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Registered: ‎07-14-2010

Re: Ketamine infusion for pain

I sure hope you can find something that helps.  Chronic pain is absolutely zero fun. Sending you many hugs and well wishes!   

@GoneButNotForgotten wrote:

@AFWIFE wrote:

It was a very bizarre and uncomfortable mental feeling coming to after.  It was very psychedelic.  While I completely appreciated the physical comfort level it provided the mental aspect was quite uncomfortable and somewhat scary.  


You've described it exactly--very nasty and uncomfortable. And unfortunately for me, it didn't touch the pain.


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Registered: ‎07-14-2010

Re: Ketamine infusion for pain

@juanitalinda wrote:

@AFWIFE   OMG ... I had the same experience with my broken femur.  The ketamine killed the pain, but the images and thoughts were terrifying.  Definitely unpleasant.    


I would say I never want to experience that terror again, but .... the pain was excrutiating, so I guess it was worth it.  





Oh yuck on the broken femur.  I could not have ever imagined the pain associated with that.  It has not been fun whatsoever.  I hope you are well on your way to being recovered if not already there! If ever needed again, I would say give me the Ketamine!  LOL.  Now that I know what to expect and I would definently want my husband there with me again. 

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Registered: ‎07-14-2010

Re: Ketamine infusion for pain

@Pink123 wrote:



@AFWIFE  The same thing happened to me in 2021 in the ER.  They started me with morphine already in the ambulance and then in the ER continued with it.


Then awaiting transport to the hospital for emergency surgery,

he gave me a "ketamine" shot.  OMG - I hated it.  My head was spinning, I felt so weird.  It was an out of control out of this world feeling.


I told him right away no more ketamine and he continued with the morphine.  He said "OK".  Some people like it and some don't.  


I guess if you like mushroom's and seeing things or the psychedelic feeling this (LSD like) this is the drug for you.  


Awful. I thought I was going crazy on top of the pain.


But I'm sure in a doctor's office it's a much less potent source in some way.  Watered down if you will.


No way was I going home or driving.  I was going to the hospital.

I am so sorry you had the same crazy experience.  I decided I would not be a good drug user afer receiving it, lol.  I felt completely out of control of everything.  I can remember, as I was coming to, hearing the medical professionals speaking and I was trying to respond but couldn't.  The walls were swaying in and out and turning all different directions and colors. I remember lots of trees and animals.  I knew something bad had happened but could not figure out what it was.  

It was just so very confusing and bizarre! 

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Re: Ketamine infusion for pain

@AFWIFE wrote:

@Pink123 wrote:



@AFWIFE  The same thing happened to me in 2021 in the ER.  They started me with morphine already in the ambulance and then in the ER continued with it.


Then awaiting transport to the hospital for emergency surgery,

he gave me a "ketamine" shot.  OMG - I hated it.  My head was spinning, I felt so weird.  It was an out of control out of this world feeling.


I told him right away no more ketamine and he continued with the morphine.  He said "OK".  Some people like it and some don't.  


I guess if you like mushroom's and seeing things or the psychedelic feeling this (LSD like) this is the drug for you.  


Awful. I thought I was going crazy on top of the pain.


But I'm sure in a doctor's office it's a much less potent source in some way.  Watered down if you will.


No way was I going home or driving.  I was going to the hospital.

I am so sorry you had the same crazy experience.  I decided I would not be a good drug user afer receiving it, lol.  I felt completely out of control of everything.  I can remember, as I was coming to, hearing the medical professionals speaking and I was trying to respond but couldn't.  The walls were swaying in and out and turning all different directions and colors. I remember lots of trees and animals.  I knew something bad had happened but could not figure out what it was.  

It was just so very confusing and bizarre! 

@AFWIFE  EXACTLY!  I said no more - please back to morphine until I get to the hospital.  He did.  It gives me the creeps just thinking about it.

Regular Contributor
Posts: 195
Registered: ‎07-14-2010

Re: Ketamine infusion for pain

@Pink123 wrote:

@AFWIFE wrote:

@Pink123 wrote:



@AFWIFE  The same thing happened to me in 2021 in the ER.  They started me with morphine already in the ambulance and then in the ER continued with it.


Then awaiting transport to the hospital for emergency surgery,

he gave me a "ketamine" shot.  OMG - I hated it.  My head was spinning, I felt so weird.  It was an out of control out of this world feeling.


I told him right away no more ketamine and he continued with the morphine.  He said "OK".  Some people like it and some don't.  


I guess if you like mushroom's and seeing things or the psychedelic feeling this (LSD like) this is the drug for you.  


Awful. I thought I was going crazy on top of the pain.


But I'm sure in a doctor's office it's a much less potent source in some way.  Watered down if you will.


No way was I going home or driving.  I was going to the hospital.

I am so sorry you had the same crazy experience.  I decided I would not be a good drug user afer receiving it, lol.  I felt completely out of control of everything.  I can remember, as I was coming to, hearing the medical professionals speaking and I was trying to respond but couldn't.  The walls were swaying in and out and turning all different directions and colors. I remember lots of trees and animals.  I knew something bad had happened but could not figure out what it was.  

It was just so very confusing and bizarre! 

@AFWIFE  EXACTLY!  I said no more - please back to morphine until I get to the hospital.  He did.  It gives me the creeps just thinking about it.

I think I have determined I would agree to have it again if it was needed.  Now that I know what can happen I think my mind would be better at ease.  However, I certainly hope I am never in a situation which requires it!!!!  I know I was on additional heavy meds as well which maybe contributed also.  

But, yes, here's to NEVER needing it again! 

Posts: 22
Registered: ‎06-21-2015

Re: Ketamine infusion for pain

It works amazingly for PTSD patients. For pain control it blocks certain pain receptors which communicate with the brain. It is also a dissociative medication which can cause hallucinations in some people which is why it is frequently given with a tranquilizer.  In the last few years I gave anesthesia prior to retiring last year, I gained much respect for ketamine and what it can do. 

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Registered: ‎03-29-2020

Re: Ketamine infusion for pain

  While I completely appreciated the physical comfort level it provided the mental aspect was quite uncomfortable and somewhat scary.  



that's what I experienced and it was rather frightening. And it didn't help the pain.