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Re: Please keep my great niece in your prayers

Sending thoughts and prayers.  God bless.

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Re: Please keep my great niece in your prayers

Of course she is in my prayers.  This is another example of you just can't let your guard down.  Even if you are embarrassed by people that don't believe in masks, either don't ride with them or at least keep your mask on.

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Re: Please keep my great niece in your prayers

@lynne6was7wrote: Has she notified her doctor? If not, she should do so right away. Pregnant women are at much greater risk for Covid complications - likely because their lungs and heart are already taxed by the greater blood volume during pregnancy.


Thanks for your prayers and yes she has followed up with her doctor and they are watching her closely. The baby was not growing as she should be at this state of the pregnancy so they had already been considering taking the baby early before this happened. 

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Re: Please keep my great niece in your prayers

Thank you all for your prayers, I have faith that this will all work out well for mom and baby. I will update you all on the outcome. Mom is due on April 28 th. 

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Re: Please keep my great niece in your prayers

@Goodie2shoes  Prayers are being sent for your sweet niece and her baby.

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Re: Please keep my great niece in your prayers



🙏🏻🙏🏻 our friends granddaughter had covid mild symptoms during her pregnancy...both mom & baby are healthy and fine!



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Registered: ‎12-23-2015

Re: Please keep my great niece in your prayers

Sending all of you prayers and well wishes..hope everyone recovers and does well.