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Inpingement At The Shoulders

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I am seeing a Physical Therapist for this. If you have had this, how long did you stay in therapy and is it something you ever get over?  For about a year or so I have not been able to sleep on my one side.  The other side started  hurting, too.  I sleep in a chair much of the time but, once in a while, it's nice to be able to sleep in my bed!


I loved the massage I received last time (which was only my second time there) but all the exercises for this seem pretty simple and it seems to me I would only have to go a very few times to learn to do this at home.  If you have this, I would appreciate knowing if the physical therapy helped you and does the pain really ever go away?  Basically.... I'm just wondering how many times you went for the therapy before they released you and did it help? The shot and medicine the orthopedic doctor gave me really aren't working that well for me.

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Re: Inpingement At The Shoulders

I had a frozen shoulder--is that an impingment? It was horrible--tried all the things you went thru and finally had surgery--dr originally thought it was a tear in whatever is in there, but once he got in there, he found no damage and scraped the thing clean--was really a painful surgery, went to p/t , did my p/t homework diligently and got back about 95% --but it took a solid 9 months to get there. that was 2008 I think--have no pain now.

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Re: Inpingement At The Shoulders

My sister uses a heating pad for shoulders like this one.



She also uses Thermacare:


ThermaCare® Muscle Pain Relief


And uses Lidocaine patches on her shoulders.


She takes pain medication, as well.  




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Re: Inpingement At The Shoulders

@jubilant   That must be a terrible feeling for you, so sorry.


I can't tell you personally how long you will be there but ask the therapist and they can answer how many sessions.  Usually it's how ever long your insurance will pay for it, seriously, sad but true.


I also learned that yes, they will teach you the exercises and you will go home to do their home program.  Problem is most people do not follow the home program and never get better.   Most of the exercises are simple and you think, this isn't doing anything, you will be surprised as to how much better you will get in weeks and months to come if you do follow their guidelines.    


Please don't discount what they tell you, you will get better, just takes time.

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Re: Inpingement At The Shoulders

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@jubilant   Sorry you are going through is painful.  I can't remember how long I had physical therapy, but I remember walking my fingers up the wall exercise with tears.  It is not easy to face therapy that is even more painful than the condition....but it is necessary, keep going/don't give up.  Remember also that your thoughts are your powerful...stay positive knowing that you can overcome.  Treat yourself to walks in nature, eat well, get lots of sleep, and incorporate stress relieving technique...most of all never doubt that you won't get better.


I just mentioned a couple of films on another post that might inspire you on this is about mountain climbers who test their abilities beyond endurance and over come...Meru, Free Solo, The Summit.  You might find them on Netflix, Amazon Prime, or You Tube.  You will be inspired and might help with the challenges you are facing.


I'm wishing you the very best of health....all things change and you can influence the outcome....keep up the good work! You will be in my thoughts for good health/healing.

Posts: 33
Registered: ‎12-05-2011

Re: Inpingement At The Shoulders

I feel for you as this was extremely painful for me. I got my injury from over exerting myself on certain machines at the gym, and using too much weight.

I could barely lift my left arm to drive my car, the pain was so bad. I went to physical therapy twice a week for 6 weeks, and did the exercises that I could at home, along with icing it at night and using a heating pad. I didn't think going to therapy would ever help me to regain my range of motion, but it did. I am 2 years out from it, and I still have to be careful. Just recently I did something to it while I was sleeping, and it's bothering me again.


The bottom line is, at least from my perspective, I would go to the physical therapy because they really know what they are doing. Be very careful with your arm during this time as you're trying to heal it. I know I won't ever be 100% in that arm, and I'm always aware of that, and super careful with everything I do. My trainers at the gym know this, and make modifications for me.


I wish you luck in your healing journey, and I will keep you in my thoughts! 

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Re: Inpingement At The Shoulders

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@wagirl  I also had frozen shoulder....H-O-R-R-i_B-L-E !...Didnt have surgery after tests showed I didnt have tear etc and just did physical therapy at office and then at home..It took about 6-7 months before it went away..but terrible pain

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Re: Inpingement At The Shoulders

@wagirl  @Foxxee  @Just Bling  @phoenixbrd  @rlanali  @89135 


Thanks every one for your comments and encouragement. It is most helpful.    

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Posts: 29,127
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Inpingement At The Shoulders

My DH had this a few years ago, he wentf or PT a few times, then decided he can do what they are doing at home, and quit PT. It got better after that on its own. 

Posts: 32
Registered: ‎11-26-2017

Re: Inpingement At The Shoulders

I had frozen shoulder and PT did nothing.  I invested in an ultra sound wand I purchased online from Canada.  I used it faithfully 3 times a day for a good month.  It did the trick!  Best investment ever.