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Tips on dealing with MENOPAUSE and husbands

{#emotions_dlg.bored}{#emotions_dlg.blink}{#emotions_dlg.unsure} Any advice or tips ladies? I'll take anything here. How to deal with husbands and explain things so they understand what we're going through? How to be more communicative with them perhaps? How to stay sane while we deal with symptoms? Tips that have worked for you? Thank you ladies.

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Re: Tips on dealing with MENOPAUSE and husbands

Nothing will help them "get it", short of making them wear a coat in summer followed by pouring ice-water on them. {#emotions_dlg.devil2} If he uses the computer, send him a link to Web Md or another site where they explain it - but it won't help. They don't understand what they don't want to.

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Re: Tips on dealing with MENOPAUSE and husbands

I'm 53. My last period was in June (went from normal monthly to just stopping dead). I haven't had any other symptoms. I don't have anything to explain

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Re: Tips on dealing with MENOPAUSE and husbands

That's like explaining your car's malfunction to a mechanic who's never driven a car.

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Re: Tips on dealing with MENOPAUSE and husbands

I took hormone pills. I have similar issues but it's caused by my Thyroid (just had the whole thing removed).

Even when I didn't have an excuse sometimes I'd feel like my head was going to explode!

My late husband would look at me and eventually he'd say, "Ok, are you finished?" I tend to go bonkers over anything/everything.

I'd look at him and start laughing. When he died on the way home from the hospital I told my girls, "You guys are going to see another side of me. Dad was the 'gate keeper'.

Now the joke is, "Dad, we need some help down here."

No man will really get it. I'm telling you, honey. You go right ahead and send him every link in the world. Number one, he'll be bored and not read it. Number two, unless his pe*n,is is put in a waffle maker, he'll never get it.

If you can find a way to use the above mentioned object (maybe a show and tell) to make him understand what your body is going through, perhaps he'll maybe (probably not) get your 'issues'.

Good luck honey and please keep us informed. I have 3 daughters (41, 39 and 34) who will be entering it. I also have 5 granddaughters. The little ones are already complaining about their brothers. See, it starts early. I'm telling you, you are working against nature if you think a male will EVER understand.

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Re: Tips on dealing with MENOPAUSE and husbands

I have no symptoms and have not had a period in 3 months. My friend has a flooding epsoide every two weeks. I hate that for her, I agree go to web md to explain it.
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Re: Tips on dealing with MENOPAUSE and husbands

Women do not talk about menopause much, except for the hot flashes. The hormones that make you a sensual woman are no longer being produced. Your ability to naturally reproduce is over. The effects of these changes are VERY hard on some women, some breeze through it.

There is not a lot of specific information about menopause. I will be 10 years into menopause in May. Still have hot flashes, intimacy is not the same, but it is better than 5 years ago.

I find it very difficult to accept that my body is no longer young.It makes me embarrassed. I keep fit and look good, but heads no longer turn when I walk into a room. It is hard to navigate not being youthful. There is a fine line between looking good at 60 and looking foolish.

You can't turn back the clock, but you can accept what is, and count your blessings, and love your husband. He still wants you to love him. He is still attracted to YOU. It's not about how you look anymore. Don't forget that. Took me 5-6 years to figure out how important that his attraction to me is. I don't know how long until one of us will be gone, and I am not going to spend my days being miserable or worrying about the past.

Bless you and I hope this made sense.

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Re: Tips on dealing with MENOPAUSE and husbands

I guess I am blessed to have a husband to truly understand what I am going through. We have a lot of talks about things and one is going through menopause. While I have a bit of the hot flashes, I do experience mood swings at times as well. I guess open communication works best for me, he realizes it's just a stage in life we women have to go through. I feel as he does, that men seem to go through a stage in their lives as well. We've been married 36 years and we've been through a lot, I think just keeping them informed of how we feel while going through this change in our lives keeps us closer in touch with our feelings for one another.

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Re: Tips on dealing with MENOPAUSE and husbands

I was slammed into menopause way too early when our fertility clinic messed up my shot protocol and basically fried my ovaries. Within a month, I was into full-blown meno .... breasts deflated, mood swings, night sweats, hot flashes, zero more Aunt Flo.

Thankfully, my dh was always an angel, but it didn't hurt that he was also a pharmacist and even thru that mess was more than understanding.

Good thing, because we went on to do IVF via donor eggs, and just as soon as I gave birth to our next baby - BAM! All of the menopause symptoms started again immediately for another year.

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Re: Tips on dealing with MENOPAUSE and husbands

So well said Wadzlla! You nailed it!