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Re: Scared- growths on upper ear lobe

You can always Google for images of cancer on ears, and see if yours matches. {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

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Re: Scared- growths on upper ear lobe

Thanks everyone, I have a appointment next week. I'm trying to keep busy so I don't dwell on this.
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Re: Scared- growths on upper ear lobe

On 4/29/2014 firestripes said: Thanks everyone, I have a appointment next week. I'm trying to keep busy so I don't dwell on this.

Please report back and let us know what they say.

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Re: Scared- growths on upper ear lobe

My appointments is for next Thursday. I will post back
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Re: Scared- growths on upper ear lobe

On 4/28/2014 dooBdoo said:

firestripes, I'm sorry you're worried and anxious.

First, remember fear and anxiety are normal emotions. Next, realize in this case they're a reaction to a bona fide need: your body's telling you to get assistance and resolve a problem. Then, take actions: make an appointment with a trusted physician and go find out exactly what's what.

Remember, knowledge and action are power. Hoping or worrying can't change what is. Right now you're dealing with the unknown and that's usually much more upsetting than reality. While you await your visit with the doctor, try to use anything that works for you to ease anxiety, whether it be deep breathing, exercise, prayer, meditation, listing to music, whatever works for you.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope you'll let us know how you are.{#emotions_dlg.wub}


You know - my Derm told me that in most (not all) cases, it's the spot or mark that looks like "nothing" that turns out to be something. The horrible looking things are usually just that!! Think positive, either way, early detection is the key - you are doing the right thing by getting in, sorry you have to wait another week??? urg!!!

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Re: Scared- growths on upper ear lobe

Try not to worry, but I understand how difficult it is. I would insist that the dermatologist remove it, biopsy it, and give you a definitive answer so you can move on. My derm always is a "wait and see" kind of guy. Now I tell him I want the spot or growth removed and biopsied. Why take chances? Indeed, it is the stuff that looks harmless that turns out to be something. I have had surprises and because it was caught early, I was able to address it without disfiguration. Just get the bumps removed and you'll stop picking at them.

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Re: Scared- growths on upper ear lobe

My primary doctor referred me to a ears nose and throat doctor. He was not sure what it was. I know have to wait for the referral to go through.
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Re: Scared- growths on upper ear lobe

On 5/8/2014 firestripes said: My primary doctor referred me to a ears nose and throat doctor. He was not sure what it was. I know have to wait for the referral to go through.

Doesn't sound like your doctor thought it was ultra serious he would have made it an urgent request. Next time, don't let something build up in your imagination until it's a major tragedy ..... just go have it checked out.

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Re: Scared- growths on upper ear lobe

Please try not to be scared..,, The fact that it is sore is a sign of inflammation or infection. I will pray that your results will be fine. Don't worry.
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Re: Scared- growths on upper ear lobe

If it is "something bad" more than likely it can be removed and you'll be fine. People have skin cancers removed every single day, and most of them cause no further problems. The lesson to be learned is not to put yourself through the anxiety of waiting again.

P.S. I had an early melanoma removed over 20 years ago and I'm fine.