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Please share what helps you relax :)


I like to take a walk when I can and I think I would like to learn about meditation. 


Please tell us what helps you find peacefulness and calmness and relaxation.



Smiley Happy




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Re: Please share what helps you relax :)

I mediate for 10 minutes every morning.  I use Head space dot com.  Andy is awesome and he has greatly helped me with anxiety issues.  He teaches you how to Note.  That means when something stressful happens that you note it as a thought or feeling and return to the breath.  You do this during the day. He teaches you to be mindful and in the present instead of worrying and fretting about everything.  I love it!

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Re: Please share what helps you relax :)

Deep breathing while eyes closed. Listen to your breath.

Place right hand across chest, like you are hugging yourself. 

Listening to classical music, for Moonlight Sonata, Pacabel 

Canon, Swan Lake works for me.

Looking and listening to the ocean, or getting a CD of ocean.

Sunrises and sunsets 

The night sky

Saying the Serenity Prayer like a mantra, over and over.

Being still

Walking in the snow, leaves.

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Registered: ‎05-22-2012

Re: Please share what helps you relax :)

Watching TV*, playing games, meditating, listening to music, reading*, watching YouTube beauty videos, reading beauty blogs, going out with my friends.


*Content is key. Watching the news or The Walking Dead is not relaxing for me and some books get more more worked up than relaxed, like non-fiction, a suspense book, or one of those books that ends every chapter with a "what's going to happen next?!?!" moment. I remember reading the Andromeda Strain by Michael Chriton and getting to a part where I was reading on the edge of my seat and then actually stood up and nearly shouted. Man, I miss him.

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Re: Please share what helps you relax :)

Chamomile tea with valerian. Classical music. Bike riding. Reading a good book.

“The price of light is less than the cost of darkness.”
– Arthur C. Nielsen
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Re: Please share what helps you relax :)

Curling up in my favorite chair with a chunk of chocolate with almonds 😋

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Re: Please share what helps you relax :)

In a word... retirement   🌞

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Please share what helps you relax :)

Swimming laps.  Inhale positive ~~~ exhale negative.

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Re: Please share what helps you relax :)

@addymarie wrote:


I like to take a walk when I can and I think I would like to learn about meditation. 


Please tell us what helps you find peacefulness and calmness and relaxation tia! Smiley Happy






Relaxation is natural for me. Takes a whole lot to get get me "unrelaxed(not sure that is a world)". Waking up another day/a lap full of our furry kids/listening to Southern Gospel Music/Ice Skating(not as much now since my balance is not the same.


Could list a lot of things that change my brain waves, but relaxation is the normal state for me. 









Honored Contributor
Posts: 18,504
Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Re: Please share what helps you relax :)

Cup of hot chai

Kitty body curled up with me


A pedicure or massage

Watching and listening to the sea

Classical music or Nature Sounds

Life without Mexican food is no life at all