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My echocardigram found out that I have.a leaky heart valve, anyone have any experience with this? Many thanks

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Years ago, my doctor thought I had a heart problem and sent me to the heart center for evaluation.  Turned out to be a thyroid problem, but one of the tests they ran before my bloodwork came back was an echocardiogram.  The heart doctor mentioned I had leaky valves but that it was normal as we aged.  

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Seems more common as we age.  The test should have given some results for your doctor to go over.  I have a friend who has a minor one and is going on with life without any issues.

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my mom has had a leaky heart valve since she was much younger. she will be 83 and it really hasnt been a major issue for her. she does see her heart doctor twice a year. she does have high blood pressure that is controlled by medication.

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@I am still oxox - I had a leaky mitral valve replaced about 10 years ago, still going strong!! All went well. Replaced it with a bovine (tissue) valve, not mechanical. 💗💗💗

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@Still Raining  What test, you message is rather confusing


@Still Raining wrote:

Seems more common as we age.  The test should have given some results for your doctor to go over.  I have a friend who has a minor one and is going on with life without any issues.


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@Snooky60 wrote:

@I am still oxox - I had a leaky mitral valve replaced about 10 years ago, still going strong!! All went well. Replaced it with a bovine (tissue) valve, not mechanical. 💗💗💗

@Snooky60 Me too! I'm on some meds (beta blockers, calcium blockers) but my doctor doesn't think I need the valve replacement surgery. 

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I have a leaky heart valve and it was diagnosed about 10 years ago.  I'm 70 and have an annual echocardiogram.  Dr says it shouldn't ever be an issue for me, but the echo does tell them if anything changes.  No meds needed for this. 

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@I am still oxox  How are you feeling? 

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Re: Leaky heart Valve

[ Edited ]

I have "MVP" too.  Short for "mitral valve prolapse.  I was diagnosed with it in my 40's.  The Doctor just hear's "clicks" when he listens to my heart with the scope.


I have had no problems and live with it. The only side effect I have once inawhile is if I get up too fast I can get a bit dizzy. 


It is very common in women.  One out of 10?  Most of the time nothing needs to be done I hope.  


Ps. when I have my annual physical I ask if "the click" is still there.  He says  "yep".