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My thyroid cancer saved my life! Trust your instincts!!!

[ Edited ]

I've been debating about posting this, since I'm not really good at following things I post, LOL.  But I thought the message was much too important not to share.  It's a 20 year long story and I will condense it as much as possible.


I was diagnosed about 10 years ago with Hashimoto's Autoimmune Thyroid Disease.  It took me 8 years to get a doctor to listen to me, I was given a wrong diagnosis, treated for a thyroid condition I didn't have, and then finally got the proper diagnosis.  


Some people have Hashimoto's and have very few symptoms.  And, for some of us, it turns our lives upside down.  I've lost so many years of my life to this disease and it's flares, and medication adjustments, and body pain, etc.  Finally, last year, I convinced my endocrinologist to add Cytomel to my Synthroid hormone replacement.  Right after the last increase in December I started to feel truly well...emotionally and physically.  


But, I had some issues that were bothering me.  I had a lot of body pain and knew it wasn't fibromyalgia...even though several doctors tried to put me on medication for it.  In September of 2016, I had my annual physical and took a look at my results.  My serum calcium level was over 10.  If you are over the age of 30, it should NEVER be over 10.  I looked back at my previous years, and apparently it had been at this level since about 2013.  There were calcium oxylate crystals in my urine.  I had quite a few polyps removed during my colonoscopy a few months prior.  My blood pressure was an issue.  I had blood glucose issues.  I was falling apart at the age of 58 and thought there had to be a connection.


I did some research and realized that there was a good probabability that I had hyperparathyroidism....a benign parathyroid tumor.  (Not related to the thyroid gland, except that the parathyorid glands are usually located behind the thyroid.)  I started to question my doctors, and was told my numbers were in "normal range."  There is one thing that a thyroid patient learns very quickly....there is no such thing as "normal range."  One doctor even went so far as to tell me not to go looking for problems.


But, I was determined and made an appointment with a thyroid/parathyroid specialist at Johns Hopkins Hospital.   In the meantime, I had another appointment with my endocrinologist.  He asked me when I had had my last ultrasound.  DUHHH!!!  He had never sent me for one, and I had questioned him about that in the past.  I told him never, and we scheduled a routine ultrasound to check out the condition of my thyroid gland and look for any possible nodules.  


Fast forward two months, and several tests later, and I was diagnosed with a low grade papillary thyroid cancer.  The surgeon that my endo recommended was the exact same doctor with whom I had an upcoming appointment to discuss the possibility of a parathyroid adenoma.  I am convinced my angels have my back!


While parathyroid adenomas are almost always benign, they can wreak havoc on your health and can drastically shorten your life span. is a great website that gives all of the details.


My excellent surgeon LISTENED to me when I saw him for the first time and ran all of the tests.  We also scheduled surgery for a thyroidectomy.  My parathyorid tests were coming back inconclusive, but I finally was sent for a CT scan and what looked like a sizable parathyroid adenoma was seen.


I had my surgery almost two weeks ago.  The small thyroid cancer was found totally contained, lymph nodes and surrounding tissue were clear, and I most likely will not need a radioactive iodine treatment....I'll find out for sure on Friday.  BUT, a fairly large parathyroid adenoma was found!!!


Within 48 hours, my blood pressure meds were halved.  A lot of my body pain was drastically better.  And, because the tumor hadn't been there for more than a couple of years, my body should heal from any damage that it caused.


If I hadn't been already scheduled for the thyroid surgery, I think that surgery for that parathyroid adenoma may not have happened for a while, as sometimes it is hard to be positive that they exist....even with all of the proper testing.


So, if you know something isn't right in your body, continue to seek answers.  Don't just take the word of one, two, or even three doctors.  Do what your gut tells you to do.


Even though the parathyroid adenoma was benign, it would have continued to suck the life out of me....long before the small thyroid cancer would have done any real harm.


For any of you that are interested, the website that I used,, is a wealth of information on the condition.  And, it's very accurate as my surgeon followed their exact protocol.





"I've been here since October 2006. Wow!"
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Re: My thyroid cancer saved my life! Trust your instincts!!!

@onlyshopsonline wrote:

I've been debating about posting this, since I'm not really good at following things I post, LOL.  But I thought the message was much too important not to share.  It's a 20 year long story and I will condense it as much as possible.


I was diagnosed about 10 years ago with Hashimoto's Autoimmune Thyroid Disease.  It took me 8 years to get a doctor to listen to me, I was given a wrong diagnosis, treated for a thyroid condition I didn't have, and then finally got the proper diagnosis.  


Some people have Hashimoto's and have very few symptoms.  And, for some of us, it turns our lives upside down.  I've lost so many years of my life to this disease and it's flares, and medication adjustments, and body pain, etc.  Finally, last year, I convinced my endocrinologist to add Cytomel to my Synthroid hormone replacement.  Right after the last increase in December I started to feel truly well...emotionally and physically.  


But, I had some issues that were bothering me.  I had a lot of body pain and knew it wasn't fibromyalgia...even though several doctors tried to put me on medication for it.  In September of 2016, I had my annual physical and took a look at my results.  My serum calcium level was over 10.  If you are over the age of 30, it should NEVER be over 10.  I looked back at my previous years, and apparently it had been at this level since about 2013.  There were calcium oxylate crystals in my urine.  I had quite a few polyps removed during my colonoscopy a few months prior.  My blood pressure was an issue.  I had blood glucose issues.  I was falling apart at the age of 58 and thought there had to be a connection.


I did some research and realized that there was a good probabability that I had hyperparathyroidism....a benign parathyroid tumor.  (Not related to the thyroid gland, except that the parathyorid glands are usually located behind the thyroid.)  I started to question my doctors, and was told my numbers were in "normal range."  There is one thing that a thyroid patient learns very quickly....there is no such thing as "normal range."  One doctor even went so far as to tell me not to go looking for problems.


But, I was determined and made an appointment with a thyroid/parathyroid specialist at Johns Hopkins Hospital.   In the meantime, I had another appointment with my endocrinologist.  He asked me when I had had my last ultrasound.  DUHHH!!!  He had never sent me for one, and I had questioned him about that in the past.  I told him never, and we scheduled a routine ultrasound to check out the condition of my thyroid gland and look for any possible nodules.  


Fast forward two months, and several tests later, and I was diagnosed with a low grade papillary thyroid cancer.  The surgeon that my endo recommended was the exact same doctor with whom I had an upcoming appointment to discuss the possibility of a parathyroid adenoma.  I am convinced my angels have my back!


While parathyroid adenomas are almost always benign, they can wreak havoc on your health and can drastically shorten your life span. is a great website that gives all of the details.


My excellent surgeon LISTENED to me when I saw him for the first time and ran all of the tests.  We also scheduled surgery for a thyroidectomy.  My parathyorid tests were coming back inconclusive, but I finally was sent for a CT scan and what looked like a sizable parathyroid adenoma was seen.


I had my surgery almost two weeks ago.  The small thyroid cancer was found totally contained, lymph nodes and surrounding tissue were clear, and I most likely will not need a radioactive iodine treatment....I'll find out for sure on Friday.  BUT, a fairly large parathyroid adenoma was found!!!


Within 48 hours, my blood pressure meds were halved.  A lot of my body pain was drastically better.  And, because the tumor hadn't been there for more than a couple of years, my body should heal from any damage that it caused.


If I hadn't been already scheduled for the thyroid surgery, I think that surgery for that parathyroid adenoma may not have happened for a while, as sometimes it is hard to be positive that they exist....even with all of the proper testing.


So, if you know something isn't right in your body, continue to seek answers.  Don't just take the word of one, two, or even three doctors.  Do what your gut tells you to do.


Even though the parathyroid adenoma was benign, it would have continued to suck the life out of me....long before the small thyroid cancer would have done any real harm.


For any of you that are interested, the website that I used,, is a wealth of information on the condition.  And, it's very accurate as my surgeon followed their exact protocol.



@onlyshopsonline  Good for you that you continued to research your symptoms and not just listen to doctors.  I have diagnosed myself many times before I had a doctor's appointment, so I had some knowledge of what I thought was the issue, and I was right.  So good that you are better now, thanks to you, and finally a doctor who listened.




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Registered: ‎07-20-2011

Re: My thyroid cancer saved my life! Trust your instincts!!!

Hi. I went through what you have gone through and way more. NucleR test after nuclear tests, biopsies and more. They found four not three parathyroids that had to be removed at different times and luckily just a psrt of my thyroid removed. My calcium levels are still 10.8 to 11.2. I have a disease that causes this situation. Drink, drink, drink. Can't drink enough. At least 8-10 glasses of water a day. I have had 29 kidney stones along the way and I have 4 stones now. Luckily your calcium count is not very high so your body will adjust. Stay vigilant with your Endocrinologist appointments. Follow up. Thank god you know your body. That's a Happy Hugh plus. I'm so glad you are feeling better. If you ever have any more problems, there is a place in Florida that only takes care of patients with parathyroid problems, nothing else. Stay Well

Happiness is not a destination, it is a way of life.
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Re: My thyroid cancer saved my life! Trust your instincts!!!

@Coquille  I'm so sorry that you are dealing with such a nasty disease.  Stay strong!


I think you are referring to the Norman Parathyroid Center in Florida. They manage the site, that I mentioned in my post!  Their site was a wealth of very accurate information for me during my journey. I even purchased their app that allowed me to input my test results and other data, to determine my odds of having a parathyroid tumor.  It was spot on!


I think all of my doctors need to read the information on that website. 

"I've been here since October 2006. Wow!"
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Re: My thyroid cancer saved my life! Trust your instincts!!!

@onlyshopsonline, thank you for posting this. I am just SMH at your ordeal. 

I was horrified when diagnosed w Hashimoto's because of the issues my sister and mother had already been throught with their thyroid and parathyroid.


My mother complained to her Dr for literally 10 years, saying there was something wrong, something growing in her throat. Fortunately most thyroid cancers are of the slower growing variety but it was still the beginning of the end when they finally diagnosed her cancer.

Im so glad you were able to find a qualified Dr who listened to you and took you seriously.

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Re: My thyroid cancer saved my life! Trust your instincts!!!

Thanks very much for your post. A couple of years ago I looked into this problem for myself...always trying to play doctor and diagnose my own self. Ha! I read a great deal on the site you mentioned. Back then I think my Calcium was right at 10. Then subsequent tests were around 9.6 and such. Since my level was below ten, and I also got to feeling a tad bit better, I kinda forgot about it. I just now looked at my latest Calcium test from January and my level is 10.2. Hmmmm, I may need to keep my eye on this.


Thank you so much for your post, @onlyshopsonline. I think it is very valuable and I appreciate you taking the time to try and help others. God Bless!  

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Re: My thyroid cancer saved my life! Trust your instincts!!!

It is very thoughtful to share your experience!


So often, readers of this forum will quickly say that one should not self diagnose one's own medical issues. But wellness is not a passive endeavor. Trust your instincts and educate yourself and you will be a good partner with your doctors. 

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Re: My thyroid cancer saved my life! Trust your instincts!!!

Thank you for posting and congratulations on the positive outcome.    


I do distinguish between self-diagnosing a medical problem and researching symptoms.


Patients do doctors a favor by educating themselves in order to be a good partner in their treatment & overall health.



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Posts: 8,106
Registered: ‎03-17-2010

Re: My thyroid cancer saved my life! Trust your instincts!!!

I am SO happy for you to have researched and found (and pushed) to be seen and tested.  I agree that when you think something is going on above and beyond what the doctors tell you.... that you have to trust your instincts!!  

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: My thyroid cancer saved my life! Trust your instincts!!!

@onlyshopsonline, I do have a question if you have time. You said your calcium was above 10. Can you please tell me exactly what your levels were? How much above 10? And I assume you had your PTH levels measured. What were the results there? In reading your post you did mention your parathyroid tests were inconclusive so I am just wondering about all this. It sounds like ultimately the CT scan was what diagnosed your parathyroid problem. And, of course, your persistence in finding out what was wrong with you was paramount.


Thanks for any help!
