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Just put my husband in Hospice Care yesterday.  What an overwhelming feeling of mixed emotions.  I did not think it would hit me like this.  My heart feels like I let him down but may head tells me he is home and that is where he needed to be.  

What an awful feeling.  I hope I  can do him right.




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@Roscoe the Rascal      It's not always "the end of the road".    My mom was in and out of hospice for MANY years, depending on her health fluctuations.   


I do know that this is a difficult time for you, and I wish you the best.     di

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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@Roscoe the Rascal - I'm so sorry to hear that.  Moving my mom, my dad and then my husband to hospice care was extremely difficult for me emotionally. Even though I know we had done our best for them, I felt very sad over what I thought was "giving up" on them and I am not one who relinquishes control easily. 

But it is the right thing to you. It's just something you have to power through. It is very hard to reach the point where you know you've fought the good fight, but that this is they best way to go for them.


I will keep you and your husband in my thoughts. Take care.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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@Roscoe the Rascal 


I'm sorry you are having to deal with this situation with your husband.


Take care of yourself and be strong for your husband. 💖🙏🏻

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@gidgetgh wrote:

@Roscoe the Rascal - I'm so sorry to hear that.  Moving my mom, my dad and then my husband to hospice care was extremely difficult for me emotionally. Even though I know we had done our best for them, I felt very sad over what I thought was "giving up" on them and I am not one who relinquishes control easily. 

But it is the right thing to you. It's just something you have to power through. It is very hard to reach the point where you know you've fought the good fight, but that this is they best way to go for them.


I will keep you and your husband in my thoughts. Take care.

This is how I feel.  Thank you.

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@Roscoe the Rascal  When I put my mother in hospice care, I was so upset that i developed shingles. All in all, I knew I was doing the right thing, She had heart failure, and kept filling with fluid, she did not want to eat. I knew I did not want to put her through anymore hospitalizations and no CPR. I am a RN and I know what my professional knowledge is, but she is my mother, he is your husband. It is never an easy decision even though the decision is probably the best for that person. 

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When the time is right, hospice is the correct choice.


They will keep your husband comfortable, provide counseling and help the two of you get through this.


I have had two family members who needed hospice and it was definitely the right thing to do.


I will keep you and your husband in my prayers.  

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@Roscoe the Rascal 


Please don't be so hard on yourself because of this.💝. There's no way you'd be able to provide the kind of care he needs right now alone.  You're actually doing him a great kindness.💝🌸

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@Roscoe the Rascal My heart goes out to you during this life changing and very sad/difficult time. You, I'm sure are doing what is your instincts...and just be there with him. Prayers for you and your husband. I'm so sorry.

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@Roscoe the Rascal 

What a difficult and heart wrenching time for you, but as hard as this is there is something to be said for realizing you have done the best you can. That's all anyone can ask of you and that's all you can ask of yourself.