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Lingering cough.................

So hubby had that awful cough with upper respiratory ailment before Christmas. Took the usual Mucinex, decongestant, Rx cough med and Z pac. He was getting better and 10 days ago the cough came back. Went back to the over the counter meds but that cough is just so deep. He is just not a patient-patient. So I said well I think we are going to have to resort to some "folk medicine"

We made a Hot Toddy--2 oz warm water with 1 tsp honey, 1-2 tsp lemon juice, a little cinnamon and 1 1/2 oz whiskey. This morning he said " I don't know if its just my imagination but I am 99% better. Slept all night and no cough." Has had a little cough late this evening. Maybe this bug has just run it's course but my dad always gave us a spoon of "whiskey and honey." Remember when OTC cough med had alcohol? In fact we called it GI-gin.

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Re: Lingering cough.................

If he's had a cough for a month, he needs to see a doctor. It could be a symptom of something very serious.

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Re: Lingering cough.................

Call a doctor and make an appt. asap!

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Lingering cough.................

Time for an appointment. The two ladies who sit in the offices in my hallway went on Friday. I went to both of them on Thursday and said to them it's been since 12/22 and they both sound just as bad today as they sounded on 12/22.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Lingering cough.................

When we were kids my parents gave us the same recipe,always did the trick!
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Re: Lingering cough.................

Same horrible cough thing has been going around here, and it seems to last a long time.

I started right before Christmas. GP prescribed an antibiotic, though it's probably viral, not bacterial. (I have other health issues) Got better, then started again last week. Different antibiotic, nasal spray and antitussive. If it's not gone after 10 days, chest x-ray.

I've been dosing with the hot tea, lemon and a spoonful of brandy. Not a cure, but very pleasant. I'm convinced a dose of Elixir Terpin Hydrate would do the trick. Hasn't been sold in decades. Burned going down, and probably didn't cure, but lessened the yucky cough.

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Re: Lingering cough.................

Lol! I think our grandmothers were on to something!!

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
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Re: Lingering cough.................

I hope he gets well soon. Some upper respiratory infections can settle into the lower lobes of the lungs...that may require more then one round of antibiotics. I have a family member that has multiple medical issues. Because of the multiple dr. appts....I/we always act with any type of treatment.....what results should I expect? What sign/symptoms should I act on (i.e. schedule another dr. apt). It takes the guess work out of it.

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Re: Lingering cough.................

I agree w/ everyone by returning to the doctor to be safe.

In the meantime, keep his torso elevated @ night...that makes a huge difference! Yes, he said he slept better, but his perception of 'normal' might be off. Getting more/ better sleep will make him stronger, thus able to fight off this crazy upper respiratory stuff going around everywhere this year (Yep, it got me, too!). Good luck.

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Re: Lingering cough.................

Just my opinion as a registered nurse: Those symptoms definitely warrant a chest x-ray at this point. Put a hold on the 'folk remedies' and get the to the doctor.