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Re: My 92 year old mother fell and hit the back of her head on tile.

@sfnative  Wow, your post was eerie.  Not because of what you said but because this morning I was watching an old Perry Mason episode and I kid you not, they mentioned contrecoup.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: My 92 year old mother fell and hit the back of her head on tile.

@conlt  thank you so much for stopping by and giving us an update.


In my desire to pray for you and your mother, I lost my manners and failed to express my condolences for the loss of your aunt.  


Image result for sympathy at loss of aunt

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: My 92 year old mother fell and hit the back of her head on tile.





For your family at this difficult time. My deepest sympathies on the loss of your aunt. 


I hope your dear mother, Virginia continues to heal well and will adjust nicely to assisted living in time. She is richly blessed to have such a loving daughter. God comfort and strengthen you. 

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Re: My 92 year old mother fell and hit the back of her head on tile.

Lots of prayers for your mother while she heals.  Sorry to hear about the difficulty your family has been having.


One of my biggest fears is finding out that a family member has fallen as your mother had.  Thankfully you were there for her.

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Re: My 92 year old mother fell and hit the back of her head on tile.

Dear @conlt, I am praying for your mom's recovery, you and your family 

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Re: My 92 year old mother fell and hit the back of her head on tile.

@Bird mama wrote:

@sfnative  Wow, your post was eerie.  Not because of what you said but because this morning I was watching an old Perry Mason episode and I kid you not, they mentioned contrecoup.

@Bird mama


Hi birdmama!


Guess what?  I absolutely believe you and this is why.  (A bit long.)


When "Perry Mason" first aired, I begged to watch it.  I loved the problem solving, as I saw it being a kid.  Then in one episide Perry Mason mentioned "contrecoup" in the courtroom!  I listened very intently to his explanation, thinking it quite extraordinary.  You see, I had already started reading "Grey's Anatomy" and anything re medicine I could get my hands on.  A neighbor (we lived quite close to University of California San Francisco Medical Center/Hospital, etc.), who was doing a Fellowship in Diagnostic Cardiology, gave me all of his old New England Journals of Medicine.  I was in Heaven.


Then while in nursing school and assigned reading in our pathophysiology book brought us to neuro trauma, up came contrecoup again.  And yet again, when a few years later I had a patient suffering from its effects.  And now my dear friend Pat, with whom I can no longer email, as her contrecoup was not diagnosed in time for timely intervention.  Birdmama, frankly, I was talking to Pat on the phone, when she could still communicate and she was going on about her fall and frustration with the doctors not being able to "make me better," as she was forgetting things big time, like she couldn't recall if she had eating a meal or taken her dog for a walk, etc.  I asked if anyone had mentioned contrecoup as a possible result of her forward fall onto her forehead.  She didn't know what I was talking about.  I begged her to go to an E.R. and explain her deficits, etc.  Long story, she did have a contrecoup brain injury, 4 months prior to going back and asking if she could be evaluated for it.  Unfortunately, it was way too late, the damage was done and now she's really in never-never land.  So sad.


But- - - getting back to Perry Mason - - - that was one huge coincidence and I'm glad you were able to see that episode today!

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Re: My 92 year old mother fell and hit the back of her head on tile.



Dear Halo,


I am sorry for the loss of your aunt.  May she be at Peace.


Isn't it so scary when your parent is hurt?  My dad fell this spring and broke his right hip and wrist, he is 91 also.  He is back home with out  casts, and walking.  Hoping your Mom is as fortunate with her recovery.


Of course the police questions were troubling, I would freak out too. Please keep in mind that they are trying to watch out for those poor elderly people, who sometimes do suffer abuse.  It wasn't really specifically about you and your Mom.


Best wishes to your Mom, You, and your family.  


Blessings to you all.



"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Re: My 92 year old mother fell and hit the back of her head on tile.

[ Edited ]



I am praying for your Mom, and for you. I can understand the stress you are under. I am saddened for the passing of your Aunt. 



Valued Contributor
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Registered: ‎08-28-2018

Re: My 92 year old mother fell and hit the back of her head on tile.

Dear Halo117,


Prayers being said for your Mom Virginia's speedy recovery, and may God hold her and all of you in his healing hands and guide your footsteps.


Also condolences for the loss of your dear Aunt.


I know you must be reeling from all that ocurred and I also know how rough it is to when those we love have departed from this Earth, but  please remember where they are now is a joyous sacred place offering eternal everlasting life, with no more earthly pain and suffering, which also offers wonderful reunions with their departed loved ones, and friends.


If we all keep the hope and the faith, lead a good decent Earthly life and try to also help others, hopefully one day we shall all know the everlasting joy that awaits us above.

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Re: My 92 year old mother fell and hit the back of her head on tile.

That happened to my Mom. It finally came to her being only in a wheel chair, which ticked her off but it was safe for a while , my Mom got to a point that she wauld not listen and tried to get out the wheel chair and finally became bed bound. If is so sad, My prayers are with her and all of your family its very stressful for all.I know first hand.  Heart