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Hello everyone, I am a Registered Nurse , and worked for 40 years in the Operating Room. Several times, unknownly of course, I have hit my head pretty hard on the OR lights or the "boom" coming from the ceiling. The worst event happened when I was circulating a weekend hand case, and ran into the "boom" after prepping the hand. While prepping, the surgeon is behind me and positioning the lights and when I was done, I turned and hit my head so hard it knocked me out cold. Long story short, several days later, I am scrubbed in with an ENT surgeon and several times she asked me if I was ok, of which I said yes, but in the middle of the case she said I needed to come to her office once the surgery was over. I asked why?? And she said you have NYSTAGMUS, and its very concerning. Went to her office and she put me in her "positional chair" and corrected then condition and told me that I have developed BPPV. I have had several episodes of vertigo that has caused violent episodes of nausea and vomiting. I was taught the EPLY manuever and have had to do it a number of times in these past 20 years, and thanks to you tube, they have experts that show you how to do  it properly and can resolve the situation until the next time it decides to show up. I know when it is coming on , with me, if I am in bed and turn to either side and can feel that sensation that your head continues to move even though you are on your side. So a round or two of the eply manuever done on my bed, 10 minutes apart takes care of it. MJ

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Thank you, I just tried the Epley maneuver and then fell asleep x 3 hours. Almost missing the entire football game today ( I watch my team religiously). I think I feel a little better right now. We will see. Thanks for the information. 

I am a RN too, and can't imagine hitting my head on the overhead lights. Yikes, I never knew that happened. 

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I went to the ENT doctor and I definitely had TMJ. He is sending me to PT for the vertigo and he said if the therapist thinks I need therapy for the TMJ, that he will approve that. Hopefully, I will feel better.

Bye the way, I told him that I had been taking Bonamine but could not stay awake. He said Bonamine is the same as Benadryl. I did not know this. No wonder I could not stay awake. I think it did help the vertigo, but I was sleeping a lot, falling asleep in the chair. 

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@conlt , this is a timely post for me.  I am experiencing vertigo when I lay down.  I tried a YouTube eply maneuver yesterday and will repeat today...hoping it goes away.  Thanks for the post.

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@Icegoddess , I am experiencing this type of vertigo.  Started eply yesterday.

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Years ago I had a couple of really bad spells.  So scary.  I was sent to a neurologist who did a bunch of tests on me and I also had to get an mri of my head.  If your symptoms persist and you are getting no relief, then perhaps you should also so a neuroloist to rule everything out.  I have had the epley maneuvers done on me several times and they made me so sick and did not really help.  I have to be very careful of how I get up and down and I cannot sleep on my one side because I get what I call the "whirlies."  I wish you the best of luck and I hope you get this to where you can live with it or get it resolved totally.  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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@AngelPuppy1 , I am trying a maneuver for my left ear.  If no success, off to the doctor I go.

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I go for my PT evaluation tomorrow. Will keep you posted.