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Hi Everyone, I've read and heard about Melatonin for years now, but I've never tried it for my own sleep issues. In recent years I've started having trouble falling asleep--and some nights--staying asleep. I think part of this is due to being possibly peri-meno, part aging, and somewhat do to the addition of one med in the past few years. I've tried magnesium drinks (like Natural Calm), and a few other things. And I've tried to really "clean up" my bedtime habits by limiting screen time prior to bed, limiting night time snacking, etc. I've read that some people have had very vivid and scary nightmares after starting melatonin, and of course this is worrisome to me. I have had some issues with "night terror" -type wake-ups and I don't want to exacerbate this issue (this primarily happens when I need to take my allergy meds). All that being said, on the scale of 1-10 of sleep issues, with 10 being a complete insomniac most nights and 1 being sleeping like a baby, I would say my sleep issues are like a 5-6. So nothing absolutely terrible, and thankfully not every night. However, I would LOVE to improve my sleep situation. Any advice on adding melatonin? What mg should I start with? Anything else more experienced users think I should be aware of??? TIASmiley Happy
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Registered: ‎03-20-2014

Re: Melatonin Help/Information.

I would not take it if you have night terrors fairly regulary. It can cause very vivid dreams and/or nightmares if you have night terrors it will make them worse. My daughter found this out the hard way. IT was so bad she had trouble sleeping for days after.

I don't have night terrors but I had a very vivid nightmare with melatonin. I was afraid to take it for over a year after but my sleep problems won out. I take Andrew Lessman's nighttime. I don't have the vivid dream problems with his blend. I sleep wonderful. I tried a low dose melatonin alone when I ran out (3mg I belive) and I had very vivid dream again (thankfully not nightmares!) so I just stick with nighttime. My daughter can take the nighttime too without problem.

Andrew is on this weekend so his items have free shipping on his site and on hsn, if you're interested in trying it. its $15.90 for 60 pills

Have you tried valerian root? Its also very relaxing and can help you to fall asleep. Magnesium is also helpful but you've tried that.

Honestly I would try the nighttime. I cannot say enough good stuff about it. I've had sleep problems almost my whole life. I don't take the night time every night but a couple times a week and I have almost normal sleep habits now. Its made such a difference in my life

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Registered: ‎03-20-2014

Re: Melatonin Help/Information.

sorry, I wasn't very clear...the andrew Lessman night time does have melatonin in it just 1.5mg

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Re: Melatonin Help/Information.

Emma-Thank you so much for your reply & for sharing your experience. I am not someone in jumps into any supplement lightly. In fact, years ago I used to take many more supplements . And now I only take D3 and the occasional probiotic when I feel I need it. That's why I love hearing everyone's REAL experience using anything. I will look into the AL one--thanks again.Smiley Happy
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Re: Melatonin Help/Information.

i use melatonin, 3mg, once or twice a week. i have some trouble falling asleep rather than staying asleep. it works well for me. i take it about an hour prior to when i want to be asleep. i actually "feel" myself getting tired and yawning after i take it. i dont seem to have any side effects from it other than it can leave your mouth a little dry, but i always go to sleep with a bottle of water next to me.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Melatonin Help/Information.

I take calms forte on occasion, which is a homeopathic sleep aid. It works extremely well for me when I can't sleep or my mind is racing too much to sleep. I've tried melatonin many times, but when I take it I have very vivid dreams (I wouldn't say they are nightmares, but intense and I wake up stressed). It's happened almost every one of the maybe dozen times I've tried it over the years so I don't think that it is a coincidence. In fact, I just took it last week before tossing the bottle which is why I clicked on this thread. I woke up around 4am wide awake after having what I'd call absolutely insane, intense, bizarre dreams. So it just doesn't work for me personally. Try calms forte, I really think that it might be a better start for you. I'm super sensitive to all medications but I do take many vitamins.
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Posts: 1
Registered: ‎01-17-2015

Re: Melatonin Help/Information.

I currently take melatonin. I found that the dissolve tabs work better than the pill. I only take the 3mg tablets. It has been a life saver for me. Before melatonin, I was only getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night if I was lucky. Now I sleep all night. For me it works best if I take the dissolve tab about 5-10 minutes before I lay down.

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Posts: 3,861
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Melatonin Help/Information.

Sunshine, CAshopper, & Becca--Thank you ALL.Smiley Happy CA shopper--I worry about those dreams I keep hearing about. I wish my iPad would let me use the scared face emoji!
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Posts: 958
Registered: ‎02-06-2014

Re: Melatonin Help/Information.

i use melatonin and it works for me.

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Posts: 17,605
Registered: ‎06-27-2010

Re: Melatonin Help/Information.

I'll add what I posted on the other melatonin thread.

I hope everyone checks with their physician or pharmacist about any meds/supplements/herbs.

Melatonin is a hormone,

can interfere with other medications, and can have adverse side-effects.

Here's just some info about it: "...Melatonin is likely safe for most people when taken for a short-term, studies show.

However melatonin may cause side effects including headache, daytime sleepiness, short-lived depression symptoms, stomach cramps, dizziness and irritability...

...may interfere with some cancer treatments, according to the American Cancer Society...

...may increase the strength of the immune system, which can cause problems for people with severe allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, lymphoma and other conditions linked to overactive immune systems, according to the American Cancer Society. People with immune system disorders should speak with a doctor before taking melatonin supplements as melatonin may weaken the effectiveness of immunosuppressants.

Melatonin may slow blood clotting, so taking melatonin alongside medications that also slow blood clotting can lead to excessive bruising or bleeding. Melatonin may also produce this side effect if taken with herbs that slow blood clotting such as angelica, clove, danshen, garlic, ginger, ginkgo, Panax ginseng, red clover and willow...

...Several drugs and treatments may interact with melatonin...

...Melatonin may increase blood sugar, therefore decreasing the effectiveness of diabetes medications to lower blood sugar. Melatonin may also constrict blood vessels, which could be dangerous for people with high blood pressure or heart disease..."

(Many sources online, this one matches what my pharmacist has said, and is from the in-depth article at

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