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Re: Need Help. Sinus pain and drainage.

On 12/26/2014 dooBdoo said:
On 12/26/2014 valleygirl22 said:MAYO CLINIC SAYS: IT'S FUNGUS! You need an antifungal, NOT an antibiotic. DO NOT get an antibiotic prescription, get a prescription for an antifungal. Start washing out your nostrils with a netti pot (use distilled water, NOT tap water).<br /> This is a quote from Doug Kaufman of "Know the Cause": "In 1999, The Mayo Clinic announced that 96% of chronic sinus infections were due to fungus. What physicians didn’t know then and most still don’t know today is that the antibiotics they continue to prescribe for chronic sinus infections aren’t working because the germs they are trying to kill aren’t bacteria! They’re fungus! But the blame goes to the bacteria, rather than the prescription writer. Today, doctors continue to write antibiotic prescriptions for chronic sinusitis! We are led to believe that these bacteria are tricky little buggers and that they are outsmarting our strongest antibiotics. WRONG! Worse, if the germs being treated with antibiotics are fungal or yeast, the antibiotics serve to fuel the fungus. An acute fungal pneumonia, for example, treated with antibiotics might assure chronic pneumonia, because they are using the wrong drugs. Stronger and stronger antibiotics are used hoping to save the pneumonia patients life, when for many I believe that a round or two of antifungals would have sufficed."<br /> <br />

With all due respect, this is old, inaccurate information. The report, "Role of Fungi in Allergic Fungal Sinusitis and Chronic Rhinosinusitis hinosinnsitis," in the May 2000 Mayo Clinic Proceedings discounted the studies and it appears so far none of the follow-up studies have supported the original claims that fungal infection is a major cause. If there are some (I did a cursory search, might have missed something), I'd be happy to read them. I mean no offense to you, but Kaufmann's not a good source for updated, solid medical information -- he's known more for promoting his products and services than for doing careful research or verifying his claims. However, as I said earlier, it is accurate that antibiotics are not appropriate for some sinus infections and are dangerously overused.

Current, updated Mayo Clinic information on causes, treatments, etc.:

Acute sinusitis... link:

Chronic sinusitis: (duration at least eight weeks, despite treatment attempts)... link:

This might be old news and debunked but I had a chronic sinus infection for probably two years and saw two different allergist. The only thing that finally cleared it up was after taking a steroid and another antibiotic, was taking a probiotic for several months then eating yogurt everyday. Steroids can cause your blood sugar to rise and we all know what taking antibiotics do as far as yeast. My stomach got so messed up! We are learning more and more everyday about the gut and it's connection to staying healthy. I'm sure after multiple rounds of antibiotics and steroids I had bacterial overgrowth. Only after I got that fixed did my chronic sinus infection go away. Just a sidenote to those with chronic issues. I did suspect fungus too, it was almost like my smell was off and it just smelled that way-sorry, gross. I also backed off the Neti pot some. They had me flushing so much it seemed to make it worse after awhile.
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Re: Need Help. Sinus pain and drainage.

Musinex works great in speeding up recovery. Works the best when you first start getting sick.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,258
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Need Help. Sinus pain and drainage.

Agree with others. But need to ask:

1. Have you had this less than 2 weeks:? If so, may be a wonking big head cold. Treat it symptomatically by going to your pharmacy and speaking with the pharmacist, asking which OTC medications would be best for you.

2. OTOH, if this has been going on for a month or is long standing, you need to see your primary care physician, then possibly ask for a referral to an ENT.

End of subject. Easy as pie.

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Re: Need Help. Sinus pain and drainage.

The ""chills"" suggest a cold or flu.

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Need Help. Sinus pain and drainage.

On 12/29/2014 Desertdi said:

The "chills" suggest a cold or flu.

A classic sign of a bacterial infection is intermittent chills and fever. Can indeed be sinus infection--in fact, that is the symptom that tells me I have to go to the doctor because a bug has set in. The bacteria throw off a waste product called "pyrogen" which literally means "fever-maker." This is what causes the chills and fever.

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Re: Need Help. Sinus pain and drainage.

On 12/28/2014 kcladyz said:

Musinex works great in speeding up recovery. Works the best when you first start getting sick.

Mucinex helps me a lot, too and has less side effects for me than decongestants. I did check it out with my doctor first. Hot baths help. This has been a really bad fall and early winter for allergies where I live.

I also wanted to add that we have a flu epidemic here where I live. Headache, fever, chills, sinus, coughing. We know a lot of people who have had it. My mother ended up with a bad earache so her doctor did give her an antibiotic. Some decongestants give me rapid heart beat so I don't use them often and when I do I have to use only the ones my doctors say are safe. Good luck and drink lots of water!!

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,628
Registered: ‎06-22-2010

Re: Need Help. Sinus pain and drainage.

Neti pot with saline! The salt kills bacteria etc..I got mine at Whole Foods but you can find them everywhere now. The saline nasal spray is good too!

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
-- Mae West
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Posts: 6,628
Registered: ‎06-22-2010

Re: Need Help. Sinus pain and drainage.

On 12/28/2014 Reba055 said:
On 12/26/2014 dooBdoo said:
On 12/26/2014 valleygirl22 said:MAYO CLINIC SAYS: IT'S FUNGUS! You need an antifungal, NOT an antibiotic. DO NOT get an antibiotic prescription, get a prescription for an antifungal. Start washing out your nostrils with a netti pot (use distilled water, NOT tap water).<br /> This is a quote from Doug Kaufman of "Know the Cause": "In 1999, The Mayo Clinic announced that 96% of chronic sinus infections were due to fungus. What physicians didn’t know then and most still don’t know today is that the antibiotics they continue to prescribe for chronic sinus infections aren’t working because the germs they are trying to kill aren’t bacteria! They’re fungus! But the blame goes to the bacteria, rather than the prescription writer. Today, doctors continue to write antibiotic prescriptions for chronic sinusitis! We are led to believe that these bacteria are tricky little buggers and that they are outsmarting our strongest antibiotics. WRONG! Worse, if the germs being treated with antibiotics are fungal or yeast, the antibiotics serve to fuel the fungus. An acute fungal pneumonia, for example, treated with antibiotics might assure chronic pneumonia, because they are using the wrong drugs. Stronger and stronger antibiotics are used hoping to save the pneumonia patients life, when for many I believe that a round or two of antifungals would have sufficed."<br /> <br />

With all due respect, this is old, inaccurate information. The report, "Role of Fungi in Allergic Fungal Sinusitis and Chronic Rhinosinusitis hinosinnsitis," in the May 2000 Mayo Clinic Proceedings discounted the studies and it appears so far none of the follow-up studies have supported the original claims that fungal infection is a major cause. If there are some (I did a cursory search, might have missed something), I'd be happy to read them. I mean no offense to you, but Kaufmann's not a good source for updated, solid medical information -- he's known more for promoting his products and services than for doing careful research or verifying his claims. However, as I said earlier, it is accurate that antibiotics are not appropriate for some sinus infections and are dangerously overused.

Current, updated Mayo Clinic information on causes, treatments, etc.:

Acute sinusitis... link:

Chronic sinusitis: (duration at least eight weeks, despite treatment attempts)... link:

This might be old news and debunked but I had a chronic sinus infection for probably two years and saw two different allergist. The only thing that finally cleared it up was after taking a steroid and another antibiotic, was taking a probiotic for several months then eating yogurt everyday. Steroids can cause your blood sugar to rise and we all know what taking antibiotics do as far as yeast. My stomach got so messed up! We are learning more and more everyday about the gut and it's connection to staying healthy. I'm sure after multiple rounds of antibiotics and steroids I had bacterial overgrowth. Only after I got that fixed did my chronic sinus infection go away. Just a sidenote to those with chronic issues. I did suspect fungus too, it was almost like my smell was off and it just smelled that way-sorry, gross. I also backed off the Neti pot some. They had me flushing so much it seemed to make it worse after awhile.

I agree, the Neti pot goes right to the source!

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
-- Mae West