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Protein-Rich Meal Replacement Powders

I've been using Herbalife Protein Drink Mix + Healthy Meal for nightly shakes instead of a meal for a few years now. They've served me well and really helped with my nighttime reflux. Just wondering if there is anything else that any of you take that would give me the protein (this mixture gives me 24g/drink) I need. I've done an online search and there are thousands of choices, it would help if I could learn of some tried and true mixes. TIA.

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Re: Protein-Rich Meal Replacement Powders


I drink Premier Protein. One serving has 30g protein. I prefer the chocolate.

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Re: Protein-Rich Meal Replacement Powders

I also use Premier Protien drink, I buy vanilla and add frozen fruit.

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Re: Protein-Rich Meal Replacement Powders

I use Body Fortress whey powders.

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Re: Protein-Rich Meal Replacement Powders

I also drink Premier Protein

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Re: Protein-Rich Meal Replacement Powders

@Carolina925.  For over a year, I've been using Premier Protein drink for breakfast along with my required banana (potassium) and a yogurt or Bellvita cookie.  They have 30 grams of protein and taste good.  I recently switched to using their powder which I add to almond milk,  same nutritional value but a lot cheaper.  I could also make fruit smoothies out of the powder.  Fruit, yogurt, frozen banana and some ice and milk.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Protein-Rich Meal Replacement Powders

DH's weight-loss dr told him to use premier Protein; he uses it as a meal replacement for lunch. I drink a vanilla one with 1/2 a frozen banana blended in. Keeps me full for hrs which is a really good thing for me! The Premier Protein shakes also only has 1g sugar. The powder we have only used once and DH didn't like it so back to the shakes; we get the 18 pack at Costco.

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Re: Protein-Rich Meal Replacement Powders

I like fair life,drinks.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Protein-Rich Meal Replacement Powders

Dairy free plant based Ripple protein shakes are Delicious!! I’ve been buying them for a couple years now after GI Dr recommended dairy free diet.

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Re: Protein-Rich Meal Replacement Powders

@Mom2Dogs wrote:

I also use Premier Protien drink, I buy vanilla and add frozen fruit.


@Mom2Dogs   @Carolina925 


Also my favorite, either Vanilla or Chocolate Peanut Butter.