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Re: Roca Labs Non-Surgical Gastric Bypass Drink

I think the closer you can come to eating "normal" food of some sort or other, the easier it is to stay with your odifications LONG TERM. The name of this "product" is ridiculous, for starters. Surgery means surgery, so a non-surgical potion that is meant to imitate surgery. Is just the way the company thinks it can sell- no connection to truth. The eating plan they recommend would very likely result in some weight loss WITHOUT laying out big bucks for the potion. I believe that there are many different types of eating that can result in weight loss, but NONE of them rely on drinking potions. In this specific case, save the money and do more research.
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Re: Roca Labs Non-Surgical Gastric Bypass Drink

On 1/9/2015 Desertdi said:

I had coworkers who avidly followed Kevin Trudeau's diet systems. Look where he is.

That is the other serious problem. When I first started working with her, she would eat the same thing for lunch every day, a frozen dinner of a fried chicken thigh, a few tablespoons of corn and a few tablespoons of mashed potatoes. She said that she looked at the calories instead of the nutrition. She would eat 2 nutter butters for breakfast because they were less that 400 calories. She will stick with a plan when she can eat what is on it, but she doesn't eat non-starchy veggies, is a serious carnivore (her chili only contains meat, sauce, and a can of kidney beans), and rarely eats a salad, but will eat a salad if there is plenty of thousand island dressing.

I asked a question of the company to my "Personal" coach from when I filled out the profile page with my specs. (I have considerable more weight to loose than her, so the chomping at the bit for them is far more exciting and costs more than her plan does.) The thing is that when she speaks of loosing 20 pounds in 6 weeks, I did that with Weight Watchers without an issue. Right now I'm doing myfitnesspal and maintaining the progress I made on WW, but I still struggle to eat the calories I need each day not to throw my body into "You must be starving me, let me store all of this as fat for when you are starving me later" mode. I eat lots of veggies, have had to cut fruits due to a fructose mal-absorption issues (since that was my version of sweets, I'm pretty much without sweets. I can keep a bite size bag of chocolate for months and months since I'll buy it when I'm PMSing and eat a few (2-3) out of the bag that week and be done with it.) Then there is all of my inflamation from my arthritis in my knees (got to get the weight off), knee caps slipping out of joint, double jointed knees, and fibro. I've got way more issues that her and this "plan" does not appeal to me even if it promises me super weight loss!

You notice they didn't really answer the question I asked. It is re-stated at the end of her speal! The more I talk this out with ya'll the more I realize what it is, why it is bad, why she wouldn't stick to it, why the weight wouldn't stay off, and it would serious harm her nutrition since she doesn't eat balanced now (even with her diabetes) and would probably eat this stuff and nothing else but crackers all day. Though that is better than her 4 Oreos for breakfast while knowing she is diabetic.

Super thanks for all of your input, advice, and mainly listening!!

Dear Dena, here are all your answers

Ask me&nbps;&nbps; Your hub

[1/9/2015 2:59 PM]Ronda W:
Roca Labs is the world’s strongest regimen for losing 100 lb. without surgery based on the Gastric Bypass NO Surgery® and Anti-Cravings® inventions. Consuming a dose of 300cc red mixture in the morning limits your stomach volume and diminishes your cravings, resulting in our Gastric Bypass Effect immediately. Starts at $480 (payment plans available) with your US/Can health insurance. 53% of applicants are approved.
Watch customers who lost 100 lb. Real Roca Labs Reviews
I have reviewed your analysis and see that you have 144 pounds to lose. Are you committed to changing your bad eating habits? If continued you stand to gain approx 2.8 extra pounds a month.
I have lost 20 pounds in 6 weeks on the regimen. A success coach would like to give you a free coaching call to discuss your analysis. Please let me know a good contact number and a time you may be reached.
Coach Ronda

[01/09/2015 04:52 PM]Me:
What are the different parts of the package and what are the directions for use?
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Re: Roca Labs Non-Surgical Gastric Bypass Drink

I'll sit down with her at work next week and show her and their app. I'll help her gather salad recipes (the few real veggies she will eat, but use fat free 1000 island, a compromise to using balsalmic vinegar or lemon juice instead), and other simple, non-fried recipes for her. We'll both do it together to support each other. With the app, she can track her calories (what she is used to) and find recipes to share! Once I get my fitness wrist band and figure out how it works, then get her one as a gift and show her how it works! Together, we will loose the weight and support each other!! There is another co-worker, with the similar dislike for veggies, and she is doing a low carb plan. She added salads to her pro veggie list in her late 50s, but does not like salad dressing, so she just eats lettuce, cheese, and croutons. Still healthier than the dressing. She is diabetic as well, so we can easily share our things with her as well! We might even get others in our department on board!

Thanks for listening!

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Re: Roca Labs Non-Surgical Gastric Bypass Drink

I think it is best to learn new life style choices that contribute to weight loss.Pills and special diets can work while you use them but then what
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Re: Roca Labs Non-Surgical Gastric Bypass Drink

Since you state you have more to lose than she does, why not show her by example?

'I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man'.......Unknown
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Re: Roca Labs Non-Surgical Gastric Bypass Drink

That is what I was thinking. Setting and example, introducing her to new veggies and foods, do it together and support each other. This way she can see a graph of her weight and can log her food online at work or on her phone. She can write it down in her little notebook at work until she can log it. We aren't allowed out cell phones at work and stay very busy, so she only gets to the computer at the end of the day to log things. Writing it down will also help her think about all that she is eating. I can log mine during the day on the computer and sync to my app.

Thanks for all the support!

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Re: Roca Labs Non-Surgical Gastric Bypass Drink

On 1/9/2015 tigriss said:

I have a co-worker that is wanting to try this. It isn't cheap, around 200 a month for 3 month's worth and up. She only have to loose 30 pounds, a great deal less than I do. I feel she should just do a basic diabetic diet and exercise, as their diet plan requires you to eat within a 9 hour period (like Dr. Ozs 10 plan), drink at least 6-16oz bottles of water, exercise at least 30-60 minutes a day, avoid fried/fattening foods, sweets, breads, and all forms of sugar. She would loose her 30 pounds if she just did those things, but feels she should do the drink thing to keep her full. She really is hoping that if she just eats less, she'll loose the weight without exercise due to her surgery for a herniated disc last July. She could walk, but I don't see her doing that.

Have any of you done this diet/plan? What was the drink stuff like to eat? Did it affect your bowels since it is silica you are eating? (She doesn't have frequent bowels, probably once per week since she doesn't eat much fiber, veggies or fruits. Normal for me is 2-3, so I find this could seriously back her up.) Did you keep off the weight?

Thanks in advance for your help. I would hate for her to spend money she really doesn't have on this.

Tigriss, it seems like you're trying to override her decision .... and make her do what YOU say. Why not do what you want, and leave her to do what SHE wants?

Clearly, if she had back surgery, and she's afraid to do much exercise, then a discussion with her doctor is in order. {#emotions_dlg.unsure}

As for BM's, people should have one EVERY DAY ...... and the word is LOSE ...... "loose" means not tight.

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Re: Roca Labs Non-Surgical Gastric Bypass Drink

Gee! Thanks for the grammar corrections tinkerbell, but you need to read the entire post. She asked for my help, not the other way around. If people ask, I give it to them without going along to get along. I came here for other people's thoughts, so I do appreciate your thoughts, as well as the others who have helped here and with our co-workers. As for her doctor's orders, he has ordered her diet and walking,a form of exercise. No problem with the doctor. She hasn't told him about this "diet" that she found. We, her co-workers, did suggest for her to talk with her doc because of being diabetic, but the company told her it was great for diabetics, so she went with that. To be honest, she probably will do it, as she would rather try the LOSE weight fast gymic than eat right, but I'm going to be willing work with her for our benefit and set the example the others mentioned. When this thing with that stuff hits the fan, she will be able to see what progress the rest of us have made doing it the old fashioned way. I pray her health doesn't suffer in the mean time. We've talked about my fitness pal and have several others join us with this today. We are a close department and talk outside of work. We will meet Monday at work to get everyone signed up, and probably have others join us in our own biggest loser type thing.

Thanks for your input!

Posts: 25
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Roca Labs Non-Surgical Gastric Bypass Drink

On 1/10/2015 tigriss said:

I'll sit down with her at work next week and show her and their app. I'll help her gather salad recipes (the few real veggies she will eat, but use fat free 1000 island, a compromise

If she is a diabetic, fat free salad dressing is not a good idea as fat free products tend to have more sugar in them to compensate for the loss of fat.

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Re: Roca Labs Non-Surgical Gastric Bypass Drink

If you can't resist food and over eat at every meal--a meal replacement is helpful.

I find substituting foods that are more healthful, slowly, over time and changing lifestyle is a better plan, but everyone is different.

I don't like shakes or smoothies, so I don't feel like I've eaten. I'd rather eat a huge salad with vinegar and no oil than a smoothie, and no fat cottage cheese or lean protein like chicken breast. There are no cookies or candy in the house!

But if it kick-starts your weight loss, it works. Another plan is Medi-fast, sold through doctor's offices (mainly to make them money, I think) but at least you get a doctor. Our GP's offer it.