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Re: Over Age 75 Testing and Treatment

Well, I'm 87 and still insist on mammo. A lump was found 2 years ago. OK, bMy friend found lump at 85 and it was cancer.  She is ok and now age 97.

I also insist,. That is my right.  A colonoscopy is different because it is dangerous.  I didn't want one, but had to have one this year because I was positive.

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Re: Over Age 75 Testing and Treatment

I was a receptionist at a mostly-mammography radiology office 3 decades ago. I distinctly remember one patient. She was 91 years old. Came in for her mammo and had to pre-take some kind of sedative because she feared mammos so much. I dont remember if she had a history of cancer or not but remember thinking if i was 91 years i would NOT be putting myself through such stress as she was in. 


I mean really, what kind if treatment would they put a 91 year old through if they did find something? 

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Re: Over Age 75 Testing and Treatment

[ Edited ]

Reading the comments.....I wonder to what degree medical facilities such as HMOs like a Kaiser determines protocol.  It might not be a doctor or patient's choice as to what procedure is available.  The opportunity to take a test could be determined by administrative dictates that restrict doctors, medical insurance coverage concerns, or the patient.  This could be why some patients are able to take tests whereas others are not offered the opportunity. In some cases, past history also seems to determine the choice, but not always.


 Therefore, if you want a specific test you need to find out where is the origination of the test denial.  You may have to change doctors or medical plans.

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Re: Over Age 75 Testing and Treatment



Thank you goodie2shoes..I had no symptoms other than the chills ..My family was told to make funernal arrangements twice.

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Re: Over Age 75 Testing and Treatment

As a few others have said, having certain tests over age 75 is an option for the patient. I'm PCP told me I have the option of not having a mammogram. I received the usual letter from the medical center radiology department where I have it done, to remind me that it was time to schedule my annual mammogram. I chose to do that - my option. And yes, it was fully covered.


I hope people don't get the idea here that after 75 these procedures are no longer available,to us, because that isn't true.

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Re: Over Age 75 Testing and Treatment

l am 77 , saw my primary doctor a couple months ago . I had been complaining about feeling like a lump in my throat from time to time , and it was painful .  He ruled it as anxiety . The last time l saw him l said it was worse and caused me to throw up . He said . "not going to do anything about that now "  . What the heck !  That was my only complaint !  l see him again next week , l have a mole type of growth on my cheek , that doubled in size within 2 weeks . Wondering what he will say about that ?  lt should be removed , when it first appeared l picked it off twice, it kept coming back , left it alone for 2 weeks and it's big as a pencil eraser already . 

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Re: Over Age 75 Testing and Treatment

Count your blessings if you have a good doctor!  I live in MN and have to go to a satellite of Mayo Clinic.  In my community we have to see a PA and although there are good ones your concerns are skimmed over and people are not happy.  If you live over 35 miles from Rochester, you cannot go to The Mayo Clinic unless you are referred by your PA.  I am 80 and we are the throw away generation!

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Re: Over Age 75 Testing and Treatment

@On It @is correct.  Even before 75 on some procedures.  I was in my sixties when my gynecologist told me that I didn't need another Pap smear unless I had an issue.  At that time, I was 60 something, still working and hmo group insurance so maybe that's why.


Due to constipation issues at an early age, I've had in my medical records that I need a colonoscopy every four years.  This year, at age 75, although I had a few small polyps, I was told that I didn't need anymore colonoscopies.


When I heard that WW was now going to include weight loss injections, I was gonna rejoin and try it.  Then I received an email from the company that was going to handle issuing the medication saying they were sorry but due to my age, I could not participate.


It's my opinion that doctors look at you differently most of the time if you're a senior.  They give you pills to mask your symptoms unless it's a knee or hip replacement that you need.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Over Age 75 Testing and Treatment


Wrote, "It may seem that seniors are being, uh, somewhat dismissed and sent out to pasture, when testing and treatments are discouraged, but that's not always the case."


I AGREE!  My Doctor told me that it was my choice to have these tests or not. 


I opt not to have them.  I will not undergo anymore invasive procedures.  


Recovery would take too long and too much effort!  What life is left afterwards is not good quality and not worth it to me.  




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Re: Over Age 75 Testing and Treatment

@Flopsy wrote:

I was told no colonoscopy after 65!  My mother died of colon cancer so of course this is a concern to me.  I will insist or change my doctor when the time comes.  What the heck is this, are we going on the scrap heap as we get older.  I will feel like a broken toy if this is allowed to happen, cast aside for a new model.


I am only 56 but no way would I accept a doctor telling me that, especially with your medical history. I think this is perhaps new guidelines that have been established but of course it's up to your Primary Doctors discretion.