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Re: Possible Spinal Stenosis Diagnose

@I am still oxox wrote:

I wanted to start a new post, I saw my ortho yesterday and the pain in my legs is not from the hip and he suspects given my symptoms it might be Spinal Stenosis, given my symptoms. I see the pain mgmt Doctor next week. My mind is spinning in 100 directions, any words of advice. Many thanks 

I was diagnosed with it back in 2006. Yes, I have pain walking but I don't give in to it. And no, I can't take pain killers except Tylenol as I inject insulin and worry about not being alert if I get hypoglycemia. But walking is mandatory. It really helps with mobility. Even after having a stroke this past June, I try and make myself walk daily. 

Another good tip is buy a good recliner. It really helps with my lower back and my doctor recommended a Lazy Boy.


In the scheme of things, spinal stenosis is usually treated without surgery but physical therapy can help. Each case is individual but please know it is treatable @I am still oxox .

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Re: Possible Spinal Stenosis Diagnose

@Trinity11  Thank you I can only take tynelol due to cardiac issues, I see the pain management doctor next week and until then I am doing the best I can or at least trying to 

@Trinity11 wrote:

@I am still oxox wrote:

I wanted to start a new post, I saw my ortho yesterday and the pain in my legs is not from the hip and he suspects given my symptoms it might be Spinal Stenosis, given my symptoms. I see the pain mgmt Doctor next week. My mind is spinning in 100 directions, any words of advice. Many thanks 

I was diagnosed with it back in 2006. Yes, I have pain walking but I don't give in to it. And no, I can't take pain killers except Tylenol as I inject insulin and worry about not being alert if I get hypoglycemia. But walking is mandatory. It really helps with mobility. Even after having a stroke this past June, I try and make myself walk daily. 

Another good tip is buy a good recliner. It really helps with my lower back and my doctor recommended a Lazy Boy.


In the scheme of things, spinal stenosis is usually treated without surgery but physical therapy can help. Each case is individual but please know it is treatable @I am still oxox .


Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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Re: Possible Spinal Stenosis Diagnose

This morning I saw your spinal stenosis question and had to answer. I had this diagnosis on my x-rays for several years but had no real problems, until 15 months ago. I have been through every imaginable treatment. PT, meds, miracle ball system, massage, spinal injections for an RFA, etc. Finally sent to 2 specialist with hopes of minimal invasive spinal surgery. Nope. They saw the old MRI and x rays from over a year ago and both said Rods and Screws and did I want that? Of course not. My pain clinic doc sent me to my 3rd specialist and I see him today for what is a diagnosis he mentioned on my first visit. He agreed with the first doctors that my stenosis is bad enough it would take Rods and Screws. But, when he listened to my symtoms of the last 15 months that are getting worse by the day, he said Anklyosis Spondilyosis. He has had me do a Nuclear Bone scan, pelvic x-rays, and a complete MRI work up of my back. I knew what spinal stenosis was but not anklyosis spondylitis was. I started googling it.

My hope is today he can definitly tell me that is the correct diagnosis. I have  read every thing I can on this "disease" and it fits to a tee. No cure, but managable. I am hoping for relief with meds and being able to get exercise again. It is an autoimmune disease. Seems my first 2 specialist wrote me off with just spinal stenosis. I have been in misery. Pain pills do not help as much as muscle relaxers do. Do not give up on what has you down. It is has been over a year for me and I have hope today.

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Re: Possible Spinal Stenosis Diagnose

@I am still oxox  I was diagnosed through an MRI a  couple of years ago. I had pain management Dr. give me shots in the two areas that were affected. It helped for about a year. I want to do again, but I had to have a knee replacement and my husband needed some stuff done. My ortho Dr. says avoid surgery. I agree. My symptoms occur after I've gone to bed. Leg pain and numbness in my foot. Interestingly, I'm okay when I'm up and about. I take a prescribed muscle relaxer at night and it helps somewhat. Bless you.

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Re: Possible Spinal Stenosis Diagnose

I, too, have spinal stenosis at several levels.  I had to have surgery for the stenosis at L3 to S1 and I am able to keep the rest in check with physical therapy exercises.  You may need an anti inflammatory.  I had to have a double dose of steriods for 10 days.  Three days into that I had a different back. 


I hope you find a solution that helps you.    

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Re: Possible Spinal Stenosis Diagnose

I have been diagnosed with Spinal Stenosis confirmed with MRI !  My Ortho. sent me for  a series of Epidural injections.  I have had 8 so far with no relief.  They also suggested  Spinal Ablation where they would destroy the nerve endings.  I refused that.  Have severe pain going down my legs & when it got so bad that I can't walk I went to Urgent Care & was given an injection of Torodol (a miracle drug) & it was instant relief.  The humidity aggravates my condition & I also use a TENS UNIT, ice & Oxcycodone & Tylenol for pain. I am 81 yrs old & I do whatever it takes to remain upright  & I use a Rolator for walking  so I don't fall.  I refuse to let this stop me.  Good luck to you, I totally understand.     

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Re: Possible Spinal Stenosis Diagnose

[ Edited ]

@I am still oxox wrote:

I wanted to start a new post, I saw my ortho yesterday and the pain in my legs is not from the hip and he suspects given my symptoms it might be Spinal Stenosis, given my symptoms. I see the pain mgmt Doctor next week. My mind is spinning in 100 directions, any words of advice. Many thanks 




 I'm not giving any medical advice, however I'm an RN and a patient. I have  various med conditions, some very serious. 


I have never been referred to a Pain Management. Dr. unless prior testing to diagnose symptoms. They wouldn't want meds or physical treatments started without knowing what it is, or is not. Doing so could cause the issue to worsen.


Tests are usually neccessary-MRI, Cat Scan, other scans, Spinal Tap, nerve conduction studies, lab/blood work.


Many conditions have the same symptoms, and signs are what the Dr. observes through visual, physical, labs ordered.


This should be a time for discovery. You must  be a team with your Dr.s.  Do you research on whatever they find, and go to the nearest, large, well known hospital, they have specialized departments everything. Your first visit and testing, if needed, will be done there, which is good because those hospitals get more pictures than neighborhood scanners, and the machines are usually the latest and have specialized programs that the others do not. I know at Hopkins their machines are specialized.

I have CAT scan dye allergy, they have a machine with a sequencing program that can see without using dye.


We have to be are own advocates because many Dr.s don't have the time to take with patients any longer, most give patients 15mins.


Talk with the Dr.s with the knowledge you find. 


I live w/in 30-45 minutes to Hopkins, people come from all over the world to go there, patients travel days to get there from other states. There's also other good hospitals in that area Univ of Md, is one.


Travelling to a prominent hospital, even if you have to wait for an appt., and go to another Dr. while waiting, is worth seeing someone at a prominent hospital at least a few times to get a diagnosis, have their plan to follow, and if you only go to them afterwards once a year for followup and have a Dr. closer to you who will follow the hospital's specialist plan, is beneficial. Your Dr. will stay intouch with the specialist.


Too many conditions are assumed to be this or that, put on meds which many meds mask symptoms.


Any Dr. you're going to should not disagree with going to larger institution to a specialist...if they do, you have the wrong Dr.


You may want to contact the larger Hospital's Neurology Department, they'll tell you what you need to have together to get an appt., you may need to see multiple specialties, and have a few tests. The specialites will direct to other specialists if they feel you'd be better served through any findings through tests, labs.


Tests- by machine, labs, etc.,  can rule out and discover, it could be Autoimmune, Vascular, Metabolic like Diabetes, any number of things.


Guessing, assuming is not the way to go. being proactive is.


We must be our own health provider, advocate. Pain in the legs can be a symptom of many things, I know, it's one of my main things too.


Good luck!


HeartCat Very HappyHeart



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Re: Possible Spinal Stenosis Diagnose

i have had 2 lumbar surgeries and a cervical neck surgery, all with laminectomy. these surgeries included diskectomy and fusions and in my initial surgery, placement of a cage.


i had to have the first surgery because i was in so much pain, i could barely walk more than just from the car to the house. i had a slightly herniated disc for over 18 years and then a work injury which caused the full rupture. i was 52 at the time of my first surgery.


the PM will probably recommend PT. if they give you the exercises to do at home - DO THEM. a strong core helps to maintain good lumbar support.


i still use a muscle relaxer at times, primarily now for my neck.


kind of ironic, even after the two lumbar surgeries i still had pain which actually turned out that i had severe arthritis in my hip and needed a hip replacement!  which i 100% recommend!


Good luck!


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Re: Possible Spinal Stenosis Diagnose

@CatsyCline  I broke this hip in Oct 2020 X Rays it is in great shape


@CatsyCline wrote:

i have had 2 lumbar surgeries and a cervical neck surgery, all with laminectomy. these surgeries included diskectomy and fusions and in my initial surgery, placement of a cage.


i had to have the first surgery because i was in so much pain, i could barely walk more than just from the car to the house. i had a slightly herniated disc for over 18 years and then a work injury which caused the full rupture. i was 52 at the time of my first surgery.


the PM will probably recommend PT. if they give you the exercises to do at home - DO THEM. a strong core helps to maintain good lumbar support.


i still use a muscle relaxer at times, primarily now for my neck.


kind of ironic, even after the two lumbar surgeries i still had pain which actually turned out that i had severe arthritis in my hip and needed a hip replacement!  which i 100% recommend!


Good luck!



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Re: Possible Spinal Stenosis Diagnose

@nomar The Nuclear Bone scan intrigues me. Is it the one where you get an injection then an hour later they do the scan? If it is the test I am thinking of, it can find lots of issues. The technician told my husband exactly where every spot of arthritis was showing. It matched where he had discomfort. They were looking for something else, so I guess the arthritis was a bonus that would not have gone on the report to the doctor.