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Re: I got a call back from mammogram

@lavendar  & others:  Just received an email that my biopsies were beneign. I still have an appointment with my PCP this afternoon, but I don't have to return to Radiology for another year and my annual mammogram. They will pay close attention to the markers which were inserted in the left quadrant of my left breast next year. I feel very safe after the procedure.

Blessings on your procedure and keeping you in my thoughts. Please try to continue with you life as always. Worrying doesn't help anyone or anything. Relax and enjoy! That's what life is all about, isn't it? It also makes the biopsy much easier if you are stress-free! Best wishes.

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Re: I got a call back from mammogram

[ Edited ]

@lavendar - Thanks to your original post, I will be going for my mammo tomorrow after neglecting my responsibilities to myself for almost 2 1/2 years.


I have been thinking of you since you first posted. Hoping everything comes out well for us both!


EDITED TO ADD- Had my mammo this morning. I was AMAZED how improved this procedure was over my last. Actually LESS discomfort during the actual test. Next to nothing, really.


NOBODY enjoys having their body parts messed with, but a minor nuisance compared to many of the alternatives. WOMEN SUPPORTING WOMEN!

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Re: I got a call back from mammogram

Good news. No cancer. Just a cyst. I wasn't afraid of dying. I am in a study for Sjogren's syndrome and would have had to drop out.


I'm going somewhere else next year. Test took about twenty minutes. I shouldn't have had to wait over two weeks. There are places that call you back right after mammogram.


Thanks to everyone for the encouragement.

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Re: I got a call back from mammogram

@lavendar   So happy you received positive news!🙂 yes, no one should have to wait that long over  getting back such results.  

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Re: I got a call back from mammogram

I also got a call back due to mammogram reading. I only had to wait 4 days for a second mammogram followed by an ultrasound. Everything was fine. I have since that there are places that immediately do the ultrasound if there is any question. I will definitely go there next time. No stress, no worries.
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Re: I got a call back from mammogram

The place I went to was known for calling you back while you were still there. But now that's only for morning appointments. I didn't know that; I had a 2p.m appointment.


Next year I'm going to a hospital a few miles from me. It's much more convenient and they call back quicker. Also they give you conscious sedation if you need a biopsy.

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Re: I got a call back from mammogram

I also encourage everyone to get mammograms. I had early detection noninvasive cancer removed with one time radiation. (I posted previously) I’m glad to hear yours were benign. I never expected to hear cancer. But early detection is the key. Thanks for posting and for reminding everyone.
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I got a call back from mammogram

I had a lumpectomy first then radiation
( we can’t edit post anymore?)