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Re: Hope I can ask this question

@SloopJohnB wrote:

@hckynut wrote:



My Urodynamics testing was done by a man that specialized in only doing those tests. Never asked his title when I found out that is the only thing he does. 


Had enough things done to this old body by many in the medical profession. I have found that just because they carry a certain title, does not mean they are the best at certain things they do.


Ever had a doctor put in an IV and then compare it to an ER nurse? Big difference, but what preceded the name meant little to me. 2 tries, then get me someone that knows what they are doing, and is good at it.




@hckynut  I akin that to going to the dentist.  You usually get a better cleaning done by the hygienist as opposed to the actual DDS.  Not only is that their forte, but unlike a dentist, they can focus on you and not have to rush to the next room, to fill a cavity, etc.  👩‍🔬😁

@SloopJohnB Dentists do cleanings?  Never in my entire life have I seen a dentist do an actual cleaning.  

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Re: Hope I can ask this question

@viva923  I've had the testing a few years ago.  It was uncomfortable but I don't recall the pain lasting that long.  Maybe call the office before the 13th to ask if the amount of pain you experienced is normal?  Wishing you good results.

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread
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Re: Hope I can ask this question

@Icegoddess. Yes, I have had the dentist do the cleaning.  Like I said, I prefer a hygienist as they do a better job and I don't have to worry about him hurrying it up to attend to a cracked crown or something in exam room # 2.  LOL

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread
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Re: Hope I can ask this question

Know nothing about the test, but my late father was a kind and dedicated surgeon who went the extra mile to treat low income and poor patients- often not charging them.

I do not put up with rudeness of any kind from medical professionals. I would call the office, ask for the office manager and tell her about your experience. I would also tell the manager that I wanted another doctor/nurse practitioner for my follow up.

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Re: Hope I can ask this question

@hckynut @SloopJohnB - of course I agree that a person's title doesn't mean they are the best at their job. However, working inside the medical profession for over 25 years I learned a lot, saw a lot.
I did the coding which required reading every word of the dictation for the visit or procedure. I did this not only for the doctors, including  specialists, but also many NPs.  Loved the NPs, but over the years began to see the scope of the drs experience and learning and education was huge and encompassing, sometimes making a difference in the care and outcome of a patient. Depends on what the problem is and if you have other comorbidities. 
We did have patients come to us, ob/gyn from general practice that didn't make it because the problem had not been recognized sooner. I think that issue is getting better. 
My daughter-in-law almost died giving birth to her first, my first grandson, before the family practice dr finally called in an OB dr who rushed her into surgery, running down the hallway shouting back to us who were waiting, not to worry, he's never lost a uterus yet,(from this condition, where it was not uncommon to need to do a hysterectomy)
She ended up being ok but guess what kind of dr she went to for her 2nd one. 
Like I said I learned a lot.  I'm not shy about recommending an OB to anyone who's pg!  I spent all those years seeing what can all go wrong at any time, you would be surprised. 

You were very wise to go to someone who "that's all he did"

As for a dentist cleaning your teeth, never heard of it!  Always went to a hygienist. 




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Re: Hope I can ask this question

@viva923 wrote:

Has anyone had a urodynamic testing. it was a super  painful test, I hurt for 3 days after test was completed.


I have not gotten the results yet, i believe i have to go back on July 13th (around that time frame) to see the doctor for results.


Just curious if anyone has had this test and what should I expect when I see the doctor or (I think I have to see a nurse practitioner for results (if she is the same one that gave the test UGH!!!, she was not friendly or nice in any shape or form--very cold personality)

I had a Urologist perform tests on my bladder years ago when I was first having problems with it.


I did have more discomfort the day of the testing but as I recall, it didn't cause additional days of discomfort.


Could it be that it aggravated something that's already irritated for you?


These tests are done to find out what's happening with your bladder, like how much urine you can hold, do you hold a normal amount, etc. 


You should be able to find out what's happening with your bladder when you get your test results.