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@kivahWhile I do think your mattress could be a contributing factor, sciatica has many causes. I had scar tissue that pressed on my sciatic nerve; the pain down my leg grew unbearable. The cortisone injection relief last about 3 days on me.

Various stretching exercises given to me by a physical therapist helped some. Advil also helped reduce the inflamation.


I finally got relief when I had the scar tissue removed. I've been pretty much pain free for 20 years now, although I tend to stiffen up from task like vacuuming and cleaning.


If your sciatic doesn't lessen then I suggest you see a back doctor specialist; get an MRI if necessary.

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Re: My Sciatica

[ Edited ]

The orthopedic specialist recommended physical therapy but I could not afford it. I looked up sciatica online and did the exercises I found and wore very supportive shoes until it resolved. I read that it generally resolves on its own but faithfully stretched and it resolved in a few weeks. Good luck. Physical therapy, Epsom salts soaks, ibuprofen, and padded seats all help. 

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I had sciatica many years ago. I had gone to a doctor because of the intense pain shooting from my lower back through my hip and buttock and all the way down my leg. He prescribed some pain relievers that did nothing. I went for a follow-up because I was in so much pain I could only sit or lie down for about a minute at a time.

I visualized the pain as molten hot lava in my veins or a flaming hot poker stabbing my buttock and leg. The doctor gave me another prescription and I went straight to a pharmacy to get it filled. While I was waiting the pain became so excrutiating I fainted. Some people drove me home in their car with someone following in my car. It wouldn't be handled that way now but I'm just grateful my car and I got home. Anyway, the pain gradually got better over time and finally went away. It probably took about three months or so. 

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Since my mattress was turned around a few days ago --- the pain wasn't as bad last night as previously. I need another week to see if the pain goes away while I'm sleeping -- as I'm fine during the day. If not, I'll check out a new mattress, one that helps sciatica. My "real" name is also Sandra. Great name.

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Re: My Sciatica

[ Edited ]




Are you aware of the human physiology of what takes place when a person sleeps. Many do not, and understanding it is important, even crucial to those that have spinal and or major weight supporting joint issues.


Some of what many experience upon awakening is normal. Understanding it can make it easier to relate to these normal physical functions of when feet first hit the floor, oft times even before. 


While a mattress could be part of a sciatic issue, it more than likely, is not the primary source. I understand you have a "herniated disc", I asked in another post what you are doing actively to help this. If you replied, I must have missed your post that contains them, please tell me the post number.


I empathize with everyone that has, or has had, a sciatic pain issue, however also know that something other than passive concern without aggressive self effort, seldom removes the cause or issue. Humans are best to handle certain body part issues by doing things that can be exactly what protects them from these severe bouts that are so painful.





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Since this started a couple of weeks ago - I haven't done anything. Since my friend turned my mattress around a few days ago, it didn't releve my pain. In a couple of days, I'll head to the local mattress store to buy a "proper" mattress for me. I called the salesman/mgr, who I purchased several mattresses from in the past, and he said they have a machine that tells ur pressure points, etc. - so they'll know what mattress would work best.


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Thanks so much, His Elk!