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@Nonametoday  Yes, I actually did get a script for that medicine. I never took it because the side effects look worse than the condition. I'm so bad about taking medicine. Thanks, though.

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@Renata22 wrote:

@Nonametoday  Yes, I actually did get a script for that medicine. I never took it because the side effects look worse than the condition. I'm so bad about taking medicine. Thanks, though.


All medication has side effects and aspirin can kill you.  You can bleed to death from it.  You can get a toxic fever from its overuse and die.  You can get fatal kidney disease from the use of it.  What about penicillin?  It can be fatal.  You can fall dead from a shot within seconds of receiving it. 


That medication is far less dangerous but because of so many law suits, every thought-of or unthought-of complication has to be addressed in the literature.  Walking outside is dangerous.  Riding a bicycle can be fatal.  Shaking my head.

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I rely on OTC meds for my restless legs. One brand is Hyland's.  I don't recall the other one, but it's a calming cream for restless legs.  I have found that the OTC meds, whichever I try, all provide temporary relieff. I get mine from Amazon.

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Get those legs moving! I walk to relieve my restless leg syndrome. No excuses. WALK, WALK, WALK. Woman Happy

"Pure Michigan"
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@Nonametoday Yes, I know the thing about the side effects. I know how the trials for meds work. If I have to take a medicine, I do. Thank God, the risks I am willing to take are still my choice.

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@ID2 wrote:

Get those legs moving! I walk to relieve my restless leg syndrome. No excuses. WALK, WALK, WALK. Woman Happy

I walked an average of 15k steps per day and still had restless leg due to low iron. So just stop it.

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@Mj12 wrote:

@GoneButNotForgotten wrote:

Mj12, that's a good idea. A while back my doctor took me off iron supplementation; I'll talk to her and ask if she thinks I should re-start it.

@GoneButNotForgotten  Good luck. IMO most doctors know less than nothing about optimal iron levels.  Also might want to check your B12






My suggestion for anyone truly concerned about their  blood Iron levels, would be to see a Hematologist. I have been seeing one on a regular basis since 2008, when my Colon bleeding issues ensued.


Saw my Hematologist 2 weeks ago for a regular scheduled blood workup, which included blood drawn for Iron Ferritin readings.


In your other post you say if under 100 it might be a cause for RLS. In the 15 years I have had my Ferritin checked quarterly, I have never seen it anywhere close to 100. My last reading was 60 and I was overjoyed hearing that number. My prior reading was 32, just 2 points shy of needing another of my 30+ Iron Infusions.


Also fortunately for me, during that same visit I had him look at my left arm. It was 2 weeks post my Heart Cath, and my arm had just started bothering me a couple days prior to my long scheduled Hematology visit. He immediately sent me to have a Doppler Ultrasound, and found I had a Blood Clot in my arm.


Hopefully @GoneButNotForgotten will see a Hematologist and make sure all their Iron Readings are not deficient. It would be a wise move irregardless of it's possible relationship with RLS.


hckynut  🇺🇸


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Re: OMG, I can't stand this

[ Edited ]

@hckynutjohn yes I see a hematologist also, since 2015. Regarding ferritin, I'm referring to optimal levels, not "normal" ranges indicated on a blood test.


(my highest ferritin has been 93 recently after Feraheme infusions). Started with ferritin 4.  Still not over 100 but I try!

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Andrew Lessman Circulation and Vein Support supplement eliminated my RLS.

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@GoneButNotForgotten  I've had restless arms/legs for several years.  Every month, my doc prescribes 2 Xanax (1/2 mg. each).  And I only take 1/2 of that, so it's about 1/4 of a 1 mg. pill.  I'm asleep within 15-20 minutes.



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