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Please keep my great niece in your prayers

Just found out she tested positive for covid. She is almost 8 months pregnant, first baby. She thinks she got it from riding in a car for 20 mins with a couple who at the time were not aware they were positive and no one in the car wore a mask.  Her boyfriend  was  in the car and he also tested positive. My great niece is 23 but says she has been in quaranteen for 12 days and the only symptoms have been a cough and loss of smell. She will be retested in a couple of days. It appears she will be ok but I'm praying for no further symptoms and that she and the baby will be ok

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Re: Please keep my great niece in your prayers

@Goodie2shoes I feel so bad for her.  I will pray all is well.  You can't be too careful.

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Re: Please keep my great niece in your prayers


I know you and she wished that hadn't happened! but here comes lots of prayers!🙏

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: Please keep my great niece in your prayers

Keeping your grandniece in my prayers and her baby.  Good thoughts.

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Re: Please keep my great niece in your prayers



  1. Hoping for a great outcome for your grand niece.  Please update when you can.
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Re: Please keep my great niece in your prayers

@Goodie2shoes  Consider it done. 🙏💐


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Re: Please keep my great niece in your prayers

A very similar thing happened to a very sweet lady in our community.  She and baby both are well.  Baby was born a couple weeks ago and all looks well.  I pray your great niece's outcome will be equally good.

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Re: Please keep my great niece in your prayers

Prayers are on there way for your niece and baby and the other folks, too.

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Re: Please keep my great niece in your prayers

Prayers for a safe pregnancy and healthy baby, mom and dad.  Both my daughter and her SIL were pregnant and delivered healthy babies last year.  Everyone was fine.  Hoping for the same outcome for your great niece as well.  

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Posts: 637
Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: Please keep my great niece in your prayers

Has she notified her doctor?  If not, she should do so right away.  Pregnant women are at much greater risk for Covid complications - likely because their lungs and heart are already taxed by the greater blood volume during pregnancy.


Please tell her that if she has any worsening of symptoms, however minor, she should get checked out right away.  She would probably be wise to have a pulse oximeter to check her oxygen levels regularly.  I'm not a medical expert, but I would say she should get checked out if it starts to drop even into the low 90s.


A family friend who was pregnant with her fourth child contracted Covid and was very ill - hospitalized for three months and a miracle she survived.  Your great niece should not assume all is well.  She needs to be vigilant.


Sending prayers for no issues for her and the baby, and that both are healthy soon.