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Went to gym to do was too bust. Ugh. ETA: not bust,, canine. Thanks.
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Too bust!!? Maybe I should rethink joining a gym. Could always use a bit more of that on my end. Sorry. Couldn't resist.

Doing the fast chi on this end, thinking about tae-bo yet tonight. Or the barre. The latter would generate less sweat. Nothing wrong with perspiring, but at the moment it's -22 out. As it evaporates I get a chill I find highly unenjoyable. Never thought I'd find myself wishing for 0 degrees~

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Morning! Day started off rough, was thinking I wouldn't be working out at all but Lucy made me get out there. Then I thought we'd power-walk but I started running with her to get some of her energy out and we did 3 miles at a pretty fast clip. Came home, did some weights and she wouldn't leave me alone, it had stopped raining, sleeting and snowing so back out we went! That girl is a!!!

Yesterday I had a good work-out here...kickboxing, jump-rope, compound moves and weights.

It's -22* out where I'm from too canine! Terrible week ahead for many!!

Stay warm everyone!!

p.s. nomless, I don't know what I really want it for...that's the!!{#emotions_dlg.laugh} They couldn't cancel it because it's being sent from the company so I guess I'll find out soon enough!

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Patty, I'm sure you'll like it. You might want a full size one, too, like I do, but you'll find plenty of used for the mini. I know you're a reader, and it'll be great for reading. I've gotten to liking reading on the tablet better than reading a book because it's easier to hold.

Here, today, it's 0 with -30 wind chill. Sun is out, it's not too bad really. Tomorrow will be more normal, up to 25.

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Hey all, it was minus 11 when I got up and it's 1 above right now with strong winds. I filled my bird feeders though and have lots of birds. Logan is just romping around eating snow and barking at squirrels...

Today I did my treadmill running for 40 minutes. I put a towel over the console so I wouldn't be able to see my speed or distance and just went for 40 the end I pulled the key out and never peeked...God's honest truth! I felt more relaxed doing it that way too.

Any way we might be out of the frigid weather by the weekend..I still need to get groceries tomorrow if the car starts....

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Hi, all. I'm pooped. It's Monday and I'm tired. Smiley Sad But, I'll make it. Just have to get back in the swing of things. Wind chill was -10 below when I left this am. Too cold for this girl. Supposed to get tot he 40's tmrw -- whooohoo!! We'll, tomorrow starts "my week", so I've been eating everything except my arm attached to my body today. It's like I literally have no control over it. I guess I'll just let it be today and then crack down tomorrow. I think the damage is done. Lol! I've got weights and maybe a little cardio tonight. I need to get to bed early. Allergies still bothering everyone around here. Everyone stay safe and warm tonight!! Adios!
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Didn't get that workout in. I blame the layers. Leggings, sweatpants, thermal henley, thermal lined sweat jacket WITH sherpa slippers over heavy socks. I did have the ever hopeful sport bra on under all that too, ha. Inside gear, other than braving that open door for the very short potty breaks for the puppers.

It did get a couple degrees warmer than it was supposed to. AND my motivational thought for the day - the days are getting longer. Just a few minutes, but I'll take it.

My classes are cancelled for tomorrow for which I'm thankful. Puppies and new adoptees don't need to be out in this. No call for Weds. I'll worry about that when I get to it. Temps that are normal are supposed to arrive later in the week, can't wait.

I'll chime in, everyone stay warm. This krap is going east for a quick snap. Just as serious, maybe more, when things will ice over and you're dealing with a huge temperature drop. Stay safe!

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I had a 5PM appointment with my trainer. I literally went out in a BLIZZARD to get there.

The wind from Lake Erie was so bad, I fell down and was blown down the street!

When I got there, only about 5 hardy souls were there...and the Monday after NYE is usually the busiest day of the year!

Driving home the visibility was so bad I totally missed my driveway.

I think it will be a DVD for tomorrow!

And LOTS of snow shoveling!!!!

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Hi Everyone, It was -10 degrees when I left for work Saturday morning but hit 48 on Sunday! Then it rained all night, washed away the snow and stayed 40. Anyway, the weekend was busy but not awful- I really enjoyed my whole assignment. No workout today- emergency babysitting for a friend. Oh well! It sounds like everyone is getting back at it- very motivating.Thank you! Good Tuesday to ya!
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Morning everyone! Been up since 4:30 again...ugh. Wish I could break that habit.

terrier, your work-out was getting to your! I remember going to the gym on blizzard days, one time there were only 2 of us in the gym and the staff said they knew exactly which 2 would be there.

FUTURE, it's my week too and mine are getting rough. I see a doc on the 22nd...I mean I hear of people that have 4 fibroids and they can't deal with the pain, bloating, weight gain, heavy bleeding, cramping, etc..I have over 50. I didn't think I was going to be able to leave the house yesterday!

nomless, that's what all my gf's tell me. They are reminding met that I didn't want a new phone either and now I wouldn't be without it.

tony, that's nice you're helping a friend out! Your work-out will always be there, relationships are much more valuable/important. Especially if it isn't a common occurrence.

bopper, stay warm today while out shopping! I might run out in a bit too. I can't keep up with fresh fruits and veggies.

canine, at first I read you couldn't work-out because of the I have to go out for potty-breaks too. I can't wait until we have a 'yard' again or being able to go out without getting dressed at o'dark thirty. Lucy is still shaking from this morning!

Not sure what I'm doing today. Going to try and get back on my M-W-F class routine so think I'll wait until tomorrow to go to that. Might do a quick run outside and an Insanity tape. The washer has stopped, guess that's my cue to sign off.Wink

Waving to everyone!

p.s. We have friends coming to stay with us next weekend and I think I am going to take her to my new gym. She's a runner so I bet she'll like it.