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Re: 🌤Positive Thinking: Stop Negative Self-Talk

If you read about your subconscious mind, you'll read that if you think it, your subconscious mind helps to bring about it's occurance. It doesn't deal in right or wrong, so much as helping find an answer to what you're thinking about. That's just what I've read.  

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Re: 🌤Positive Thinking: Stop Negative Self-Talk

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I have been a pessimist and cynic most of my life. Only in the past few years have I decided to try to work on my attitude. I have been practicing saying affirmations aloud every day, and I say prayers at night and "talk" to my guardian angels. I also practice transcendental meditation.I use the "Stop!" technique to put a halt to negative thoughts.


Unfortunately, in spite of doing all this, I am extemely uneasy about the future of this planet. I feel humankind is definitely on the wrong fast track. I have even lost faith in Americans for how they act, with little regard or respect for one another, and for whom they support.

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Re: 🌤Positive Thinking: Stop Negative Self-Talk

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I promise to remind myself every day that I am strong, courageous, and resilient.
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Re: 🌤Positive Thinking: Stop Negative Self-Talk

@catwhisperer wrote:

@SaRina wrote:

I have been a pessimist and cynic most of my life. Only in the past few years have I decided to try to work on my attitude. I have been practicing saying affirmations aloud every day, and I say prayers at night and "talk" to my guardian angels. I also practice transcendental meditation.I use the "Stop!" technique to put a halt to negative thoughts.


Unfortunately, in spite of doing all this, I am extemely uneasy about the future of this planet. I feel humankind is definitely on the wrong fast track. I have even lost faith in Americans for how they act, with little regard or respect for one another, and for whom they support.

@SaRina...ITA with you in regard to our future. Smiley Sad


I have tried the technique that you speak of, but it didn't work for me. I spend every day of my life frustrated and angry, but I just take one day at a time and hope things will get better.

@catwhisperer, I can have a lot of negative thoughts going through my mind during the course of a day -- so much pettiness that saps my energy -- but I consciously stop myself in mid-thought and turn my attention to a pleasant activity. I do this whether it's ten times or one hundred times a day, as tedious as it sounds. It's not easy -- it's work, but eventually, I have been able to reduce the frequency of negative thoughts.



If you keep telling yourself that your efforts have failed, if you keep telling yourself that you have spent every day of your life angry and frustrated, then that is what you will come to expect and that will be the intention (your intention) that is realized -- in a never-ending vicious cycle. I believe in intention. That is, what you put out there in your thoughts, is what will come to be for you.


You may also want to try a gratitude journal. Each day, write down 5 things you are grateful for, no matter how small. Just keep at it, religiously, like brushing your teeth every day. I believe, after a bit of time, the brain incorporates these feelings of gratitude. Just think of the change that can happen after one year of doing this!


Stand in front of your mirror each morning, look at yourself, and say a few affirmations out loud -- "I am strong", "I am loved", "I really like myself", "I can do this.", "Today will be a great day!", "I'm so glad the sun is shining." Say whatever means something to you.


I hope you don't take this as a lecture. I can sense your pain as I was extremely unhappy too for a long a time. I believe you can change as I was able to. :-)

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Re: 🌤Positive Thinking: Stop Negative Self-Talk

@dooBdoo wrote:

@cotton4me wrote:

@catwhisperer wrote:

As far as the "glass half full" vs. the "glass half empty", IMO, it's BOTH. Why does it have to be one or the other?Cat Surprised



Ha - your post reminded me of the following.





             Actively practicing gratitude can have incredibly powerful positive effects.  


          It's not just conjecture or anecdotal.    Brain imaging studies have found that listing 3 things we're grateful for, every day for 21 days, actually physically and measurably "rewires" our brain and generates positive feelings both short-term and long-term.    It "stimulates the hypothalamus (a key part of the brain that regulates stress) and the ventral tegmental area (part of our “reward circuitry” that produces the sensation of pleasure)."  


          Counting our blessings, no matter how small, in a systematic way significantly and measurably increases our feelings of optimism.  



I remember reading about the brain imaging results and real benefits of gratitude.


Takes discipline. And desire to change.



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Re: 🌤Positive Thinking: Stop Negative Self-Talk

@software wrote:

For me, self-talk is a habit and in my case usually a bad habit.


I am the queen of the "worst possible scenario" - oh woe is me!

I often think the worse of people, situations, just about everything.


I don't walk around with blinders or rose colored glasses, but it's much better on my mental state to think positive thoughts over negative ones.


What helps me in this is the success I've had by doing it.

For example, if I'm faced with some chore, either alone or with others, I'm the biggest Debbie Downer, I'll find 1,000 things that could go wrong and it if goes right, 1,000 ways I'll make myself miserable over it.


I had to quit that, I was so unhappy.   So now I stop it, right away and replace the bad with the good.    It's a process.   But it has certainly changed my outlook for the better.


Every day is a new day, another chance for success.    Self-talk can eventually become positive with a little practice.

That's it. 


It's a discipline that works.



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Re: 🌤Positive Thinking: Stop Negative Self-Talk

@MoJoV wrote:

Thats probably true,but no...I will always see the glass half empty and be my own worst critic.  I believe its a part of my personality and have accepted it. Good luck to all of those who keep trying...I've given up.

I know just how you feel, same with me.  My boss of 30 yrs. ago would call me Negative Nelly....and I am even worse now....sad really....

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Re: 🌤Positive Thinking: Stop Negative Self-Talk

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I promise to remind myself every day that I am strong, courageous, and resilient.
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Re: 🌤Positive Thinking: Stop Negative Self-Talk

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@catwhisperer wrote:

Not all of us are happy, happy and think life is one big bowl of cherries. Some people just don't seem to get that or understand.


Who on the thread said anybody is 

"happy and think life is one big bowl of cherries"? where? I read thru and saw a variety of thoughts & opinions and people helping people but not that. Looks like most posters say it's hard & takes work Jmho.

Maybe you don't "get or understand" what posters are saying.

I'm sorry you're so down.



Good thread @hildyjohnson thanks for posting.



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Re: 🌤Positive Thinking: Stop Negative Self-Talk

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I promise to remind myself every day that I am strong, courageous, and resilient.