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Sensitive issue regarding a coworker

I am an elementary school teacher and thankfully school is out and this issue is now on the back-burner until September when school starts again.. Here is the issue: A coworker apparently doesn't wear deodorant or if she does, it's certainly not working. It's hard to get within a few feet of her. Her clothes are clean and she's a very neat, nice person, with the exception of the underarm problem. No one wants to embarrass her or hurt her feelings by saying something. Is there a way of letting her know to please use deodorant. No one seems willing to say something..and I don't feel I can either. Any suggestions for this touchy subject?

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Re: Sensitive issue regarding a coworker

Your principal needs to speak up. The teacher may have an allergy to deodorants, and needs to see a doctor for help in that area if that is the case. But fellow teachers shouldn't be put in that position. Ask your principal to step up and tend to that. He/she may have to deal with that issue down the road from a parent re this teacher. JMHO

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Re: Sensitive issue regarding a coworker

Please contact your HR dept, or someone in a neutral position, that will allow you to address the issue anonymously. It will be a touchy subject to discuss no matter who brings it up , but coming from an HR person, it will lessen the awkwardness that comes up between the co-workers who interact on a regular basis.
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Re: Sensitive issue regarding a coworker

This is not an uncommon issue in organizations. If it must be addressed, your HR department would be the appropriate source to address the issue with him/her.
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Re: Sensitive issue regarding a coworker

The principal would be the best person to talk to her. When school starts again, when all the staff mtgs begin, before the kids come, your principal should talk to her.
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Re: Sensitive issue regarding a coworker

What the others said.

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Re: Sensitive issue regarding a coworker

Are you sure she doesn't have acid reflux? I am a teacher and we have had two children who have had this and they always smell of onions even though they didn't consume them. The principal or VP need to do something.
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Re: Sensitive issue regarding a coworker

I would ask the school nurse to address the problem from a medical perspective; our school nurse is great and is not afraid to approach any of us if she thinks there is an issue; she even busted one of the coaches for not brushing his teeth often enough; it is only a matter of time before a student says something to her.

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Re: Sensitive issue regarding a coworker

Thank you for the responses. Unfortunately, our principal isn't the type who would approach the subject with her, but I like the idea of the nurse. Our nurse is fantastic, like yours lovesrecess. I should have also mentioned that this person's culture, doesn't seem to recognize deodorant as a means to control underarm odor.

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Re: Sensitive issue regarding a coworker

Maybe she is one like the actress Cameron Diaz who doesn't believe in it because they think it causes cancer.

I can understand how you feel, there is a woman who works in the Rite Aid that I go to, her breath smells so bad like she doesn't brush her teeth, that I actually almost gag and throw up.