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Aero Pilates Equipment Question ~

Hi ~ Does anyone have the high end Pilates from here at the Q?

I had a mid range one several years ago, and never replaced it after our fire. So, I am wondering if the "deluxe" model is worth the extra money?

I have a nice treadmill, but after falling last year, I am having difficulty with my knee and ankle/foot on the treadmill. I would like to get back to Pilates, but with all the new models, I don't know which one to choose.

If you have one, did you purchase it here, or elsewhere? Thank You for any replies.

If you want to change the tenor of your interactions, you must become aware of the impact of your words...Karen Casey
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Re: Aero Pilates Equipment Question ~

If you're talking about this one, then yes, I have it- F184880

Stamina AeroPilates Pro XP 556

It is sturdy and is about the size of a coffin. You need a designated space to practice pilates as you won't be moving this anytime soon.

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Re: Aero Pilates Equipment Question ~

Yes, I know it is big. I had one before. I laugh about the wheels on it, like you could move it around the house? Wondering how much better this one is than the STAMINA line? That's the one I used to have. I notice this one has a larger/sturdier looking leg frame, and some oak parts. Nobody will be on it but me, so don't know if the several extra 100's is a must.

If you want to change the tenor of your interactions, you must become aware of the impact of your words...Karen Casey
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Re: Aero Pilates Equipment Question ~

I have just the 3 cord model and I love, love it. For me, it is the mix of Pilates and rebounding. I am small so for me the "higher end" models weren't of interest. My understanding is the price goes up according to the style (wider bed, wider rebounder, more weight capacity, etc.). I didn't want or need these things. My machine gets quite a workout and gives me an incredible workout...the rebounder kicks serious butt, lol. I can swap out the cords at some point (red is the highest resistance). This is by far my favorite workout that I do. Sometimes if I am strapped for time, I just rebound, using the rebound only DVD. And its so easy on the knees, since you have that issue.

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Re: Aero Pilates Equipment Question ~

Thank You! I am looking at the STAMINA model. It's $300 cheaper than the model pictured on this thread (thanks to lolakimono). It has the 4 bands of resistance, and is on a stand. Although it is not as sturdy looking as the Pro one, I think it will do well for me. The Stamina looks like the one I used to have.

Thank you ladies!

If you want to change the tenor of your interactions, you must become aware of the impact of your words...Karen Casey
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Re: Aero Pilates Equipment Question ~

I purchased an Aero Pilates machine from the Q at least 15 years ago and I still use it today! I had a regular Pilates machine before that. I LOVE it!
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Re: Aero Pilates Equipment Question ~

I bought mine about 8 years ago. I have the 4 corded machine with the risers. I like the 4 cords, interchangeable because I use a different amount of cords for each exercise. Also, I like the riser because I do not have to crawl on the floor.

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Registered: ‎05-14-2010

Re: Aero Pilates Equipment Question ~

I have seen the best price for the 3 cord machine that I have on woot. s/h $5. No tax.