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@Eileen in Virginia   Interesting, dh's ears do not hurt but the ENT told him to try a warm compress on each I warmed a cloth and had him usee a heating pad.  One ear is slightly open but still 'not right'.  


Pollen has been high in my area for a few days.

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Re: Plugged ears

[ Edited ]

@Mom2Dogs wrote:

Does anyone have an old wives remedy to help uplug ears?


There is NO fluid...but plugged (for lack of better word). Hearing is not clear, like a muffled sound when hearing someone talk or lisetning to the TV.  


DH has seen an ENT, she told him to use a nasal spray and Claratin...still no relief...sometimes those old remedies work.





This is more of an "Old Timers" remedy for plugged ear with an earache.  But, they always bought something called Sweet Oil and put a few drops in your ear.


I haven't done this myself, but one of my grandma's put some in mine when I was a little girl.  She'd picked me up from school because I had terrible earache.  It must've worked because I was back at school the next day.  However, I'm not sure what kind of remedy this actually is.❤️

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@Mom2Dogs wrote:

@BlueFinch   The ENT prescribed Claratin.  I was under the assumption since she sent a script it was more powerful than buying off the shelf, it is not...I don't know why she just did not tell him to go buy it.

@Mom2Dogs Yes, I wondered about that, too, with such a readily available OTC med. Maybe if it was Claratin D, as another poster mentioned, just so there would be no need to sign in for it. If I buy Sudafed, I always feel like a criminal...LOL. But, the OP didn't mention a decongestant. 

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I shampoo my hair in the shower and was having that plugged ear sensation that lasted for days on end, only in one ear, the other was fine.  I believe for some reason I get water behind the ear drum in that ear so now I use an ear plug before showering and it works!  Strange I know.  

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@Mom2Dogs wrote:

@Eileen in Virginia   Interesting, dh's ears do not hurt but the ENT told him to try a warm compress on each I warmed a cloth and had him usee a heating pad.  One ear is slightly open but still 'not right'.  


Pollen has been high in my area for a few days.

@Mom2Dogs Thanks, I'll try that!

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A year ago, I had plugged ears. I went to the doctor and said that I felt like there was a bug living in my ear. It felt plugged and sounds muffled. 

This had been a long journey for me, I was placed on antibiotics 3 times. Finally, my primary MD suggested that I might have TMJ.

Bingo! that is it. Sometimes I have shooting pains behind my eye. It has been quite a journey. I have to rest my jaw, do some stretching exercises. The TMJ acts up when I talk a lot. I try to be quite when I am not working. 

This might be something that you explore. I never knew how much TMJ could bother me, but the full ears is a symptom and I also felt dizzy. My jaw hurts sometimes. 

My massage therapist has also helped me a great deal. The symptoms are a lot better than last year but not totally gone yet. It is pretty hard to not use your jaw. 

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@conlt    Good luck, I understand that TMJ is painful.

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Zyrtec cleared up my plugged ears.  Now I take one everyday for prevention.  I use the Walmart brand. 

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I frequently have this happen due to allergies.  I do take 2 allergy pills daily, flonase, eye drops and sinurinse. 


When it happens to my son he is instructed by his dr to take Clariton D and usually clears up in a week or so. 

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@AFWIFE   I think my husband is near a month with his symptoms..he insisted on anoter ENT appt today and surprisingly they had a opening today!!  


His anxiety is high - and the NP at the ENT office is going to discuss with his primary something to help him with the anxiety...everythng the doctor has given him makes him very sleepy and he cannot function.  There was no change in his ears or nose, she cannot find any thing 'wrong' except the fact that his hearing is muffled.


He is 84...and only one other time has he had anxiety like this and it was probably at least 10-12 years ago when the same thing happened.  Xanax was given to him short term for the anxiety...his primary refuses to prescribe that drug, do to his age and he said it is very easy to get addicted.


He walks a lot...for about 30 minutes each time he goes out and he as dropped quite a few pounds.