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I'm having a problem getting the Medicare Summary sent to me.  I requested paper and for some reason I have not gotten anything for 2024.  I have had doctor visits during this time.  Today I called for the 3rd time and they said the previous requests were sent out.  I do have a locked mailbox and I have received all my other mail except this.  My husband died last year and a month ago I got a payment that was made on his account.  My address is correct, my name is spelled right.  Has anyone else had this problem? I've been getting paper for years until 2024 started. 

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Re: Medicare Summary

[ Edited ]

First, please let me say that I am so sorry about your husband. 


I haven't had the same issue.  Possibly you can get what you need online.  I think statements would be available there if you sign up on Medicare on line.

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I am signed up online.  There are time when I lose my internet so can't use the computer.  I just don't know why they stopped for this year.  

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Medicare summary notices are only sent out quarterly.


You should be receiving them if you have had a claim.  Often, if you have supplemental insurance, the claim will automatically be sent to the secondary company and the summary is not needed.


The EOB from the secondary co will tell you how Medicare processed your claim.


If you have an Advantage Medicare Plan, you would get an EOB monthly if you have a claims.....the same for RX drugs.


I would keep calling your insurance co or if you can, check your claims online.


I am sorry this is happening to you.  By law, they must be sent out.



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I get paper statements.  I've only gotten one this year which covers from February 9 thru May 10.  

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@kismet Sorry for your frustration.


  I was involved w/a Medicare fraud & didn't find out until I received the summary from my supplement, so when I called them & asked why they paid it they said if Medicare pays, we pay.  I then called Medicare & it's been kind of a nightmare so it's really good that you are checking on this.  

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I receive quarterly statements.  Fortunately I've not had any activity this year.

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I check my account on line several times a month, it takes some doctors very long to bill. 

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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Yesterday I got my payments that my secondary insurance paid.  So they can get them out and Medicare can't.  After talking to Medicare again I signed up for informed delivery through the usps.  So far I can see what was delivered today.  I've seen the doctor 4 times this year and received nothing.  My last appointment was April, the first in February.  If I can see what's delivered to my mailbox maybe that will tell the story.  Medicare says it's the post office and I told them I doubt it.  I did not get the first one that should have been sent out, then the second and third.  They assured me it will be sent out and should receive it in 15 days.  I asked if I don't get it again where do I go to talk to someone that would take care of it.  They said to just keep calling.  Medicare has been good and my husband had a large bill being in ICU for a week and then comfort care.  We do the same thing, go over the name, go over the address and it's all correct via the phone and on the computer.  Maybe I should request registered mail but that won't happen.  

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@kismet  Just today I received my dads Medicare summary statement in the mail from February thru May. He passed away in April so I imagine this may be the last one as there were no more charges on it. I also can no longer view them online as Medicare deactivates accounts when the recipient passes. Makes perfect sense that they do that. Hopefully you will receive yours soon.