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Re: My thyroid experiment

[ Edited ]

Looks like with that formula of the product from Amazon is trying to treat with the Iodine. If you are low on iodine it may work.

I was going to try Thyro-Gold from Natural Thyroid Solutions but never have.

I have been taking thyroid meds for around 30 yrs. I'm now taking Acella NP Thyroid. The only one I have been able to lose weight on.

When your thyroid is out of whack enough you will know. All you will want to do is sleep. I could barley make it working 4 hrs a day back when I was diagnosed & worked part time. When I got off I went home & went to bed instead of swimming as I normally did. I did good just to get the laundry washed.

Last time Armour reformulated my TSH went up over 60. I was having problems walking, had muscle spasms in my stomach & all over my legs/ankles & sleeping all day. Went grocery shopping & did not think I was going to make it to checkout, load my car & unload when I got home. Felt like my legs were going to give out.

Thyroid is nothing to mess with. If you don't want to take prescription drugs for it I would see a Naturopath. Sometimes you can get it straight in the beginning with alternative methods. I don't know what those are just found that out years after I had mine.

If you go the prescription route I would ask for the natural dessicated form. Like Armour, Erfa, Acella etc. Check out Stop The Thyroid Madness dot you know what. So far from the NDT I have tried I like the Acella NP Thyroid the best. It's also cheaper. My Ins stopped paying for it since it's not FDA approved which means absolutely nothing IMO. I started paying out of pocket because I'm not switching to the synthetic. I paid $93.38 for a 6 month supply with a Good Rx coupon I got online. $15 per month is not bad. When Ins covered it I paid $20 for 90 days.

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     I've heard horrible things about herbal stuff that comes from unknown sources and is unregulated and sometimes has no "herbs" in it.   Good luck with that.  I'll stick with my board certified endocrinologist and my levothyroxine....which has no down side.  I expect to live a long healthy life so I don't play games with my body.

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@LilacTree wrote:

@hoosieroriginal wrote:

Last October I went to the dr my thyroid reading was super low and she contemplated putting me on meds.  So I found an herbal thyroid support on Amazon that had great reviews.  Some people even lost weight and said in general they felt much better.  Dr. had also changed my at the same time I started thyroid herbs.  I started getting a metal taste on the end of my tongue and thought it was the thyroid herbs and stopped taking it.  It was the new BP meds I found out later and she switched me back to my old BP meds.  Anyway, starting to take thyroid herbal meds again.  I have a dr appt in July and want to see if it makes any difference on my thyroid readings.  If it improves them, I'll keep taking it, if not, I'll toss them.  I really don't want to go on synthroid - hear horrible things about it.


I have been on Synthroid since my 50s (almost 30 years) and have taken it religiously every morning ever since.  I have never had a problem with the med or recurring thyroid symptoms.


I have many autoimmune diseases, including RA, so I have many health issues.  But my thyroid numbers have always stayed the same.  That is the last med I would ever consider stopping.


I am interested in the horrible things you have heard though, if you care to post them.

@LilacTree - Both of my sisters were on Synthroid and they could never get the right dose - always back and forth to the dr.   Many people I've known still were lethartic, couldn't sleep, hair falling out - even on Synthroid.  My dr wouldn't even recommend Synthroid for me even with a low reading - I'm tired of gaining weight and having no energy. 

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

@hoosieroriginal Since doctors go by your TSH do you mind me asking what yours was?

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The pill that is prescribed byn endo or internist is a replacement for the hormone that the body is MISSING. Itis nota medicine to make


I take armour Thyroid, which is a thyroid hormone replacement derived from the thyroid gland of pigs. Synthroid (Levoxyne) is a synthetic chemically produced thyroid hormone repalcement. Some people do better on natural replacement, as I do and some do better on synthetic replacement.


There are no supplements that I know of that are replacements for the body's naturally produced thyroid hormone, and I have done a lot of research. If your thyroid hormone number is low, you will not feel well unless/until a medical professional treats you with the appropriate replacement.


With that said, unless the thyroid gland is completely removed, the amount of thyroid hormone in the body CAN change over time, and needs to be assessed regularly.


It is potetially dangerous and nonproductive to think any supplement or OTC can "solve" the complicated issues of thyroid disease.

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Registered: ‎03-25-2012

@hoosieroriginal wrote:

@LilacTree wrote:

@hoosieroriginal wrote:

Last October I went to the dr my thyroid reading was super low and she contemplated putting me on meds.  So I found an herbal thyroid support on Amazon that had great reviews.  Some people even lost weight and said in general they felt much better.  Dr. had also changed my at the same time I started thyroid herbs.  I started getting a metal taste on the end of my tongue and thought it was the thyroid herbs and stopped taking it.  It was the new BP meds I found out later and she switched me back to my old BP meds.  Anyway, starting to take thyroid herbal meds again.  I have a dr appt in July and want to see if it makes any difference on my thyroid readings.  If it improves them, I'll keep taking it, if not, I'll toss them.  I really don't want to go on synthroid - hear horrible things about it.


I have been on Synthroid since my 50s (almost 30 years) and have taken it religiously every morning ever since.  I have never had a problem with the med or recurring thyroid symptoms.


I have many autoimmune diseases, including RA, so I have many health issues.  But my thyroid numbers have always stayed the same.  That is the last med I would ever consider stopping.


I am interested in the horrible things you have heard though, if you care to post them.

@LilacTree - Both of my sisters were on Synthroid and they could never get the right dose - always back and forth to the dr.   Many people I've known still were lethartic, couldn't sleep, hair falling out - even on Synthroid.  My dr wouldn't even recommend Synthroid for me even with a low reading - I'm tired of gaining weight and having no energy. 


Whenever I hear "can't sleep," it makes me wonder if they are taking it either at night or with no regular schedule.  It is very important to take it regularly, and first thing in the morning. 


I gained weight during menopause and I think the hypothyroidism and perhaps the Synthroid were equally responsible.  However, once menopause was over, I lost the 20 lbs. I had gained.  Right now I weigh less than I weighed in high school.  I have lost a lot of my very full head of hair, but I have attributed most of that to aging and prednisone for RA.


I also suffer from exhaustion, but I have at least five autoimmune diseases which all cause these symptoms, so I never know what disease is causing what symptom. 


As I indicated, my numbers rarely change and I am tested often because of all of my ailments.  I do consider myself lucky that my thyroid problems, at least, seem to be well controlled.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986