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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Sensitive issue regarding a coworker

You're right Jetts mom, I don't think anyone thought of that.

It is difficult though.

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Posts: 19,929
Registered: ‎12-07-2012

Re: Sensitive issue regarding a coworker

On 6/29/2014 hckynut said:

My way of doing everything is to "speak up". If she takes offense so be it. Who knows she may appreciate it. Ya got a 50-50 chance, right?

Heck I've told more than a few of my hockey players to start cleaning their hockey equipment. I also told them if they didn't they would have to dress at home or in the "john" not in any of the locker rooms.

When I was still skating as a Ref, I told them to clean them and if by the next game they had not done so? They would be "former players" in this adult league of mine.

I ain't one to hold back with anyone on anything and been that way since my high school days.
