was also SO TIRED that I could not even walk up one flight of stairs.

As soon as I started antibiotics in preparation for the tooth procedure,

all of those symptoms went away!

Maybe it's my imagination, but I all ready feel more like myself!

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Re: Tooth Extraction…O-VAH!🏆

My DH and I each have had several implants.  I would advise anyone to wait until your gum is very well healed after an extraction.  Then a post is put in, and after some time our family dentist makes a crown.


Yes, it is expensive. Yes, we are grateful we can do this.  But we consider this an important part of our health.  We have always tried to take care of our teeth, but nothing lasts forever.






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Re: Tooth Extraction…O-VAH!🏆

My periodontist didn't have me rinse with salt water at all when I had my two front teeth extracted. They put a flipper in immediately and I didn't take it out except to brush my teeth until he evaluated it the next week. I had a bad infection in one tooth and did take antibiotics. It healed quickly and painlessly. I went last week and they X-rayed the site and I am ready to have the posts put in the end of this month. 

I think it is all according to the condition of your gums and the healing process for each extraction. I had another implant recently in the back of my mouth and it took a lot longer to heal.


I am glad it went well for you! You are doing the right thing following your drs. Instructions. Best of luck that the rest of the procedures goes smoothly for you.

Posts: 49
Registered: ‎02-28-2011

Re: Tooth Extraction…O-VAH!🏆

I had 2 baby removed in the fall of 2020 when I started having tooth pain in one of them.  I had to have one out and decided to do both. I opted to get two implants.  The one on the "bad side" required a bone graft.  Overall was a good decision.  Here was a case of dental work because I somehow managed to keep two teeth that were designed to last 10 years for 40...

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Re: Tooth Extraction…O-VAH!🏆

@LTT1 wrote:

@Puggywuggy @cheriere @MalibuFox @ECBG @Shelbelle 


Beginnng last Nov, I have had the feeling of extreme fullness above m eyes...

did not know what to say if I went to my doctor

each morning I was coughing excessively without making the situation better 

I was also SO TIRED that I could not even walk up one flight of stairs.

As soon as I started antibiotics in preparation for the tooth procedure,

all of those symptoms went away!

Maybe it's my imagination, but I all ready feel more like myself!



You've just described an infection in your olifactory and nasal cavities! No wonder you were given antibiotics prior to the actual procedure. I'm not sure any oral surgeon would do the work until those infections were gone. Didn't he/she take x-rays and notice it?

My DDS has updated his x-ray machines to go 360* around my head! It takes pictures of everything. No longer do we have to "watch" an area. It's certainly worth the extra cost added to my teeth cleaning bills. 

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Re: Tooth Extraction…O-VAH!🏆

@LTT1 wrote:

@Puggywuggy @cheriere @MalibuFox @ECBG @Shelbelle 


Beginnng last Nov, I have had the feeling of extreme fullness above m eyes...

did not know what to say if I went to my doctor

each morning I was coughing excessively without making the situation better 

I was also SO TIRED that I could not even walk up one flight of stairs.

As soon as I started antibiotics in preparation for the tooth procedure,

all of those symptoms went away!

Maybe it's my imagination, but I all ready feel more like myself!

I know just the terrible feeling you described.  I'm having it now.   One of the teeth I'm getting an implant for has been badly infected for some time.  I've already taken multiple rounds of antibiotics in the past.  It seemed to go least no more tooth pain and swelling.  However, the infection was still there because I still felt exhausted and sickly in general.

This morning, I called my regular dentist to remind him I needed another round of the antibiotics.  When I woke up, the tooth was sore, gums inflamed, even the left side of my nose is sore.  I'll have to wait til morning to pick them up though because they usually don't send them to the pharmacy until the end of the day.  I sure hope they don't forget.


I'm really glad you're feeling better.  I'll bet it will make a tremendous difference in your overall health.😃❤️❤️