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@SeaMaiden wrote:

@Lali1 wrote:

If you are that concerned stay away from people or better yet stay home. Realizing I can't control anyone but myself I stay home. You can get delivery on about anything these days. I never liked people invading my personal space anyway. 

That is no different than telling  people  who do not smoke to stay home....let the smokers go out shop... and smoke..... and have freedom.... seems unfair to me.

It's a lot different! Breathing and smoking are much much different. You keep comparing people not wearing masks to smoking as if everyone who isn't wearing a mask has the virus and will spread it. If you see someone not wearing a mask back away from them leave the store etc. There is no way to force everyone to wear a mask because some people are so afraid. 

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@SeaMaiden wrote:

@rms1954 wrote:

Well if you're wearing a mask you are protected from "droplets."  

@rms1954   Actually you are not protected because you wear a are protecting OTHERS by wearing a mask....

If you want to believe that, OK.  Actually no one really knows.  They've gone from telling us one thing to another.  I choose not to believe any of it.  I haven't worn a mask and I refuse.  If a store wants to turn me away, go ahead.  Hasn't happened yet.  

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@rms1954 wrote:

@SeaMaiden wrote:

@rms1954 wrote:

Well if you're wearing a mask you are protected from "droplets."  

@rms1954   Actually you are not protected because you wear a are protecting OTHERS by wearing a mask....

If you want to believe that, OK.  Actually no one really knows.  They've gone from telling us one thing to another.  I choose not to believe any of it.  I haven't worn a mask and I refuse.  If a store wants to turn me away, go ahead.  Hasn't happened yet.  

@rms1954  Nice.

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How I wish cigarette smoking was not allowed and  considered cool back in the day.  Watching someone die slowly from lung cancer as my dad died in 65' has never left me.  Losing my best friend and seeing her trying to breathe in the hospital, a direct result of her smoking has haunted me many times.  They are but two people out of so many others, family and friends.  Thank you. hckynut, for your part in pushing for the ban on indoor smoking, you fought the fight and I know how difficult it is to fight those type situations.


As far as mandatory masks I would be fine with that but whoever takes up that fight will find much resistance as well as cooperation.  People just don't sacrifice any more, they want complete and total freedom to do what they want, when they want.  Even if the government pushed it, how do you enforce it.  I don't hide behind the flag, religion or the freedom word to justify my beliefs.  I have common sense, intelligence and understand what is asked of me.  I am a non conformist to an extent but I am also not foolish and reckless.  I wear a mask and if others choose not to and take the risk, they have only themselves to blame if they get the virus or pass it on.  That isn't freedom in my book.

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@SeaMaiden wrote:

  Just like we require no one to smoke in public places...   I should not have to breath in smoke from YOUR cigarette....


We should require everyone wear a mask in public places....    I should not have to breath in your  droplets in the air.....  and possibly get infected by you.....


 It is something that needs to be made law until this virus is contained


I KNOW SOME PEOPLE WILL CLAIM MEDICAL ISSUES FOR NOT COMPLYING... but the majority of people could comply.


And I am mostly talking about stores....crowds....etc....not like  making you wear a mask walking your dog around the block. All stores should make people  comply to come inside to shop like Costco does. 



I agree and I think its sad that so many REFUSE to do it. But stores in my area are not requiring it at all. And most people I have seen, are not wearing a mask at all. When I have gone in anywhere, the majority of people are not wearing a mask. And some of them give me weird looks. Like they don't know why I am wearing one. 

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Part of the role of government (yes, in our "free society") is to protect the public health.

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I was at Dollar Tree today & the lady in front of me began to gasp for air & had to pull her mask down to catch her breath or risk passing out...this is happening more & more in my area as it's getting hotter outside & inside. I have problems wearing a face mask too so  threw all of them away & switched to a face shield, I really like it but only wear it in stores.

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@Spiderwomen, I to have lost many fom smoking,  they just did not think it woluld happen to them,i feel.Woman Sad

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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@SeaMaiden wrote:

@NicksmomESQ wrote:

  Though I certainly understand your point ,that would never fly in a free society.Establishments can require it as a condition of entry.But I doubt a blanket law like that could be enforced in general.


@NicksmomESQ     how come it worked for cigarettes? That is a blanket law to save lives no different than complying to wear a mask to save lives

@SeaMaiden No cigarettes were easy to reinforce.  You can see a smoke cloud from a long way off.