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Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

I think it becomes a habit. It's easy to do, jump in the car and go. It's much harder, to keep the kitchen stocked with staples and shop for meals and have it on hand. Some people take one day and cook for the whole month. That's an idea but sometimes I enjoy making fresh food.

I find that it helps to plan about 4 days in advance for myself and DH. I buy fresh meats and then some frozen ones, like chicken breasts, etc. I found that buying those individually wrapped boneless chicken breasts, are a great time saver for me and such a nice thing to have in the freezer. I always have a few bags of those in the freezer. I can throw a meal together with those and a vegetable and some rice in 20 minutes.

I also use those for chicken Caesar salad. I have those bagged lettuce mixes in fridge usually and use that, grill my chicken breasts, cut them in strips, add some croutons and dressing, put it all together and that's a fast meal that's nutritious.

My feeling is that anything I make at home is better for us than what we get in a restaurant. I feel like the ones we usually go to are relatively clean and I do like going about once a week, but you never know what they are using to season or prepare their food with and usually it's things like butter, sauces etc. I am very careful to use a little less salt, lo calorie things, even lo calorie barbeque sauce.

About once a week I will buy some fresh fish fillets-- usually grouper or tilapia, and broil that and slice some red potatoes and toss those up with some onions and peppers and grill those on top of the stove. Nutritious and fast.

Things like that, are quick. I also keep lean hamburger patties in freezer bags (I make them myself) and take 2 out at a time, when we want one and then add some frozen organic fries and cut up some broccoli or steam some green beans and that's a meal idea.

But sometimes I get bored, or lazy and don't want to cook or don't feel like it, if my arthritis is bothering me a lot and we will just go out. I do think that it can pack on the pounds quickly if you go out a lot. You don't have control over things they cook your food in, and it makes a difference after a long period of time.

We go out about once a week now, and about every 2 or 3 weeks we will order pizza but that is really about as much as we eat out now or don't cook.

I have a friend and she does not cook-- at all, she won't cook anything in the kitchen. She jokes and says her kitchen is for looks only. I don't even know if she's ever used her stove or knows how to. So she and her DH go out to eat every single night!

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Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

We go out 1 night a week. My husband has a midweek day off and we go for early bird/happy hour specials. (Or use coupons emailed) I BBQ year round, now that its warming up elsewhere its the perfect time to start. Makes clean up easy. Serve with salad and rice. I am listening to Dave Ramsey also and rather save $$. Also, you can pick up some tasty entrees to heat at Costco and TJ, I keep those on hand for days I cant cook.
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Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

We eat out quite a big. Partly because it is easy and we can sit and talk and look across the table and relax before the food comes out. Partly because we have great local, local chain and even chain restaurants where I have no problem eating there or thinking they are awful. The people are nice too.

Want to eat home more? Get a crock pot, and sit at the table to eat if you don't already. It seems more like a restaurant that way and you can talk easily.

Use the dishwasher even if you have a small load.

Clean out your cabinets and make plates and flatware and glassware easy to get to and have a place for everything so it is easy to unload the dishwasher.

Clean out the vegetable bin in the fridge everyweekend. Use up what is there. Doing this makes you think about what you have and what you really use!

Learn to make a stir fry if you like them!

Appliances like the electric pressure cooker and rice cooker are great for us because we can set them, go change clothes and maybe start something in the washer without having to watch a pot on the stove.

Find a place that sells those roasted chickens cheap and make use of them for main dishes, soups, casseroles and sandwiches.

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Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

We don't go out to eat a great deal as I'm too picky. I like my food prepared without a lot of oils/butters/sauces. Even when I say to cook my fish with lemon and seasonings only, it comes out with lots of oil on it.

We eat at a few select seafood restaurants, Jason's deli for the salad bar and PF Changs where I can get steamed veggies and shrimp or chicken.

DH will eat out anywhere. He is not picky.

I'd rather make a lot of my food at home as I know how I prepare it.

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

Vacations are our opportunities to indulge and splurge. When we vacation, we only eat out for one meal per day. We always have breakfast and lunch options available in our hotel room, so our evening meal is generally the one we eat out. Since my husband and I are not fond of eating out, it is easy to resist when we are home. The only time we do eat out is when my husband has an appointment at the VA that involves fasting for labs, and then we will indulge at IHOP, which is not available in our hometown. I think the easiest way to handle this would be to make an effort to start cutting back, and look at the excursion as a treat; not as a convenience.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

Watch Bar Rescue and you won't eat out anymore. What dirty kitchens in bars so I know that there must be lots of dirty kitchens in restaurants.

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Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

On 4/21/2014 Skylands said:
On 4/20/2014 gazelle77 said: Gosh, I worked in the restaurant industry for years and the filth and gross things that go on in the kitchen and to the food you eat would turn your stomach if you only knew. I will not eat out knowing what I know! I have not eaten out for at least 20 years...I love eating healthy food I make at home, and save lots of money!

ITA!!! Unless U R eating at a 5 star restaurant, most restaurants R filthey!!!! I don't care if they are rated by city as 90% clean, forget it!!! It's much healthier to make your own food.

Please don't condemn an entire industry. There are many hard working dedicated professionals that are trained in food safety and care about their food and customers.

To say that "most restaurants R (are) filthey (filthy)" is a broad statement. How many restaurant kitchens have you visited?

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Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

We rarely eat out, when our children were little I only took them to kid friendly places. Our budget was tight and hubby and I could only go out on our own for a grownup meal on special occasions. We never got into the habit of going out to eat, fortunately!

I dislike restaurants for many reasons, mainly the waiting around to get the food, then waiting to get the bill, and crying or loud children. I think there should be a "family friendly" section of most restaurants so those of us who don't have children can enjoy a good diner in peace. I didn't take my children to nice restaurants until they were old enough to behave. I'm much more comfortable eating at home.

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Registered: ‎08-23-2010

Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

On the other hand, sometimes you just need a break and there's nothing better than someone else bringing you the food while you relax in an air conditioned restaurant and enjoy a nice beverage in peace.

Don't give it up altogether.

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Registered: ‎03-27-2010

Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

I don't enjoy the food when I eat out. My husband does not want to eat out, so it is an easy decision for us. I really like what I make and have gotten to the point where restaurant food is just not tasty. I take food with me to work, which means I have to plan for this in the am and sometimes this is a challenge.