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It's unfortunate that you chose not to seek medical help. There is an oral medication called Zovirax that lessens the severity of a shingles attack considerably but it has to be started within 3 days of the outbreak. I have little patience with those who choose to suffer needlessly. The medication worked wonders at relieving the symptoms for a close family member.

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On 1/19/2014 BlueCollarBabe said:

It's unfortunate that you chose not to seek medical help. There is an oral medication called Zovirax that lessens the severity of a shingles attack considerably but it has to be started within 3 days of the outbreak. I have little patience with those who choose to suffer needlessly. The medication worked wonders at relieving the symptoms for a close family member.

I have taken zovirax before when I had herpes. Why would I want to suffer?? I talked to my doctor, but it had been several days before I knew what was wrong. She gave me good advice.

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
-- Mae West
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Antivirals help. If shingles are on head, face or eyes go to doctor because of risk of eye damage. Antivirals only work in first days if rash. Some people never develop rash or take week for the rash to develop, making antiviral therapy difficult.
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010
On 1/19/2014 Mindy D said: Antivirals help. If shingles are on head, face or eyes go to doctor because of risk of eye damage. Antivirals only work in first days if rash. Some people never develop rash or take week for the rash to develop, making antiviral therapy difficult.

I was diagnosed on Monday with shingles, but no rash yet. The dr said to call asap after seeing even one bump. But since it's been 72hours since I was diagnosed would the anti viral meds even work at this point? My physician said the rash could appear anywhere from 1 - 7days after the pain and a friend's husband said his didn't show up for 10 days after the pain.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,628
Registered: ‎06-22-2010
On 1/23/2014 fallsnow56 said:
On 1/19/2014 Mindy D said: Antivirals help. If shingles are on head, face or eyes go to doctor because of risk of eye damage. Antivirals only work in first days if rash. Some people never develop rash or take week for the rash to develop, making antiviral therapy difficult.

I was diagnosed on Monday with shingles, but no rash yet. The dr said to call asap after seeing even one bump. But since it's been 72hours since I was diagnosed would the anti viral meds even work at this point? My physician said the rash could appear anywhere from 1 - 7days after the pain and a friend's husband said his didn't show up for 10 days after the pain.

I would get some lysine, its antiviral and has protected me against herpes, which is what the shingles rash is, a form of herpes. I am taking 2000 mg daily since I broke out 2 weeks ago. Google lysine and shingles for more info. They even have a lysine ointment or cream now!

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
-- Mae West