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Rust on bike... advice on how to remove

Just a fast question.  I have an exercise bike that I stored in the wrong place it has rust on the body mostly in the wheel area.  It is a white bike called a Tunturi and I am about to take the plunge and actually use it.  I was told to use oil on it.  But I am not sure if that makes any sense.  I did buy a product that is supposed to remove rust, calcium and lime.  So much for that.  Not working.  

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Re: Rust on bike... advice on how to remove

If the bike is oily, the paint won't stick.  Somebody in the paint department at Lowe's, HD or a good hardware store should be able to help you.  I know Rust Oleum makes some products. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Rust on bike... advice on how to remove

Oh goodness me! I'd have to throw that sucker away! 😜

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Re: Rust on bike... advice on how to remove

Use a brillo pad on the wheels.It will work on the chrome part to clean the rust away.

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Re: Rust on bike... advice on how to remove

I wouldn't worry about a little rust on an exercise bike. Does it affect its use? I'd say no. Use it in good health!

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Rust on bike... advice on how to remove

[ Edited ]

Coca Cola got pretty bad rust marks out of a carpet for me but that's a fabric of sorts, not sure if rubbing it on a bike with a cloth would do much but worth a try if you have some.

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Re: Rust on bike... advice on how to remove

@bonnielu,   Pour Coke on it.  Did you ever hear that saying that Coke removes rust.  I would give it a try.  I am actually curious if it really works!!!

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Re: Rust on bike... advice on how to remove

[ Edited ]

BARKEEPERS FRIEND LIQUID - on the bottle says "REMOVES RUST" and it does.




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Re: Rust on bike... advice on how to remove

[ Edited ]


Try to find your local Little Bike Shop & have them fix it up.

Might be a little intimidating, but believe me...these guys LIVE

for cases like this.


It warms their heart to help a back-in-the-game rider.


ETA:  I read 'exercise bike' as 'bike for exercise'.

You have a stationary bike, yes?  My bad.

But if you do want to go outside, your LBS is the place to go! 


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Re: Rust on bike... advice on how to remove

@shaggygirland @Katcat1  gave you good advice about trying Coke.  Years ago my car battery terminals had that white buildup on them and they were not making contact with the battery.  I tried to wire brush them but my brother happened to be at my house and removed the cables and dipped them into an empty coffee can he'd poured a can of Coke.  Wow, when you see what it does to that, makes you kinda wonder what it does to our insides!