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@I am still oxox  I would go to an attorney with the medical records and ask for a legal opinion.  I know there has to be significant damages, like the person died or will never walk again--something like that.

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thank you 

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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We handle med mal at work.  Generally we assemble the records, hire an expert physician, which is a huge expense and the client has to pay it regardless of the expert's decision, and all the records are sent out to the hired expert.  She/he then reviews them and makes a determination as to whether malpractice was committed.

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@I am still oxox wrote:

Has any one been involved in sueing a medical professional and with out sharing too many intimate details how did it turn out.


PS this is not fishing I am on a fact finding missing 



@I am still oxox

Yes, I sued a doctor and his pathologist.  We went to trial, and I received a settlement.  Do you have any specific questions or areas of concern?

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I was involved in 2 malpractice cases, once as an expert witness and once as a jury member.


My client was awarded a huge settlement, and the jury on which I participated found rightly for the medical practitioner.


Malpractice cases are never a happy or positive experience, but they can provide fair treatment for people who have suffered terribly.

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In nursing school they always told us that you have to prove permanent damage plus either neglect or incompetence. I would assume you can speak to an attorney and if he feels it is a winnable case he will take it.

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My BIL was involved with one.  He lived in NYC and hired a well known lawyer who specialized in malpractice.  The case went on, seemingly forever.  Expert witnesses are not cheap and you pay them whether or not you win your case.  He lost the case but a few years later all the judge's cases were thrown out. 


Back to square one and a new lawyer, this time he won his case but for a fraction of the amount of the original case.  It was least 6 years from the surgery to final verdict.


@I am still oxox

You need a lawyer to review the case. Good luck.