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Pernicious anemia--anyone deal with this?

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My DD may have this condition----she has been going thru years  and years of feeling downright awful. she does have a ton of medical issues and had been to over  15 drs for  the various things and all have completely dropped the ball, all suggest this or that and prescribed drugs, most of which make her feel even worse and actually tell her they have no idea what is going on-- or how to help fix it---most recent is metformin---for pre diabetes---and all the side effects metformin has-- her picture is  next to each one,.  But this new primary dr actually listens to her and ordered blood work to include a test  for B12--and found out she is very low----so low that she is starting shots today--one a month--- been reading up on it and the small intestine can't absorb B12 from the food she eats. There is a decrease in red blood cells when you can't absorb enough b12.  The shots bypass the small  intestine and gets into the system faster. So maybe........?????

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Re: Pernicious anemia--anyone deal with this?

@wagirl Metformin causes low levels of B12.  

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Re: Pernicious anemia--anyone deal with this?

@wagirl  Her doctor should order an intrinsic factor test (although a negative test can't rule out PA). She should be on shots weekly (at a minimum).  You can't OD on B12. My hematologist did my shots at first then I got tired of going there, so he prescribed it and I self inject.  The shots help tremendously with the fatigue. I hope she feels better!


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Re: Pernicious anemia--anyone deal with this?

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My B12 dropped to basement level lows from blood loss with my first knee replacement surgery.  I needed shots twice a month for 2 months, then monthly for 4-6 months.  I take B12 orally twice a week to maintain my levels.  


Hoping there is an easy fix to her issues!  

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Re: Pernicious anemia--anyone deal with this?

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@wagirl    I'm so sorry your daughter has went through this for so long.  Being chronically ill takes such a toll on your body, both physically and least for me it has.


Ive had pernicious anemia my whole life.  In my case it's related to autoimmune disease and digestive problems.  I take a b12 shot at home once a week.  They're 1000mcg.  I can't hardly stand to give them to myself, so sometimes I have my mom to do it.


The dr told me you can't ever get too much b12 in your system.  Any excess  you don't need will just pass through urine.  She also told me that b12 in pill form never gets in your system and really doesn't work to increase your levels.


I think she may start feeling a little better, but it does take some time for them to really take effect.  I hope they checked her potassium levels too.  I know that really makes a big difference in the way I feel too, as mine is always low.  I have to take potassium in powder form or it doesn't get absorbed correctly either.


Please let us know how she's doing and hopefully the rest of her blood tests will come back okay.  I'll say a prayer for her and keep her in my thoughts.  ❤️❤️❤️

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Re: Pernicious anemia--anyone deal with this?

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My experience with pernicious anemia comes from my hematology specialty as a medical technologist. I know what it looks like in the lab, I did the tests to confirm it and that's what I reported to the doctors treating the patients with it.

I'm a retired hematology and chemistry specialist/med technologist.


Pernicious anemia is a rare autoimmune disorder with a prevalence of only 0.1% of the general population.

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Re: Pernicious anemia--anyone deal with this?

@SandGirl You might want to read this thread about the cause of fatigue. In fact, I see my PCP in two weeks, and I plan to ask him to test my B12 level. I would love to have a treatment for the cause instead of trying to manage the effect of my fatigue.

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Re: Pernicious anemia--anyone deal with this?

@wagirl - How frustrating for your daughter to have suffered so long with this! I hope she starts feeling better soon. I’ve had 3 family members treated by their primary care physician for different conditions but at some point went to very good hospitals and saw a specialist in their field. All 3 were given different advice and treatment that helped immensely. Just an option to keep in mind.
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Re: Pernicious anemia--anyone deal with this?

husband dealt with this the 8-9 years on blood thinner which were cause of his many colon bleeds    he went on the vitamin b-12 regimen 1 shot 4 consecutive weeks and 1 per month after and he still is on it     i was on it several years because of blood loss from my many upper stomach surgeries



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Re: Pernicious anemia--anyone deal with this?

@Mj12 --yes--all you suggested has been done already--she set up her 2 more weekly shots than will probably inject herself at home--shes done that before.