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I have tinnitus, but it doesn't really affect my hearing ability.  Mine is like an almost feedback ringing, but I'm able to ignore it much of the time.  It's probably the reason I like having the TV on most of the time during the day.  Silence is when it becomes very noticeable or, like right now, when I read or talk about it. 

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@Mom2Dogs wrote:

@elated say came on suddently....muffled hearing or tinnitus?

Tinnitus came on suddenly. Here is some information, I found. Don't know if that is the case.


  • Eustachian tube dysfunction. In this condition, the tube in your ear connecting the middle ear to your upper throat remains expanded all the time, which can make your ear feel full.

I would still contact my doctor. I am just overly cautious.

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He was given Claritin...(pharmacy name:  Loratadine 10 mg tablet).  He had to get it from the pharmacy but it looks identical to what you can purchase off the shelf.

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@elated  He has seen his doctor as well as ENT....they find no cause for his muffled hearing....possibly there is a 'test' to find out.

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this same thing happened to my husband ,it took about 1,1/2 weeks,then it cleared up.His hearing was muffled and it drove him craszy his ears were not clogged with wax. He had to take the same meds as you.!! Good luck

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@Boop4321   Glad it cleared for you husband, it's so odd.  


This is causing a lot of anxiety in our house...husband is anxious, not much appetite, has a hard time sitting still, so he has been walking a lot....not normal for him and it

is making me really irratable...his aura is not good.

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An older dr we had for a pediatrician told us to use vinegar. Just pour a little in ear.-The vinegar dries up and gets rid of any bacteria.

I wouldn't use hydrogen peroxide and he said not to also.

I've used vinegar for years for swimmers ear-no water or wax but the ear feels stopped up. Even if he didn't go swimming maybe it would help? And it couldn't hurt.

Hope you find some answersSmiley Happy

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@on the bay   I just told him your response, he said no..Frankly I am done with the whole thing...he is making me angry.  I am not his mother so I guess he's gonna figure this out on his own...he's a grown man.


Now maybe I will feel differently tomorrow but today, I am not in a good mood about this...I've done all I can.


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My BP med causes my ears to feel plugged and it feels like there's pressure, too, like when you go up in an airplane. Doc said it's the medication causing swelling inside my ear canals and tubes. 

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I had that after I had whooping cough for 3 months a few years ago and had to have tubes in my ears.  That cleared it up.