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Re: Is there such a thing as iron poor blood in your 70's?


-Solar Smiley Happy

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Re: Is there such a thing as iron poor blood in your 70's?

See your doctor.  Your fatigue might be due to anemia.  It might something else but it isn't because you are 70.  That's not old.  My Afib was diagnosed when I complained to my PCP that I was always tired.  I'm in my 60s and I assumed my fatigue was due to my obesity. I was sure of it.  It was Afib which came as a complete shock because I had no other symptoms.  I'm so happy I didn't just ignore the fatigue.  











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Re: Is there such a thing as iron poor blood in your 70's?

@qualitygal.  Taking iron when you don't need it can affect heart function.  Don't take it without being tested.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Is there such a thing as iron poor blood in your 70's?

The things you can learn on here!! Experience speaks loudly.  Thanks all.

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Re: Is there such a thing as iron poor blood in your 70's?

[ Edited ]

An elderly friend just finished her 2nd week of dialysis.  There are 6 other people over 80 receiving dialysis on the days she receives treatment.  In talking with those patients, my friend believes their kidney failure is due to diabetes, as well as different medications they have been on for years.  My friend was known to try every vitamin and supplement advertised, never giving a single thought to her body having to process all of that thru her liver and kidneys.  She's paying for it now.

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Re: Is there such a thing as iron poor blood in your 70's?

@RedTop wrote:

An elderly friend just finished her 2nd week of dialysis.  There are 6 other people over 80 receiving dialysis on the days she receives treatment.  In talking with those patients, my friend believes their kidney failure is due to diabetes, as well as different medications they have been on for years.  My friend was known to try every vitamin and supplement advertised, never giving a single thought to her body having to process all of that thru her liver and kidneys.  She's paying for it now.

I've only ever used Ibprofen and now some Tylenol.  Just not needed anything else and I'm so thankful for that.

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Re: Is there such a thing as iron poor blood in your 70's?

[ Edited ]

Aging brains can have a tendency to accumulate iron and when it gets to a certain amount, symptoms of dementia start to follow. 


Hemochromatosis patients are at risk for iron deposits in the brain. Some speculate it might be a precursor to Alzheimer's. People who take too much iron supplements can also be a risk.


If you have anemia for one reason or another, iron can still deposit in the brain and in fact iron deposits in the brain might even be a symptom of certain types of anemia. 

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Posts: 15,725
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Is there such a thing as iron poor blood in your 70's?

 Yesterday I went in to Urgent Care  for some ear issues and swollen glands that have been making me feel pretty cruddy---made an appt with my primary but can't see her for another 10 days--was feeling too bad to wait---so the PA I saw ordered labs to check the regular stuff---and found out, I am low in iron too. I am nearing 70 and am always fatigued and tired and just can't get my groove back--just saw that movie--Woman Wink So altho my ears are fine and my nodes aren't awful, I have anemia--will discuss this with my dr. ---It's been years since I had the whole battery of blood work done----my oncolgoist would run labs once a year,  pertaining mostly for my prevous breast cancer until I was cleared a couple years ago. Hopefully an easy fix.