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Re: Over Age 75 Testing and Treatment

@meem120 ....That is not the case for my husband.  He is 83 - will have a colonoscopie next year.  Many years ago they found a large polyp, he has gone back for a follow up for several years.


I even asked the nurse a few years ago about his age - she was not concerned.

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Re: Over Age 75 Testing and Treatment

Not true, my friend had colonoscopy at 75, assumed it would be her final one, a large polyp was found, she has to retest in 3 years. 

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Re: Over Age 75 Testing and Treatment

I never have heard or read that mamms stop at 75, my MIL had BC at 86, she was still gretting mamms. 

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Re: Over Age 75 Testing and Treatment

@Flopsy wrote:

I was told no colonoscopy after 65!  My mother died of colon cancer so of course this is a concern to me.  I will insist or change my doctor when the time comes.  What the heck is this, are we going on the scrap heap as we get older.  I will feel like a broken toy if this is allowed to happen, cast aside for a new model.


Who told you that?  Was it your insurer or your gastroenterologist?  When I had my colonoscopy a few weeks ago, I overheard a conversation at the next bed.  The lady apparently had polyps removed and this was her 3 year colonoscopy.  She's 82 and the doctor told her at her she didn't need a 5 year colonoscopy.  She got quite upset.  He should have explained why he was saying that,  she could have asked why.  It was a missed opportunity.  Colon cancers grow slowly.  If they should discover a malignancy at 85, it would be a new growth.  A small growth that hadn't been there 3 years prior.  At 85, the risks of colonoscopy outweigh the benefits to her.  But she insisted she definitely wanted one even if she would be 85.  He told her the decision ultimately was hers to make.  



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Re: Over Age 75 Testing and Treatment

@ciao_bella wrote:

I can't say whether this is happening or not, but I recently had my annual PC check-up and he asked me if I was up-to-date on my mammograms and colonoscopies.  My last mammogram was in Dec. 2022 (have an appointment for Dec. 2023)  and I am now due for my colonoscopy, which I have a date in October.  His answer to that was, "good, you should always keep up with these routine procedures."   So, it must be what your primary care doctor chooses to do, or not do.   Glad I have one that believes in promoting these routine procedures. 


Exactly.  It's the point I was trying to make.  Doctors are not bound to these practice guidelines.  They can still use there own judgement.  They should use their own judgement based on their patient's needs.  My doctor still wants me to have a yearly mammogram even though I'm at low risk and the guidelines now say every other year in my age group.  I'll stick with yearly.  These recommendations are not written in stone anyway. 



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Re: Over Age 75 Testing and Treatment

I have not heard about this.  I'm 79 had a colonoscopy last year and doc said see you in seven years even though the test was fine.  Same with mammograms, saw doc last month and she made sure I had one scheduled.  I have no history of breast cancer.

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Re: Over Age 75 Testing and Treatment

I refuse to have a colonoscopy..

I had a ruptured colon 7 yrs. ago..and a colostomy bag then an illiostomy bag for over a year..glad they finally got reversed.

It had nothing to do with testing but I'm too scared to have one for fear something might tear.

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Re: Over Age 75 Testing and Treatment

I have had three colonoscopys over the years and when it was time for another at 76 I opted for Cologuard ( no issues). At 77 I fainted in bathroom and was in a small pool of blood ( ambulance, emergencies colonoscopy; it was diverticulitis). Unless that issue arises again, I've probabl had my last one ( I hope so; I hate these). There have been some changes in regular tests ( I have no symptoms of anything) but I know how to advocate for myself if needed).

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Re: Over Age 75 Testing and Treatment

It may seem that seniors are being, uh, somewhat dismissed and sent out to pasture, when testing and treatments are discouraged, but that's not always the case. 


The colonoscopy is a one example. Over age 75, there are higher risks for the procedure.


Prepping can lead to dehydration, sedation meds can have negative effects and the procedure, itself, has more post procedure complications within the senior age group, including bowel perforations. More post colonoscopy procedure ER visits occur within this age group.


So it's one of those double edged swords and the decision to test, or not, has to depend on the individual, their history and overall health. A weighing of risks.


My major concern is, I fear setting a cut off age can lead to abuses and potential neglect, but in most cases I think docs are trying to protect their senior patients by not putting them through tests that are likely not necessary, with possible complications. Now the insurance companies only care about having to pay for these procedures. It's a different perspective. 


The same goes for many other treatments, tests and procedures. The fact remains, that seniors often can't handle these things as well as the younger folk. In fact, a Neurologist friend told me he hated to see seniors placed under lengthy anesthesia because he fears the loss of some gray cells. Others in the field have said this, too. I don't doubt it. I believe I witnessed it with my own mom.  

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Re: Over Age 75 Testing and Treatment

@ Jo1313  wrote: 

I refuse to have a colonoscopy..

I had a ruptured colon 7 yrs. ago..and a colostomy bag then an illiostomy bag for over a year..glad they finally got reversed.

It had nothing to do with testing but I'm too scared to have one for fear something might tear.


So sorry you went through that !  I am a retired nurse ( 2016) but I remember taking care of patients with colostomies and it was so scary for them. We had to teach patients and family mbrs how to change the bag.  So glad you recovered and it got reversed !  I can certainly understand your fear of having a colonoscopy done. God Bless !